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Sharon, yes the weather is just too wet and damp. I did hear that also about snow mix on Thursday. I see rain in the forecast for most of this week.

All we can do is to think positive and work to get rid of the pounds. Up 1 week and down the next is not what I want to be doing.

At least you have it all worked out with the heating and A/C company. There would be no way I would ever pay for it all up front first.

So you will have your hands full getting your new cell phone all set up. Those phones are the type that you add your own minutes to the phone, correct?

So did that puzzle you got from Goodwill have pieces missing? If so what are you going to do, throw it out or take it back to them? Not that they would care anyway.





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Yes the phone is a trac phone, when I need to buy minutes, I get triple minutes for the same price as single. But the phone came with over 1300 minutes and service for a year so won't be needing to fill it up any time soon.


I haven't worked on the puzzle any more, I will be at least another week before I could get it done anyway. It's been sitting there with part of a border put together since I think January.


I have to start looking for a flight to Texas, plan on going somewhere around the first week in May. Still not sure what I am doing though that's why I've been putting it off. I'm kinda thinking about getting a hotel room the first night and have them pick me up from the airport. Then at the hotel I'll rent a car and drive the rest of the way. Same thing when I'm ready to come home, and let the hotel take me back to the airport. It would save my granddaughter from having to drive all the way there to pick me up and take me back.


It is the birthday of the owners of the place I go on Wednesday nights this week. They are making dinner and we are all supposed to bring something, like a dessert or appetizer. Have to get two cards since they are twins. Hope we don't get snowed out!


Been waiting all day for a return phone call, had so many things to do and was afraid I would miss the call. I hate that!


Rain this morning, sun and then clouds this afternoon, come on spring.


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Sharon, that sounds like a good plan for going to Texas. You do not want to rely on anyone to drive you around. This way you can come and go as you please.

You should have a great time tomorrow night, as those owners sure do take good care of you all as far as feeding you all.

Today was not a nice day around here. We got rain in the morning and deep clouds all afternoon. I heard most of the bad weather as far as the snow mix will be mostly our way.

I thought you just got that puzzle. I was not aware that you had it sitting around that long.



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We had a surprise tonight, the two birthday boys were not there. One of their brothers had came in from Hawaii so they picked him up from Ohare and went to see their mom somewhere in Chicago or a suburb. So another brother was working and made pizza's for us for dinner. One gal brought a cake, I brought iced brownie bites, another some chocolate mints, another brought ice cream to go with the cake and the last one brought chips and dip. So we had plenty to eat, now I probably will have gained again at WW!


Another nasty day, rain and wind and for a while almost looked like a little sleet. Wondering what it will look like in the morning outside.



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Sharon, yes we had the very same around here last night. But this morning just very wet and extremely windy. It is not a very nice day today. But at least the sun is shining now.

Wow, that was a great birthday celebration last night. Well you know you will gain at WW but at least you had a wonderful time. You can get it back next week.

Bill will be gone tonight, so I am all alone until 11pm when he gets home.

Stay warm and be safe with this high winds.



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Good to not see any snow this morning, a littke sun, a little cloudy, windy and still cold. I had looked outside whike the sun was shining and thought I might go for a walk but when i went to get the mail changed my mind. Brrr!


Got an appointment next week with an attorney to update my financial and health care power of attorneys. Also my will. I will feel better once I get that taken care of. I am going to make my granddaughter the one on both of those and the executor on my will. Want to take them with when I go for GG sons birthday so she can sign them.


Is Bill working on another play tonight?


Crossing my fingers for weigh in tomorrow, just hope haven't gained too much. Made scrambled eggs with red pepper, green onions, tomatoes, avocado sour cream for dinner tonight. Some friends had ordered it for breakfast the other day, called huevos rancheros. It looked good but the price was $7.95 for half an order. I knew I had all the ingredients at home to make it myself, much cheaper.


Saw on FB the US has done somethig to Syria, wonder what the outcome of that will be!!!


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Sharon, I thought I had told you that Bill is 1 of 3 producers of the next play called Sister Act that will run the first weekend in May. He got home almost at 11:30 last night.

When I saw those horrific pictures of all of those children and what that gas did to them my heart just broke.

People were very luck that no one was seriously injured yesterday in the loop with falling glass and ice falling from tall buildings. Today much better with lots of sunshine and temps in the 50's. I even heard that Sunday could go to the 70's.

It is good that you are getting your things in order and then getting it all complete in May when you go to Texas.



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Yes you did tell me he was doing that but hadn't heard anything about it for a while. That is the weekend I will be in Texas. Got my reservations all made, going on Friday and will spend the night at my granddaughters house, Sat and Sun staying at a local hotel, Mon coming home. I told her I could rent a car so she wouldn't have to drive to the airport but she said no you don't need to do that. Great GS has a baseball game Sat morning and his 7th birthday party in the afternoon. Sunday go to church and then go see her mom and all the new babies (horses) she has. Time will go fast!


Lost .2 at WW, was so sure I was going to gain this week after the pizza and cake Wed. Was surprised but happy. Going to have to try harder this week.


Hope they are right about the warmer weekend.


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Sharon, good job on loosing .2. Certainly better than gaining.

So you will be picked up at the airport. But once you stay over night at their place are you going to rent a car so you can be on your own schedule? It will be good having your own place to stay at the rest of the time.


So it sounds like you will be very busy while you are away. You should have a real good time away, and I am sure the time will pass very quickly.


Right now the temps are in the 50's and supposed to go into the 60's today. Tomorrow is forecast for the 70's. I guess we shall see.





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No, not going to rent a car, they will take me back into town Sat night and pick me up on Sunday morning. Then on Monday my gd will pick me up and take me to the airport.


i went to Home Depot today and they had so many pretty flowers. I bought some pansies and some mulch. On my way out I saw they had tomato plants on sale 1/2 price so I bought four different kinds. I know it's too early to put out anything but the pansies but I will put them in the sun room until its safe outside for them.


Had a nice dinner last night, the last one of the church group get togethers. The fish fry outings were only through lent. It was kind of nice going out with others and having some conversations with them. Got to know many more people than just saying hi to them on Sunday morning. Some of the group were asking if we couldn't just keep going out on Friday nights, don't know what the outcome of that will be.


Beautiful day today, also supposed to be nice tomorrow.


I was looking at my calendar and I had wrote down "trip on Monday 8:45" but I didn't write down where it was going or who it was with. I'll have to get out my trip books and find out where it is!


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Sharon, perhaps it is a bus trip someplace. You do sign up to do those bus trips.

Well if you are comfortable with them picking you up the rest of the time, then you may as well take advantage of it.

It was still a bit windy yesterday, and it made it feel much cooler then the temp was actually. There is not much sun around here just now. But the temp is supposed to get to the 70's today.

They are having a Spring Fling at the club this afternoon. So that is what we are doing today. It is the signing up of all of the leagues today. I was not going to do it this year, the last year as the club has been sold and will close in October. But Bill talked me into it, so we shall see.

If you can work it out with the other ladies, it might be a good idea to continue going out on Friday's. As long as you all can agree on separate checks it could be a good idea. If you do not have separate checks it could turn into a cluster.



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Most of the people that go out to eat are couples, a few of us singles but not many. Heard pastor talking to someone today saying maybe we will keep going out once a month, but nothing for certain yet.


If the club doesn't close till October you can still get your games in for the summer. Seems like everyone likes to play.


I did a little yard work today, its very windy but warm. The deer are still eating my tulips, won't have a very good display this year. I have hyacinths blooming, pink and purple. Also have a few daffodils that have opened.


Yes it is a bus trip through the college, haven't looked yet where we are going though. Heard it might rain tomorrow.


Got an update on the Estate today, emailed to me. The house that Bill did not put in the trust is going through probate. They are saying there is a default judgement hearing on the 10th of this month and then should be completed 30 days after that. Will be glad when this is all finally done.


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Sharon, yes, we thought the club would have been closed last year. But the deal has been delayed and now it could close at the end of October. So our season would start at the end of May and run until September. I still have not figured out how many will be playing or not.

It would be nice if your group could still go out and continue to meet and mingle with a group breakfast.

Yes, it was windy and warm yesterday. It is too bad you cannot find anything to keep the deer away. I heard that if you spread human hair around that will keep the deer away. Perhaps you can get some from your beauty parlor or go to a barber shop and ask them for the cut hair. It would not hurt to try it out.

So you are on a bus trip today and will not be back until this evening. Usually those bus trips are real good.

So things are still not wrapped up with the estate. Are you involved with this as well or did you just get notifications of it?



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Bill's son in law is in charge of the sale. I just get notifications through email.


The bus trip today was through the college, it went to Mother Rudds house. It was supposed to be a stop on the underground railway for slaves. However the people in charge of the house said they couldn't prove that but it could have happened. Then we stopped for a pizza lunch, not so good for WW, and came back to the college. Driving home I ran into terrible r a in. Luckily there was a car ahead of me so I could follow the tail lights. Then the hail started bouncing off the car. Was glad to get home.


Tomorrow have an appmnt with a different lawyer to get my will and stuff updated. Will feel good when that gets done.


Looks like Mr T just got eliminated from DWTS.



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Sharon, I know that you should be very surprised that Mr T did not get kicked off a long time ago.

Speaking of WW, I lost .8 last night at weigh-in. I would like to be consistent and just loose and not loose 1 week and gain the next week.

So I cannot completely follow what exactly you did on the bus trip. What college and what college town did you go to? So you are saying they did not go to the underground place due to the fact that they could not prove that events actually happened there?

So you are being kept in the loop but not actually involved with anything? At least you should have piece of mind today with getting all of your stuff in order.

I know around here it was about 5 when we got the heavy rain and hail. Then it sure looked like we were going to get round 2 and it never happened. It all broke up and it was clear the rest of the night. It was cold and windy here this morning. Now some wind but not as warm as they said it would be. What time did you run into it on your way home?



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Yes we did go on the bus trip, and it was through the local community college. They took us to Gurnee, IL, where this Mother Rudd's house was at. The description of the trip in the brochure said it was a stop on the underground railroad for slaves escaping to the north. But the curator's at the house told us that they could not prove that to be true, although the house was built in the 1800's and it was located close to the Des Plaines River, it could be true, but there was no documentation of that. We left for Gurnee around 9am and got back to the college about 2 pm.


That was good you lost at WW, I'm like you I would like to keep losing a little each week and not gain any back. I am really trying to eat right until Friday when I have to weigh in again. I ate way too much and the wrong things last Friday through Monday.


Yes, I am not responsible for anything, they are doing it all, and reporting to me and all the other beneficiaries, about what is going on.


I did talk with a lawyer this morning and got things going with my financial and health care power of attorney's. Also my will and trust. I want to put my house in the trust so that it doesn't have to go through probate. The lawyer recommended putting my checking accounts and saving accounts in the trust also, but not sure I want to do that, haven't decided yet. I just put beneficiaries on all of them.


It was about 5pm when the rain started really bad on the way home. Seemed the further north I drove the worse it was. Got a good look at my car today and luckily there is no hail damage to it.


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Sharon, good that you had a good bus trip. Today rain and overcast. I guess we could get the same tomorrow.

Well we can only hope for the best from WW. This down 1 week and up the next is how I want to go.

We will go to our usual place where they offer the discount of your age on your birthday.

It is good that you are getting all of your things in order. You have plenty of time to decide on how you will proceed.

I had 1 of my employees say to me the other day, that they were surprised that Bill did not come and pick up my car due to the hail we got. But like you I also looked and did not see any damage. It was not as bad as some places I saw.




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Are you going to the discounted birthday place for Easter or is it your or Bill's birthday? I didn't make a note of your birthdays so not sure.


I had a friend ask if I wanted to go out to eat with them but don't want to intrude on their family tradition. Asked the other gal I do something with but she didn't want to do anything so guess I'll just go to church and come back home.


Glad your car didn't get damaged either from the hail.


I've got WW tomorrow morning, with in 8 to 8:30 and then the meeting but I won't be able to stay, the lawn mower repair guy is coming to pick up my mowers at 9. I forgot all about WW or I would have told him 10 instead. Also have the water guy coming to change the 6 month filters in my reverse osmosis system.


Last night we had chicken and beef fajitas to make up for last week when the owners weren't there for their birthday. Really didn't need to because last week we got free pizza from their brother who was working in their place.


Strange weather, nice a day or two and then back to clouds, rain and cold.


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Sharon, I suppose I could use my birthday discount on Sunday. But due to Easter they would not accept it. My actual birthday is on Friday, 1 week from tomorrow. Do you think the jerk would give us tomorrow off, no way.

So Bill's was last month and we will most likely go there on Friday for the discount. They give you 4 days either side of your birthday. Then the club will give me 50% off.

So today was Bill's last day as he will be off tomorrow and all next week. Most places will have tomorrow off as well, but certainly not us.


Good luck at WW tomorrow. You know summer is coming when you will have your mower serviced. With all of this rain the grass will be growing fast. We had rain this morning and I guess we could get some more tonight and into tomorrow. Once the sun goes down it does get really cold at night.

They sure do take good car of you with feeding you all for various reasons. What a great place to be going on Wednesday night.



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I lost .2 at WW, not much but at least not a gain. I couldn't stay for the meeting since the mower guy was coming. He said he had 5 ahead of me but when he saw how long my grass was he said he thought he would try and get mine done first so I could start cutting.


Then the water guy came around 10;30 and changed the filters, he said, as usual, drain the tank in 3 hours and then it will be good to drink. So I waited even a little longer and when I went to drain it there was hardly any water in it. I called the company and they can't get someone out her until Tuesday unless they have a cancellation, which is doubtful. They said something must have gotten plugged in the drain. That is the water I like to drink so not happy about that.


Finally cooked my corned beef, threw in some carrots and potatoes too. It has been smelling really good.


Sorry you have to work, but nice Bill has off. Hopefully it doesn't rain on Sunday. The saying is if it rains on Easter Sunday it will rain for 7 Sundays after that.


My pet sitter friend down the road asked it I wanted to come over for a glass of wine when they get back from their daughters house on Sunday so I guess I will do that. Another friend asked if I wanted to go with her family out to eat, but I declined that, don't want to horn in on a family get together.


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Sharon, good for you as something is better than a gain or just staying the same.

I am lucky I get any time off for the major holidays with that jerk. But at least I got out before it started pouring last night. But it did not last too long. But got more later in the evening. I cannot believe how warm it is today in the 80's. But extremely windy. Originally I saw it was supposed to rain tomorrow. But now it is off the forecast. I have never heard that saying before. Very funny.

It is good that you will be able to go over to your pet sitter tomorrow for a drink and nice conversation.

I love that smell in the house when you are cooking corn beef. Plus I like the tastiness as well.

Just sort of a lazy day for me today. This is highly unusual for me. Happy Easter to you tomorrow and enjoy this beautiful weather.



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I was surprised this morning when the mower man called and said he had the mowers ready. He said my grass was longer than anyone elses so he worked on my mowers first. I stopped at a friends house for about an hour then got some gas for the mower and came home and cut grass for several hours. My pet sitter friend had left a message asking if I could go put her chickens away for the night around dusk so the coyotes don't get them. They go into the coop by themselves when it starts to get dark. All I had to do was shut the gate.


It was a beautiful day but like you said so windy.


I'm not going to the sunrise service at church tomorrow, just too early. Only thing is the next service isn't until 10:30. Guess it doesn't matter though, don't have anything planned for tomorrow afernoon.


It is thundering and lightening here now, lost the tv signal a couple of times.



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Sharon, so if it rained early this morning does that mean that your saying will kick in?

That was good that your mower guy took good care of you so you can get a heads up on cutting your grass. Hopefully your mowers will last the entire season.

So in a little while we will go out for our Easter dinner. Then later on you will go to your pet sitter house for an afternoon break.

So happy Easter and enjoy the day.





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I went to church and then came home kind of feeling sorry for myself that I didn't have any family to get together with. Started reading things on facebook and a message popped up from the Wed night place. One of the gals said, Tom the owner wondered if I wasn't doing anything if I wanted to come up and have dinner, they had ham and the fixings. So I went up and had something to eat and a little conversation and felt better about the day. Good thing I had that too, because my pet sitter got home later than expected and had a migraine so texted me to get a rain check.


I also picked up 5 bags of brown mulch that I had preordered a week ago at Home Depot. Still have to unload it from my trunk.


I'm not sure if we will have the 7 weeks of rain on Sundays or not since it stopped raining pretty early this morning. Boy after I posted to you the lightening must have hit something very close, the whole house seemed to shake. Lost the tv signal a couple of times too. Had creeks running along side the back yard with all the rain. I talked to my sister this afternoon, she said they hadn't had any rain for several months and were having a lot of field fires.


So my Easter turned out okay, just times like this miss Bill even more.


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Sharon, that was good that the Wednesday night place invited you there to spend the afternoon. We had a good dinner and we will be going back on Saturday so I can get the birthday discount.

We did get rain after midnight, so I do not know if that will count or not. I guess we will just have to wait and see. All in all it was a good day yesterday. Now sunshine and temps in the 60's today.


As I am back to the bump and grind for the rest of the week. Around here most kids are on spring break this week. Weather should be fairly mild this week.




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