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Posts posted by trudle

  1. I see that my message from the other day finally posted---it didn't show on my computer. And the other three that I sent----I don't see them.


    Happy Hanukkah too.


    Glad to hear that Ocho had a good report. I am sure you are excited about the new pup. Wish I could do what you are doing but I could not give the dog back.:mad:


    We booked a cruise in Feb., was wishing it was the same ship as you Cindy but we are going with Ed's sister and some of their friends, so I didn't have the choice to pick what I wanted. :( Boo Hoo


    Roz hope you had a fun and safe trip. The weather sure was bad for travel.


    Well, take care everyone and talk to you soon.

  2. [quote name='fairbourne']Oh yes, we've had our share of duvet cat puke as well! :eek:[/quote]

    Thank you----I had a cat puke on my RUG this morning. :p
    Hope everyone has a great day. Happy Veterans Day.
    Off to my painting get together but just talking for me----I don't feel like painting today.

    What a great picture of Ocho.----The tears rolled here too.

    Hello to all of you, don't want to forget anyone.
  3. Hello to all of you------I have been lurking. Hope that all of you are doing well and have had a good summer. I have been having some problems since Sept. but still have been able to get away for my short get away's and our cruise. But still I have some issues. Hopefully all will be ok shortly.


    Best Wishes Ocho----I can't even think how hard it would be ,for me, to turn over Ocho to CCI. Bless you DKD and family for helping to train a service dog. I am sure who ever gets him will be so blessed.


    S.S. Cruisers----hope your CT scan comes out OK. I had one at the beginning of the week to see if anything was going on, beside, my diverticulosis. It turned out that is the problem but this is going on since Sept and still has not cleared up-----so I am still on meds. Doing the CT scan they found a spot on my kidney that has gotten bigger, so I am getting another Ct scan on Monday. Hopefully it is nothing. Enough about me.


    I haven't read all the threads so I hope all of you are doing good, have had great cruises, and those that were sick, are getting better.


    Time to take some of my meds, that make me really tired, so I will say so long for now. Sending hugs to those that need them. Talk to you soon.



  4. Trudy, I'm sorry you've had some challenges.....does this mean you can get a Service Dog? I hope not! Or, I hope so! Just be well!!!!!!


    What did the picture say? Thanks for thinking of me and my "boo-boo!" That's what I call her!



    No Roz, I am not getting a service dog but I did have an app in to get one of the dogs that didn't do well for a service dog. But seems, not many are going through training in the Orlando area and the wait might be another year. So, if we get another dog, we might not be able to wait for so long. We are getting older and waiting longer might not be good for us. But we will see.

    Gosh, I don't remember all the words under the picture but it was the" KIND " you and the good things you do for Brenny and of course Horty. Have a great cruise.

  5. Thanks Cindy and fairbourne-----I am feeling better now. Cant be sick for the cruise on Oct 5.


    Sorry that picture didn't come out Roz-----it was so for you. It was a picture of a lab and the words were so for you and Brenda at this time in your lives. I tried to go back and redo the picture but I couldn't find it. Have a wonderful cruise. Another step forward.


    Wex-----so glad they gave you a bone. XX OO Tell mom and dad hello too. :D


    Well Everyone have a great day and a better week.

  6. Here I am ! Just so much going on, I didn't make time to sit down and say Hello.


    I get on here and read quick and then it off and getting things done.


    Thinking of all of you.


    So nice that most everything is going OK. Roz----you are in my thoughts and I see that you are getting along alright. I know there will be set back but you will be fine, in time. Glad that Brenda is doing well right now. Hopefully she will be with you for a long time to come. It is hard when they get on in age. We take for granted, so many things, but in the long run, we can do them also. I know it isn't easy, to have to take care of everything. You were blessed to have had Morey in your life but I don't think God gives us anything that we can't take care of. It might seem hard at the time , BUT, We can do it. Lots of hugs going your way.


    Cindy, thanks for wondering where I have been. Glad that John is feeling better and I thought it might have been his apendix all along. But I'm not the doctor.:eek: Hope that you are good also and Wex too.


    Hello to everyone else. Hope that you are all healthy----I didn't get to read all the updates. So glad the Alaska trip was great. And the coming up one also.


    Roz---you said you were sailing in Sept. I sail on October 5th and I am ready for some rest. The Estate of my friend is not settled yet but it shouldn't be long now. DH has been going to the chiropractor for a week now, he hurt his back. It seems to be getting better but slowly. Since we are staying at the acquired house, right now, we have been doing painting and little things that need to be fixed, hence the bad back.:eek: I am doing OK now but that darn caugh that I had didn't want to go away, it has been over oa month. But it seems to be going away, finally.


    Well, take care all and hopefully I will get back sooner. Hugs to all of you.


  7. Fairbourne--Welcome back from Alaska. Glad to hear your trip was great. Hope to get there one day.


    DisneyKidsDad----have a great trip to Alaska.


    Roz-----sending hugs----you sound that you are bouncing back. I am sure there will be hard days but life has to go on. Glad Brenda will get a day out.


    Cindy----Sorry Wex couldn't enjoy the puppy and you couldn't have him for the 10 days. But it didn't sound like fun for any of you.


    Hello to the new posters------this board can give you lots of advice and they are such kind and fun people. They feel like family after your first post. And happy cruising with your fur babies, if you go cruising.


    TeeChi----Maho Beach was fun. If you stand on the beach, I think it would be bad------because you get sand blasted and it is loud. But there is a nice restaurant right next to the beach and it might not be too loud for Chilli dog. I don't remember that the sound was anything like fireworks. If you are near an airport----maybe take him around there to hear the planes and see what he does.


    Take care everyone and Happy Fourth of July. We are headed up to Homosassa for a few weeks. Have a great summer.



  8. Here's a few pics of our little house guest. He is very ummm peppy! LOL He's been great with me today but when Wexler is here we have to kennel him. He just won't leave Wex alone. He is almost 8 months old.


    Send Wex down here, we would love to have him as a guest. Hope your 10 days go FAST. LOL


    Hope all is well and you have your van fixed Cindy.


    Hope you cruisers are having a great time.


    Wishing well to all those that might feel under the weather----hugs to all of you.


    Roz----sounds like you again. Hugs going your way---and keep up the good spirits.


    Hello to those I forgot----hope you are having a good week.

    I am finally starting to feel ok again, this cold, or whatever I had was terrible, glad it is going away.


    Planning for our cruise in October now, with my son and daughter in law and just signed up for another cruise with my cousins in April. That should be fun, don't get to see the cousins often.


    Have a good weekend everyone and Happy Fathers Day, to the men out there.:o

  9. Unfortunately they can't buy one. Our puppy raisers make them. I have asked for a new one right now, but I don't think they are making them like they used to. She said we should have it before our Feb cruise. I think her and her daughter used to make alot of them for charity but now that the daughter is in college they haven't been doing it.


    Cindy---if you can send me a picture of the Tux and how wide and long it is, I might be able to make one for you or at least try too. Wex did look so handsome in his Tux.


    Hi and hello to the rest of you. I have been fighting a cold and am finally feeling a little better. Hope that those going on a cruise have lots of fun.


    Roz----glad to hear you have plans------life does go on and hopefully it will get easier with each passing day. I know it is hard but you can do it. So glad that you found someone to take care of your baby. And yes-----you have to go see Cindy----Maybe she can go on the same cruise, with you, out of NY. That would be a great plan.


    Have a great day everyone and a great weekend also.



  10. Some bad news from our area today. Our nephew and his wife lost their twin girls last night. I'm not sure of all the details, but one twin was taking all the nourishment and the other was getting none. She was 5 months pregnant. Please include them in your prayers tonight. :( We are devastated by this loss.



    Cindy---I am so sorry to hear about the loss of the twins. My sympathy to the parents and all the family. The twins will be in the hands of the angels.

  11. Hello,

    I am back from my cruise, had a great time on the cruise and in San JUan. We had two service dogs on our cruise, tiny ones but i think they were the real thing.


    ROZ---so glad to hear that you are cruising again. Hugs to you and the fur babies. Pushing yourself to cruise is wonderful---I am sure that Morey is jumping with joy that you are going to do this. I would take Brenda in a minute, if I lived near.


    Hi Cindy-----hope all is well with you and the family. Big hugs and kisses to Wex.


    Happy cruising to those that are cruising soon.


    Welcome to our new members- this is such a great group---with or without a service dog. I don't have a service dog but I love coming on here and hearing about all the great things that happen. And love to hear about the service dogs and what wonderful things they do. I am waiting for CCI to call us ------we applied for a reject dog------and if and when they call we are going to take the dog. We are ready. We did have the wonderful pleasure of taking care of Wex, on one of our cruises, thanks to Cindy and John. I wanted to run away with him---I fell in love.


    Glad to hear that Rich is back on the road to recovery. Sending prayers and hugs to both of you. Keep up the good work Rich.



  12. Just checking in to say hi to everyone. Happy cruising to dobiemom----I think she said she sails today.


    Roz-----hope you are getting through your days better and the nights too. Hugs are going your way and a REALLY, REALLY big one to last till the 22nd, when I will be getting back into town. We leave Friday for Tampa and cruise on the 11th. Hugs to the fur balls too, I am sure they are giving you much joy.


    Cindy, sorry about not being able to get the dog. You could always get a different apartment that would allow the extra dog. :D Hope all is well and everyone is happy. Hi Wex---sending a big hug to you.


    How nice DisneyKidsDad that you raised that money.


    Well, I have to go and start getting the clothes into the bags. I pressed all morning and now it is time to start packing.


    Talk to you soon. Trudy

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