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Little Buddy's Mom

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Posts posted by Little Buddy's Mom

  1. How many times have you been lied to by customer contact employees of Royal? On radiance right now. Called RS. Was told an hour and a half. Called back to cancel. Got a cAll from RS mgr. told only reason was they were busy. Food was being cooked right now. But one and a half wait. Decided didn't want cold food. Why do they always lie as first option?


    You need to get over the "Poor Me" attitude. At least you're on a cruise and someone is preparing your food. Sorry, no sympathy from me.:rolleyes:

  2. Maybe dont use the word spunky to describe your grandmother to anyone British or Australian (especially if asking for suitable activities)


    I'm sure you were just trying to be funny but the O.P. is from North America, as are most of the people who post on these boards.


    The other meaning, would probably not apply to his 93 year old grandmother.:rolleyes:

  3. They can't unless you agree to break the contract! They could if you had not paid up front but it is a clear breach of contract under law.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    Who's law? Surely, you know, Royal Caribbean operates under it's own law.:rolleyes: How many times has someone booked a cruise and then the cruise is cancelled because the ship gets chartered? As long as people put up with this, it will keep happening.:mad:

  4. Its just my luck but its seems as soon as I booked i've seen nothing but bad comments for the Navigator and drink prices...i'm sorry!


    I booked RC for the 'All Inclusive' option so drink prices arent that important but I'm taking my MIL for her 50th and shes always wanted to go on a cruise but not been able to, we wanted it to be special!


    lets pray they listen to their customers!


    Perhaps you just have a case of information overload. It's good to read reviews, both good and bad. Just remember, it's just one person's view of how things appeared to them.


    Just go with an open mind, smile a lot :) and I'm sure you'll have a good time, if you don't let small things bother you.

  5. I decided at the last minute to cruise the Western Med, solo. Total spur of the moment decision made on a Sunday night and booked Monday morning. A few days later the word got out in the office that I was going on the cruise. A coworker, who just happened to be a real bully, found out and started the "ooh, can I go with you?" chorus. We'll have so much fun, I've always wanted to go to Rome, it will be cheaper for you, blah blah blah. When she finally shut up for a few seconds I looked at her and said "Suzanne, people usually go on vacation with people they like. You don't like me. Why would I go on vacation with you?"

    She was speechless and our boss almost choked from laughing so hard. And it never came up again.

    It was great.




    Sounds like a great work environment.:rolleyes:

  6. He doesn't say how long they were blocked in the room. If it was over five minutes, it would have been too long for me. Someone, should have notified them that they wouldn't be able to get out of the room and been given the chance to get out before filming began.


    If, I opened my cabin door to leave and could not, I'd been on the phone complaining immediately! :(

  7. Maybe I'm just a Pollyanna, but all that sounds pretty mild, to me. True, it's not the ideal start, but you're really just talking about a bit of a slow check-in process and a delay in the cabins being available (probably related to extra cleaning because of some cases of norovirus) and one missing piece of luggage.


    You manage to make everything they try to do for you sound like a bad thing. It's nice that they provided you with toiletries, t-shirt and complimentary laundry service.


    I'm not unsympathetic to the annoyances, but at least you'll learn to pack a little better. Sounds like you had "heavy carry-on luggage" that didn't hold any of the things you really needed.


    Must be nice to be perfect.:rolleyes:

  8. Hopefully, by now your missing luggage has showed up. Have you checked the naughty room? I wonder how many people will tell you, "never put medicine in checked luggage", even though you weren't flying. I'm sure you didn't expect your luggage to go missing, when you personally delivered it to the ship.


    I also didn't like the iPad check-in when we checked in at Southampton. They've had 5 months to get this worked out but evidently there are still problems. It's called, "chase the person with the iPad". I say, bring back the check-in counters.


    I've never sailed on a ship where there were lines for everything. Standing in line for 2 1/2 hours to go up in the North Star wasn't fun but we did want to go up.


    Good luck with the rest of your cruise and I hope they find your suitcase.

  9. When we cruise, I always bring our Birth Certificates along as well as our PP and make sure they are updated. If I know we are going to travel and the PP will expire within the year we travel, then we renew them. We traveled to Australia last March and needed visas for flying, the PP were due to expire 7 months after are departure, so got new ones. We were doing NZ, a Transpacific and Hawaii to Vancouver so 54 days.


    What does your answer have to do with the O.P.'s question? It's great you do this but it doesn't help the O.P.



    O.P. - I don't think the passport extension applies in your case. I believe this applies to someone who is living outside the U.K., at the time their passport will expire and they can apply for a 12 month extension.


    You'll probably have to just renew the passport now, to match his cruise documents and then apply for a new passport later. You don't want to risk being denied boarding. :(

  10. I spoke with someone at Crown&Anchor this morning. I was inquiring about applying an open booking certificate to a cruise I just put on hold. The cruise isn't until 10/16. My open booking shows TBA for Guest #2. She told me I could just add the 2nd guest at final payment and I did not need to pay an additional deposit now. The cruise would not be repriced when I add Guest #2.


    Sure better than having to put down $450x2.


    Just be sure it shows TBA on your booking, even if you don't add another person later.

  11. If, you live in the U.S., buying insurance for medical coverage, probably isn't necessary, since you'd be covered under your existing policy. You might consider just buying the cruiselines insurance in order to have some coverage, in case you have to cancel or for a reason other than medical. We used to travel all over the U.S. in our motor home and never thought about buying extra travel insurance.


    We always buy travel insurance when traveling internationally.

  12. Not really. They load the lifeboats from the evacuation point on deck and then lower them to the water. Waves wouldn't prevent that. The lifeboats can handle the waves (although your stomach's really can't).


    Sorry, but I really don't think you know what you're talking about.:rolleyes: The life boat would be swinging and wouldn't be able to be lowered into the water, even if someone could crawl into it.:eek: On the Rotterdam, since we had no power, we had no stabilizers and the ship was rocking from one side to the other.

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