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Posts posted by trudle

  1. I hope you are feeling better.


    Hi Cindy,


    Yes< I am feeling much better. Some how I got Benign Positional Vertigo (spelling). How that happened, I don't know, but it was terrible. The room wouldn't stop spinning along with feeling sick and lots of heaving. But, I am almost back to normal.


    I will go with you on the tour, hubby doesn't want to go, but he is glad that I want to go, he doesn't want to hold me back from doing things----he has a hard time walking to far and doesn't want to shop or do the beach either. We will probably do the beach at one of the other Islands.


    You do remember that the ship sails at 3pm. :confused:


    What time would we start this tour and anything is good for me, anything that you plan is fine. Will it be about 3 hrs? Tell me how much. If you need money now, send me your address and I will get it to you.


    Trying to get my son and daughter in law to cruise with us but the prices are too much for them, so we hope it might go down, so maybe they could come.

  2. Thanks for the offer Trudy, but maybe you should meet Wex first! :eek:


    We are both feeling good right now (knocking on wood). John is starting school tuesday and it's a miracle if he can get through the year without catching something from those little ones.


    You may bring Wexler a cookie. But just warning you he will think you have one everytime you meet after that. LOL


    I think Wex and I will get along just fine. I carry cookies for the dogs around here, but, they are very small. :D


    Glad that John is back to work--------I worked as a teachers aide and I know how those little ones can share things.;)

  3. Maybe I will just stay on the ship that day. I don't mind doing paperwork but I'm not going pay for unnescessary tests and extra rabies shots. As George Bush would say "not gonna do it" :D


    Remember Cindy----I can Wex sit for you. We can take turns going off the ship. There were so many people by the pool last time that we went to the beach area instead and just sat under the palm trees.


    Glad to hear that John is doing better. Hope that you are feeling better also.


    Do you mind if I bring a cookie for Wex?


    Have a great weekend everyone.

  4. We spent last night at the hospital. John has been having some headaches and terrible sweats. Of course this could be anything, being a quad it's hard to tell what it could be. After talking with his doctor, he thought that John had diverticulitis (sp) and told him his best bet was to go to the emergency room. After a cat scan and bloodwork, they decided it was diverticulosis (sp). Which is not really bad according to the doctors. Anyway he is fine but will be on a clear liquid diet today and then the BRAT diet after that ( bananas, rice, applesauce, toast).



    Glad you had a good trip Roz.


    Cindy----hope John is feeling better-------I feel for him----I have diverticulitis off and on and had two surgeries for it. And I am still un sure what causes it to flair up. I try very hard to watch my diet but it still happens. I always have meds with me, just in case. Mine seems to come on so fast and get bad, right away.


    All stay well now---we don't want to miss this cruise.


    Sorry to hear about Hershey----I lost my dog a year ago and still get upset about her. We want to get another dog but just can't do it yet. I am looking forward to meeting Wex.


    Have a good weekend everyone.



  5. My Mother-in-law went on a cruise with 3 other guide dog users and had a great experience - check out the article she wrote about it




    We are going on a cruise in 15 days with 2 legally blind people (one adult one child) and I hope we have as much fun as they did


    Jenn in Canada

    What a great story and heart warming that they are able to travel. I think it is wonderful that you can enjoy the pleasure of cruising.

  6. Well I have bronchitis. Who gets that in the summer? It has been horrible. I'm on antibiotics, cough meds and some nasal spray. The cough meds seem to work great but something is making me not feel well. could be the codene in the cough med or the antibiotic. But I'm heading in the right direction anyway.


    Oh you will be sorry if Wex comes out there, he is very needy. A couple days with mr. pesty and you'll be sending him back fedx overnight. ;)


    Where are you Cindy---hope that you are ok

  7. Karen "Sunshine"--prayers going to you and your family for a continued recovery for Rich and strength to the rest of you.


    Cindy----hope that you are feeling better. Bronchitis :eek:


    Hello to all.


    I was sick last week, with diverticulitis, something that hasn't bothered me in 3 years. Hope this is not the begining of more surgery.:mad: :confused:


    Looking forward to the cruise in Dec. and I will have my emergency meds with me----just in cast the diverticuli act up.


    Training a puppy and then having to let it go to someone else:( I couldn't do it, even tho it to help someone else. That is one job, that I couldn't do. Or work in an animal shelter.


    Hope every one is having a good week.

  8. Trudy, If hubby doesn't want to do it, I understand. Just one thing to remember it's an accessible excursion so I don't think there will be much walking. But your hubby doesn't like the bus either so I don't think that would work either.


    Cindy----Ed doesn't like the bus because after sitting so long it is hard for him to get started walking. I am pretty sure we are going to go see the planes again----I really enjoyed that---it has only been once that I saw this. We will have lunch at the restaurant, right next to the beach and maybe stop in at the Casino. Thanks for asking tho.

  9. Unfortunately, this is true. But, if your pet poodle is "yip-yapping" or using the hotel lobby for a toilet or acting badly in any way, the hotel has the right to ask you to leave.


    Most people don't have dogs who behave as well as ours and don't want to be schlepping them on vacation because of all the work they entail. Thank goodness!!!! They don't have a clue how a true Service Dog should act.


    A lot of hotel/motel chains are becoming more pet friendly anyway and hopefully, these moron's will stop buying the fake vests and will not feel the need to sneak little "Fi-Fi" into the public venue.


    And, as a Service Dog user, if I saw someone who I knew was abusing the system with a poorly acting "pet", I would call them out and I wouldn't hesitate to embarrass them! I did this at a restaurant once, when a woman made the manager bring her a plate and she fed her dog some of her food, right on the table. Puleeeezzzz!!!! When I was done with her, she packed-up her pooch and left in a huff!!!! We've been back since and the manager said she's NEVER been back! ;)


    These types of people make me crazy and make it so difficult for folks like me, John, Barbara, Cari, Jocko, DisneyKids and so many other's.


    good for you Roz



    Wex is 5 today. Can you believe he's 5 already. :( Boy that went fast.


    Hope he is having a Birthday Party today. Sending cookies to him.:D


    Roz--sorry Horton is having problems with the elevator but hopefully he will be fine with it soon. That's how that poor service dog looked, that I saw on one of my cruises.


    HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th.:D Good wishes for today.

  11. Hi Cindy---we will certainly come up to you and say Hi. And like I told Roz, if you would need a baby sitter, I would love it. We are thinking of another dog sometime in the future. It is so hard leaving them when on vacation. I have two cats and this time I am thinking of a kennel because one of them is getting on in age and I don't want to leave them alone for such a long time. Hopefully, my sister in law will be down here and she can look after them. Can't ask the neighbors :(


    This is our first long cruise and when we signed up it was just a 14 day, I didn't realize it was two cruises is one. We did do a 10 day once and liked that-----hopefully this one will not seem too long, but we like cruising so it should be good.


    Talk to you soon------yes both legs of the cruise thread is not active. Sometimes they are good and sometimes not. Mostly we don't do the M & M but we will see how this turnes out, we have a few months yet.

  12. Well, if it wasn't for Cindy (rangeley), I would not have found this forum. She was on our Cruise thread but has not been back, so I went looking for her. I don't have a service dog but love animals, and lost my Rhonda last year, she was 13. I am going on the same cruise as Cindy and am looking forward to meeting them. If she needs a baby sitter for Wex, I would be glad to do it, if she wants to get off the ship. We don't get off the ship often----both have bad knees. We plan to get off in Key West and ride the on and off trolly-----not getting off tho:D.


    Reading this thread I had many laughs and tears. Roz, it was so nice of you to start this thread and Happy Anniversary for your five years here. I have enjoyed it so much and those that can travel with their service dog must LOVE it. you and others have given so much info.


    I did see one service dog, on one of my cruises. The poor thing was so sea sick tho, don't know if they ever got anything to give to him. Or if then can give the dogs meds?


    Sorry to read about your losses and prayers for those that are ill.



  13. Yellowbird and ladysail----I have to say thank you for wonderful readings. I have not written before but have been keeping up with the thread- you both do a wonderful job and Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


    May Egon have many more adventures and hopefully we will be able to follow him through the next year----you are a wonderful roll model Egon, I should be so lucky to be traveling at your age----God Bless. We almost cross paths in Feb. but you are sailing two days after us and on another ship. Safe, Happy and Healthy travels.



  14. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. I don't have a service animal but just wanted to tell you, a cruise that I was on, had a service dog, a german shep. and the poor thing was sea sick---maybe your vet could tell you what to do if this happens. It seemed to last for about 4 days. Hopefully you will have no problems. The ship was the Dream, so it was a big ship. I know I have to take meds for the movement, don't know if they have something for dogs.

  15. Just started reading this about three days ago and couldn't stop till I was on the 1st page. What an amazing man. I wish him all the best and keep writing about your wonderful journey.

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