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Travel agency helping with cancelled flights


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Has anyone had experience with their travel agency helping them find other flights? We have a flight on USAIRWAYS for the day before we cruise. We are flying through Philadelphia on 1/12 and we cruise on 1/13. We booked through Expedia and they have said they will help us find other flights if ours gets cancelled. I guess I am a little skeptical and wonder how much help they will be??!! I have not had experience with this situation that USAIR is going through now. We have had weather cancellations and delays as well as being rerouted but the primary airlines took care of it. I can't afford to book refundable tickets for the 7 of us going at this point so we will just have to take our chances. Next time I will book with the cruise line and eat the difference so I can sleep at night!

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I have done business with expedia before and found them to be very reliable since my flights were over seas flights. I think you did good planning on making the decision to leave a day early before your cruise. You could have done better when picking your choice of air carriers. Lets look at it this way, just maybe all the problems will be over once the holiday travel season clears up. Its hard for me to believe Expedia will cover you on this flight, did you take out the travel insurance? I usually don't take out the insurance but on my last booking to Europe I did. Thats not going to guarantee me a flight but it should reduce any financial hit if my air carrier goes under. By the way one of the best flights I ever had was a flight on US Air going from Phoenix to Frankfurt Germany two years ago. I would monitor this situation and hope all goes well. We all have learned lessons over the past few years. Good luck. Tim and Cathy.

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Hdawson & Dicker,

Your information has been what I call "down to earth and very informative"

You are correct, the orginal poster did not say if they had taken out the insurance and even if they had their air carrier had already filed for bankruptys protection. In my case the air carrier has not filed for bankrupy protection but has a questionable financial issue. I never get travel insurance but with my parents getting up in age and all the flight issues I keep hearing about I figured I was on extended time flying to Europe without any problems occuring. The other 1/2 of my flight will be with with Air France. There is a good chance I won't make the flight from CDG to MUC with a 55 minute window in Paris. I know that Air France will probably will just put us on the next flight out if we are late coming into CDG. I'm not sure if the insurance will cover hotel stays if we are stranded in Paris for one day. Any feed back will be appricated. My experience with Insurance Companies is they alway say your "covered", once there is a issue they seem to change there minds and your not covered after all? Tim and Cathy

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For the scenario you propose, most travel insurance will help you out under the travel delay provisions. Read the fine print in your policy to see how well they will cover you. Also, the airline should give you a voucher for hotel if you cannot make your connection, through no fault of your own. That said, 55 minutes is under the minimum time allowed for connections on International flights. If you booked off one of the large websites, they are frequently known to book "illegal" connections and the airline can refuse compensation for a delayed flight. The airline will usually try to make it right, especially the foreign carriers, but put on a smiley face and "make nice" if the worse case happens.




I'm glad you are having good luck with Travelocity. I will use them for air tickets on occasion, BUT absolutely NEVER again for a hotel reservation. They interface with Hotels.com, which is the worst in the world. Travelocity left us hanging in Hawaii, on Valentine's Day, 2003, with no hotel, no rental car, no inter-island plane. Told us to book whatever we could find and they would pay for it. They had NOTHING available. It was also President's week. NOTHING was available in Maui, EXCEPT the Ritz-Carlton. $475.00 per night, cheapest room. Travelocity called the Ritz-Carlton and booked us a room. A little out of my budget, but they would pick up the difference. The rental car was NON-existant. Had to taxi back and forth for tours, etc. Total expenses, over what I had already paid, was $2900.00. Imagine my surprise when I was handed a bill from the Ritz-Carlton for $1700 (3 nights). Called Travelocity, they transferred the blame to Hotels.com. Called them and they told me to call Travelocity. Thank goodness, I had just paid off the CC. It took over 5 months and a call from our attorney to get a refund. Never again.

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Has anyone had experience with their travel agency helping them find other flights? We have a flight on USAIRWAYS for the day before we cruise. We are flying through Philadelphia on 1/12 and we cruise on 1/13. We booked through Expedia and they have said they will help us find other flights if ours gets cancelled. I guess I am a little skeptical and wonder how much help they will be??!! I have not had experience with this situation that USAIR is going through now. We have had weather cancellations and delays as well as being rerouted but the primary airlines took care of it. I can't afford to book refundable tickets for the 7 of us going at this point so we will just have to take our chances. Next time I will book with the cruise line and eat the difference so I can sleep at night!

I booked this trip as a family celebration for my son and his girlfriend. My son is in the National Guard and has been in trainiing all over the country for the past 3 years they have been together. We were very concerned that he might not make the trip as we booked in June. So I took out the insurance in case we had to reaarange our travel plans. We are working around three job schedules and four school schedules which is why we picked the flights we did.

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Pastour5 (Linda)

I would guess you will make your flight considering it looks like US Air will not liqudate during January. At least that is what the experts were saying this morning. It would be a very good idea to know who US Air partners with just incase there is a delay or cancellation. Carry your insurance information with you on the trip and if something does happen call the 1-800-number provided. What happend over Christmas will probably not happen again until next Christmas. I think things will get better here once the holidays are over but keep your guard up.


Greatam - Thanks for the information on the overseas one hour window. I think I finally figured out the situation. You are correct about the time frame however the ticketing agent can complete the ticket transation if there is an upgrade and the Air Carrier does everything possible to help the customer make the next scheduled flight (55 minutes). Now I know why I was given a business class ticket. Our luggage will be the first off the flight and we will be one of the first to exit the plane being in business class. I been trying to figure out "how" we got the upgrade and I think this is the reason. If our flight out of Atlanta is late at least we can use the "Club facilates" at CDG while waiting for our next flight. By the way the arrival will be on a Sunday...slow I hope. Tim and Cathy

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Pastour5 (Linda)

I would guess you will make your flight considering it looks like US Air will not liqudate during January. At least that is what the experts were saying this morning. It would be a very good idea to know who US Air partners with just incase there is a delay or cancellation. Carry your insurance information with you on the trip and if something does happen call the 1-800-number provided. What happend over Christmas will probably not happen again until next Christmas. I think things will get better here once the holidays are over but keep your guard up.

Tim and Cathy

To help me sleep at night, I booked fully refundable tickets on SW yesterady. It would mean a 3 hour vs. 1 hour drive to the airport but we have options now based on what happens in the next two weeks. I will get all my information organized so I have everything together. I appreciate your repsonses.

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I want to know your secret. If I understand correctly, you paid for coach and got business tickets. I keep paying for coach and that's what I get. Who do you know???


I still don't understand your post stating business class can have a shorter connection window. Don't you still have to clear immigration and customs? Just curious. Sunday early morning arrival should be slow, but if you arrive much past 9:00AM, you run full steam into the business travelers.

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This is along story. But what it amount to is this: I had a flight into Munich Germany this coming May. I purchased Economy seats and got Business confired seats on the flight Atlata to Paris, Paris to Munic, Munich to Paris, Paris to LAX and LAX to Phoenix Unfortunately I have to fly economy into Atlanta. Remember I don't clear customs until I reach Munich. At Paris I have a 55 minute window to catch my next flight. This is cutting things very close and does not meet the time required standard. Apparently to make up for the timing issue we were given business seats which will allow our bagage in Atlanta to be place on the Aircraft last. This means the luggage will be first off the aircraft in Paris. We will be with the first group to unload the Aircraft in Paris seats 4 F,E,D. This should allow us more time to get to the next gate.

With the situation and information gathered it is possible to get a Business upgrade if you can find a flight going over to Europe with a flight transfer on the same air carrier that has a flight window of "less than one hour". This is the only thing that makes sense to me at this time because the seats are confirmed. I do run the risk of not making that flight into Munich on time. On the brighter side I hold the tickets that allow me to use the "Club Lounge at the Paris Airport". This is a vacation trip and not a business trip. It doesn't matter if I miss the plane going into Munich. If I do I will ask for a hotel vocher and maybe try to see some of Paris before flying out. There is no cruise involved here so I am just going to enjoy what ever happens. I did purchase the air insurance. This is a first for me. The Business thing is a first for me. I have the tickets in hand, they are paper tickets and the seat numbers are listed. Tim and Cathy

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I am still trying to figure out how you got the business tickets, when you booked coach. The reason I ask-I have not flown coach overseas since I was in college. I am spoiled rotten, but I easily fly over 100,000 miles per year, including 4 trips per year to South America, at least two to Eastern Europe, and at least 8 trips per year from Phoenix or LAX to NYC (all business)


When I fly to Europe and South America, I fly AA. Because I am AA EXP, I am entitled to free upgrades on the domestic portion of my trip. But I must use miles to upgrade the International portion, other than 4 trips per year when I have basically a free upgrade, due to my status. But even those only get me from coach to business.


Now if I could figure out how to book economy, get business and then upgrade, I could fly first class all the time. That's why I ask.


My mistake about clearing customs. I forgot about the Schengen (sp?) agreement. I fly into London, when I go to Europe. And then fly on from there. Seems to break up the trip a little bit and I feel better when I arrive.


Have fun on your trip!!!

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Wow, you do alot of flying. My son who does alot of business flying out of Phoenix has about three or four miles cards on different airlines. I have been told it was not the fact that he had held miles cards that originated the upgrade. Note he was the 3rd party involved with this ticket transaction. Me, my wife and my son purchsed the tickets. In the process I put his account numbers in the system so he would get the air miles. Since that time I got my wife and myself a miles card on Delta. Dela was the originating flight. Note it was Air France and America West which were the partner airlines. Since you do all this flying maybe you can confirm to us that by choosing a flight overseas with less than a one hour transfer window will automatically kick in a business class upgrade. This is the only thing I can make sense of why it happened. I spotted the deal on sidestep and when I went to purchase the flight it took me into Orbitz. It had to be the Orbitz software that spotted the 55 minute window in Paris and kicked in the upgrade. Other than that it just might have been a glitch in the system and we got the better end of the deal. I hope this information helps you get an upgrade. Tim and Cathy

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Since you do all this flying maybe you can confirm to us that by choosing a flight overseas with less than a one hour transfer window will automatically kick in a business class upgrade. This is the only thing I can make sense of why it happened. I spotted the deal on sidestep and when I went to purchase the flight it took me into Orbitz. It had to be the Orbitz software that spotted the 55 minute window in Paris and kicked in the upgrade. Other than that it just might have been a glitch in the system and we got the better end of the deal. I hope this information helps you get an upgrade. Tim and Cathy


Nope, no business class upgrades just because of an "illegal" connection that I know of. That's why I was asking for your secret. I would book those illegal connections every trip I make so I could upgrade to first instead of business. I think it was a glitch in the system. You won't want to travel any other way after you travel business. The space alone makes it worthwhile to me. I can get some work done, without kids screaming and people crawling over me. And I can sleep all the way to London (I ALWAYS take the Red Eye)

Have a great time on your trip.

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Its looks like I'm back to the glitch theroy. Anyway my wife made the comment on our last flight back from Frankfurt "can't you get us a First Class or Business class seat next time". I knew at the time that would be a little pricy ($2400 and up). Now I get to see just how nice the extra space will be. On the bad side the wife will expect it every time so it looks like this might be the last trip to Europe for a while. If anyone out there know how these "glitches" occure please let us know. We're still trying to figure it out.

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I bet you slept really well last night with your backup tickets. LOL!!! Have a great vacation


Thank your son for his service from all of us.



Thanks Gina,

I am VERY proud of him. He joined just after 9-11 as a friend of his was killed in the World Trade Center. He went to Basic training and then started grad school. He was just honored for his part in guarding NYC when we first went to war in Iraq. So we will honor him on this cruise!

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For the scenario you propose, most travel insurance will help you out under the travel delay provisions. Read the fine print in your policy to see how well they will cover you. Also, the airline should give you a voucher for hotel if you cannot make your connection, through no fault of your own. That said, 55 minutes is under the minimum time allowed for connections on International flights. If you booked off one of the large websites, they are frequently known to book "illegal" connections and the airline can refuse compensation for a delayed flight. The airline will usually try to make it right, especially the foreign carriers, but put on a smiley face and "make nice" if the worse case happens.




I'm glad you are having good luck with Travelocity. I will use them for air tickets on occasion, BUT absolutely NEVER again for a hotel reservation. They interface with Hotels.com, which is the worst in the world. Travelocity left us hanging in Hawaii, on Valentine's Day, 2003, with no hotel, no rental car, no inter-island plane. Told us to book whatever we could find and they would pay for it. They had NOTHING available. It was also President's week. NOTHING was available in Maui, EXCEPT the Ritz-Carlton. $475.00 per night, cheapest room. Travelocity called the Ritz-Carlton and booked us a room. A little out of my budget, but they would pick up the difference. The rental car was NON-existant. Had to taxi back and forth for tours, etc. Total expenses, over what I had already paid, was $2900.00. Imagine my surprise when I was handed a bill from the Ritz-Carlton for $1700 (3 nights). Called Travelocity, they transferred the blame to Hotels.com. Called them and they told me to call Travelocity. Thank goodness, I had just paid off the CC. It took over 5 months and a call from our attorney to get a refund. Never again.


Oooh what a nightmare for you. I just had a similar experience with HAL.

Due to a broken ship engine, I missed my flight. Original bought plane tickets with HAL and assume all was well. Little did I realize, I wa stranded by HAL. I tried to call Holland America and was on hold for 4 hours and still no reply.

Here's the long story short. Ship was late Dec. 22, postponed flight to Dec. 23. Snowstorm and got flights for Dec. 24. Went to airport and was told I have no tickets but just an itinerary. Call HAL. No calls returned. Ended up buying my own one way tickets home and finally got home Dec. 31 b/c plane tickets during holiday season were sold out. My 12 day holiday became a 21 day adventure. I'm trying to get some sort of reimbursement, especially for the extra hotel expenses and food and winter clothing. I'll be sending the letter off tomorrow. Wish me luck!:mad:

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Pastor5 should be leaving real soon. We all wish you the best of luck on your flight. Let us know how things went. Tim and Cathy.

Thanks Tim and Cathy for your note. I tried to respond last night but my post never went through. It is snowing here so I am really looking forward to some warm weather!

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