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Everything posted by notamermaid

  1. I often think to myself when I read a North American or Asian travel website about a "hidden gem" in Germany or close by that when the reader sees that the place has already seized to be a hidden gem, I mean the Germans and Europeans have been there many times. 😉 So it is with the Moselle. I was in Cochem last year on a drab winter day and Dutch tourists where there. I stayed in Cochem for about three hours so that tells you that the chances of bumping into a foreign tourist where not that high. But as far as the river is concerned, yes it is a landscape away from the maddeningly full Rüdesheim or other places on the Rhine. When you see no ship (of any description) on the Rhine sailing for fifteen minutes you start wondering if the authorities have issued a river traffic ban... In all seriousness and without my barely hidden dislike of Viking river cruises (for the reasons I have stated several times) thrown it, I do wonder how the company is going to figure out the logistics of their own ships docking in all the places. They also go with the 135m ships only so limit themselves. Granted, there is now variation in the ports they choose - I prefer the Treasures of Rhine over the Rhine Getaway itinerary - but all in all the variation on the Rhine, Moselle and Main could still be greater - with several companies. I suggest a "B ports Europe" itinerary, leave out the A list of Cologne, Rüdesheim, Passau, etc. and see what you find. Accept that the "wow" is replaced by the "I really like that" and you will find many places to interest and possibly even enchant you. The rivers are certainly getting fuller with the 135m ships. A pity somewhat. 110m is big enough. CroisiEurope proves it. notamermaid
  2. My pleasure. After all my comments about "the bridge", perhaps I should post a photo I think. Wikipedia actually mentions that the bridge has comparatively little headroom. In German that is "Durchfahrtshöhe": https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luitpoldbrücke_(Passau) Absolutely annoying scenario if you sail Amsterdam to Budapest: river levels are fine all the way until you get close to Passau, suddenly there is too much rain and all that stands between your ship and Budapest is that bridge... notamermaid
  3. The Meuse is one of those rivers that you can sail as part of a round trip from Amsterdam or from Brussels as you can use canals. Those canals are wide enough to accommodate a river cruise ship so this is not an area restricted to barge cruises or small, old river cruise ships. Avalon Waterways is not doing a round trip but is incorporating Amsterdam and Brussels, embark in the first and disembark in the latter. On the Meuse they stop in Maastricht, Liège and Namur: https://www.avalonwaterways.com/river-cruise/tulip-time-in-holland-belgium-for-garden-and-nature-lovers/WAX-T1/?season=2024 notamermaid
  4. Alas, the company says the Spirit of the Moselle will sail mostly on the Main. But let us hope that later the Moselle will become "her river". At 135m she is limited as to where she can sail and dock but Luxembourg and Germany are no problem for her. One week return on the Moselle? Some may say there is not enough river length and towns to merit that. I am happy to prove them wrong if they are open to experiencing this beautiful river in a bit more detail. With your help ural guy and I am sure a few others who prefer the quieter Moselle to the very busy Rhine we will convince them. notamermaid
  5. Temperatures are mild, the river levels are rising but fine. In February of 1784 it was very different and led to one of the worst flooding disasters in Europe ever recorded. It is a "little ice age" at least partly attributed to the eruption of a volcano in Island the previous year. During the course of February the weather warmed up, snow turned into rain and the ice on the river started melting. It was about to crack and disaster would almost inevitably struck a few days later... notamermaid
  6. Busy, busy are these river cruise companies, are they not? Apart from renovations, upcoming meetings and fairs, companies are also getting new ships built, in this case a ship that had been announced in a previous year, or at least that what it sounded like at the time. The "Spirit of the Moselle", a sister ship to Spirit of the Rhine and Spirit of the Danube had been a mentioned in the same breath as them, i.e. to be following them closely, which I assumed would be 2023. I had been wondering if the company was still going to go ahead with this one. Now this article says that the keel-laying ceremony took place in Serbia (where the majority of European river cruise ships come from these days) in January: https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/tourism/saga-expands-fleet-with-new-river-ship The ship will join the fleet in July 2025. notamermaid
  7. For low water this is certainly the most troublesome part. June is a great month for sailing the Danube. Not much flooding and normally enough water at Pfelling, enough water downstream from Vilshofen anyway then. As regards flooding I need to add that while real flooding does not happen that much in June or in (early) autumn, and is unlikely to be high enough for problems from Vilshofen to Budapest, there is the bridge at Passau which is so low that it can keep river cruise ships with a high superstructure from sailing safely under it long before the river itself elsewhere causes problems and the authorities issue a river traffic ban. However, coming upstream from Budapest, by the time you get to Passau your river cruise that is supposed to end in Vilshofen is nearly over anyway. There are docking places in or near Passau before the infamous bridge so getting to Vilshofen by other means of transport is no big deal. notamermaid
  8. For that we look first at your route which is Budapest to Vilshofen. As you avoid the stretch from Vilshofen to Regensburg the likelihood of encountering low water is much reduced. Secondly, let us check the second most likely area for problems which is Komárom to Budapest, this means that sailing in(to) Budapest may not be possible. Data for Budapest is available from 2002, so I have had a look at these figures. Overall, all three months carry a risk of low water but September appears to be the best of them. October and November have more low water occurring. But it is not that much of a difference. All in all we can say that beginning of September is best. But all months can be okay. Every year is a little different. Flooding risk is minimal. notamermaid
  9. Good point about the fonts, thank you. In Times New Roman, i.e. a serif font as opposed to a sans serif font as is the default setting here, it is a bit easier to see: Ill, Ilz, Ilm. notamermaid Edit: @gnome12 we had the same idea at the same time.
  10. I had forgotten to mention this in previous conversations about Cologne docking: there is construction work going on, so one or two docking spaces may not be available, but it appears to be only where KD normally docks. Here is a plan of all the docking areas, courtesy of nicko cruises, if you are interested: https://www.nicko-cruises.de/anlegestellen/koeln I am not familiar with the details of the construction work, your river cruise company will of course know about this. It concerns 235m of embankment, if I have understood the authorities website correctly. For those interested in the construction process, here is an automatic translation of the relevant page of Cologne city council: https://www.stadt-koeln.de/leben-in-koeln/verkehr/baustellenbilder-zum-baufortschritt-der-kragplatte Unfortunately, the flooding in December has delayed their plans. This is what the area looked like before construction work began: https://www.riverdocking.com/de/anleger/koeln-bastei Further upstream - I have learnt - at Neuwied the authorities are not really any further in obtaining a landing stage for the new embankment (ships cannot dock alongside but need a long jetty due to the low water issues that are bound to happen seasonally) as third-party involvement has lead to complicated legal matters that need sorting. New river cruise ships: two ships will be on my river this year that will leave soon again and mostly sail the Danube. The Amadeus Nova is supposed to sail from June. The Viva Enjoy - originally to be called the Viva Three - has been delayed and will now be ready in November. notamermaid
  11. A new year and a quick look at Viva Cruises. Yes, the company is again offering an itinerary that focusses on the Netherlands and also sails quite a distance on the Meuse. No Amsterdam stop on this cruise! And no tulips either... https://www.viva-*****/en/reise/niederlande-highlights Risk of low water negligible in these waters - Rhine downstream from Düsseldorf and Meuse. No real worries about low water levels on this type of cruise. notamermaid
  12. I have made use of this quiet time and had a look at the statistics. There are a few websites I use but none are as good as the Bavarian authorities' ones for the various gauges of the Main and Danube (and the other rivers in their realm). Maxau gauge on the Rhine has some annual graphs but that area is not a concern in low water, our "gauge of concern" is Kaub in the Rhine Gorge. That is the place that cuts the most popular itinerary Basel to Amsterdam "in half". See the conversation of February 6/7. The statistics being a bit "awkward" and time consuming to compile I have tried to condense it and keep it simple. A quick explanation to what follows. I have no older data than year 2008. River levels above 100cm are no concern (i.e. as regards low water) so I used that figure to show that a specific year had no levels of concern. Years with lower levels I have looked at more closely and for them I have included more specific figures. A figure below 80cm gets large river cruise ships in the realm of getting problems with sailing due to their individual draft. So there is no way for me to know if a particular ship can sail or not. The authorities issue no ban in low water, a captain decides for his ship if he will sail or not. Having condensed the data (and making the counting of individual days simpler for me), I cannot get every year to match, so figures differ slightly in below x cm. This list is compiled from the Federal authorities' and a shipping company's websites: 2008 no days below 100cm 2009 15 days below 80cm 2010 no days below 100cm 2011 30 days below 79cm 2012 no days below 100cm 2013 no days below 100cm 2014 no days below 100cm 2015 30 days below 79cm 2016 20 days below 79cm 2017 28 days below 79cm 2018 110 days below 81cm 2019 1 day below 100cm 2020 1 day below 83cm 2021 13 days below 80cm 2022 42 days below 80cm 2023 8 days below 80cm Just in case you are wondering, the figure for 2018 is correct. It was an abysmal year for river cruising - and I dare say for us locals a bad year as well. notamermaid
  13. Riviera Travel is getting two new ships! They will not bear British authors' names: https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/tour-operators/riviera-travel-to-add-two-ships-to-fleet-in-2025 Here is more info: https://www.travelweekly.com/River-Cruising/Riviera-introducing-new-generation-river-ships Interestingly, they are different in size, meaning the company is going for the standard size of 135m for the Radiance, while the Rose will be really short: 80m! That is highly unusual. We will need to wait for the announcements of itineraries to find out where both ships will sail. No details of rivers for the two ships are given yet on the Riviera Travel website. notamermaid
  14. The Rhine has so many docking locations at such a variety of towns that you can get an incredibly wide range of itineraries together, if a company so wishes. A smaller ship has more locations available but even with the 135m ships there are tons of options. On the Danube in Germany and Austria it is a bit more limited but you can still vary a lot. Hainburg is one place that has only recently come to my attention. It is a small town in Austria that looks quite attractive. Amadeus river cruises use the town quite often this year as a "technical stop", here meaning to pick up passengers from an excursion. This year the Viva Two actually has a proper stop in Hainburg with an excursion (afternoon guided tour) scheduled on a round trip Vienna itinerary. Hainburg dock was moved and updated in 2018 to allow for safer navigation in the now slightly wider navigation channel around Hainburg. According to a regional newspaper the new landing station can accommodate two large river cruise ships. Hainburg has no English website, so I roamed around videos for a change and found this really nice one about hiking around Hainburg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fJZUkLQiqQ notamermaid
  15. Thank you. Yes, it is close and convenient. In Koblenz, due to lack of space, they now also dock on the right bank at least occasionally. I guess they will show neither location in the brochures or online. Of course, neither is industrial, just not the "prime spot". Niehl harbour in Cologne is industrial. And it is important to remember that no river cruise ships can dock in Strasbourg city centre as it is not on the Rhine but the Ill (capital i, two small ll) river. Ships are sometimes in the commercial harbour areas or in Kehl in Germany just across the river. I am not familiar with the Rhine river docks in Strasbourg in detail. In Rüdesheim, other river cruise companies dock closer to town than Viking. the prime spot is about where it says "Weingarten in der Brömserburg", Viking's private landing stage is marked on here: notamermaid
  16. Amadeus River cruises in 2025: https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/tour-operators/amadeus-river-cruises-releases-2025-europe-programme Like Riviera Travel (UK) and A-Rosa (Germany), Amadeus is a company that has cruises starting in Cologne on the Rhine. I find that a good alternative to Amsterdam. It is of course more convenient for those coming from the UK but Düsseldorf and Cologne airport connections are worth checking out if you are coming from North America I find. Or connecting from Amsterdam by train. What caught my eye in the article is Hainburg on the Danube. I do not know this as a port but it looks nice and is certainly convenient for exploring Carnuntum, the Roman town. There does not appear to be a website in English: http://info.hainburg-donau.gv.at/ notamermaid
  17. So, apart from the two Viking ships, I spotted - on online tracking websites - these ships sailing. The Viva One I knew would be doing short trips on the Rhine, some starting in Frankfurt and then coming onto "my" river. I had seen the offers in past years but forgotten about them: the Thurgau Prestige (for her Swiss operator) does short trips, too. In addition to those I also saw the Edelweiss. She is a Scylla ship sailing for Thurgau Travel. One of her itineraries is specifically focused on Basel Carnival. Do you remember the announcement last year by Amawaterways that they would start the 2024 season early? A few days ago the Amalucia started her first itinerary this year in Amsterdam, missed (!) the big day, Rose Monday, in Cologne and is now approaching Breisach. A-Rosa sailed throughout January with several ships but is having a break for most of February. All this only applies to the Rhine. notamermaid
  18. The ASTA river cruise expo is in Amsterdam from 13 to 16 of March. At least one river cruise ship will be used as a hotel during that time, Amadeus River Cruises offered cabins on the Amadeus Cara on their website. If you are interested in the event: https://www.travelweekly.com/River-Cruising/Insights/What-to-expect-from-ASTA-River-Cruise-Expo It is says the event is sold out. Still, I guess it must be possible to see the ships in the harbour. notamermaid
  19. Good to read you found them interesting. I have been thinking, if one is okay with drab weather and widely varying temperatures that you cannot predict - it is mild with rain and grey skies right now - then Carnival can be an interesting time to be in Germany on a river cruise. One may not like it but one can say that one has seen the wondrous sight. 😉 More ships than I thought were here last week and this that I spotted online. Will get back to that. notamermaid
  20. That is what I was thinking. Be polite, smile and look engrossed in something. You would be the husband with the nerdy introvert wife team. You may want to go at a time when the weather is favourable for being on the sundeck. It gives you "more space" and more easily obtained moments away from having to engage in conversation. notamermaid
  21. I nearly missed this... Amawaterways had announced last year that they would be sailing early in 2024. The AmaMagna is now on her first 2024 itinerary. Looks like the passengers are having favourable water levels and pleasant February temperatures. I wonder if they got to experience Bavarian Fasching? notamermaid
  22. So what is all this Prussian soldier and princess thing in the Rhineland about? It can be traced back to (almost) a single historical event and Berlin is to blame [when is Berlin ever not to blame, says the jester 😜]. If you wanted to be pedantic about it is to do with a guy who was in Paris called Napoleon but the real blame lies with the victorious Prussians over Napoleon. In 1815 the Congress of Vienna rearranged Europe and the Rhineland became part of Prussia. Carnival in its other forms had existed for centuries but the revelling and excess metamorphosed over a few decades into the fools being a bit more orderly and - that is where the upside down world and jesters with a mirror come back in - the fools storm town halls to take over and they mock the new rulers and their authority. The Medieval jester is the only one who is allowed to mock the king... The mocking and free speech with satire is also present in the idea of the Büttenrede, a speech made not from a podium but from a "tub". This is an elaborate one: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Büttenrede#/media/Datei:Mainzer-Buett.jpg Likewise the idea of critizising the authorities is witnessed in the many political floats in the Carnival processions. Mainz, Cologne and Düsseldorf are famous for it. You can easily find this on the internet if you are interested, they make international headlines every year. And the Jeck, the Rhineland jester? From about Bonn downstream he is spelled with a j, further upstream with a g. You can listen to the difference in pronunciation from this website leading to the one for Geck: https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Jeck Apparently, the word is etymologically related to geek. It is an old German word connected with a person wanting to stand out from the crowd with sometimes foolish behaviour and/or ostentatious fashion (clothes). Certainly true for the uniforms. Yes, it is more men than women. But the female noun exists, it is "Jeckin". This may be a bit difficult to understand, but it is interesting to see the fun even in a small place where the enthusiasm is strong. Heimbach-Weis is a suburb of Neuwied but draws the crowds with political floats and many, many groups on foot dressed up in splendid costumes (the lady being interviewed had been a princess and part of an old ladies' carnival club before now doing things "a bit more slowly"): https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/rheinland-pfalz/koblenz/veilchendienstag-2024-umzuege-heimbach-weis-100.html So while this seems all foolish, over the top and mad, there is a serious background to it. It is late in the evening here with me, so time for the fools to burn or bury Carnival. Yes, that is a tradition, too. On Ash Wednesday normal order is restored and fasting begins - the origin of the word Fastnacht. notamermaid
  23. The river levels have been falling nicely again. Kaug gauge did not reach flood mark I. All good. Plenty of room for more rain and a bit of snow melt. This week and into next looking good. About the Viking Tialfi. The ship was indeed in Cologne yesterday. Unusually, it docked in Deutz, the "schäl sick", in Rhenish meaning the other side of the Rhine, usually the right embankment, i.e. in Cologne that is Deutz and other districts. This has happened before, not often at all, but it appears to be happening a bit more than let us say two years ago. No idea if this was to do with high water or even Carnival. I cannot tell you the exact spot. You can walk across the Hohenzollern Bridge. Not a big deal if you are mobile: notamermaid
  24. I am not familiar with that area. What you mean with getting up at 4am is the Morgestraich apparently. Sounds fascinating. A bit early though... I found this website which may help you: https://www.baslerfasnacht.info/basel-fasnacht/index.php notamermaid
  25. It has been a busy day of eating, little drinking by me actually, more drinking for others. Music, shouting, and collecting goodies, mainly sweets that are called "Kamelle" in the Rhineland. That is shortened for Karamell(e)bonbons. You can see it - caramel. Nowadays you also get tiny chocolate bars, packets of paper handkerchiefs and small popcorn bags thrown towards you. Great fun. My voice got a bit hoarse during the parade, I was a bit more enthusiastic than last year. When you shout and smile you may get a "personal" goodie, could be a bigger one then, perhaps even a flower handed to you. Did not get anything special this year but it was nice to have the standard stuff as well. There were two flavours of sweets I had not seen before, looking forward to trying those. Anyway... I posted this last year as well, but for those new to the topic it is a good "instruction video" how to greet and shout during Carnival. A young Australian was given the task of getting through a day of Carnival in Cologne with a "Garde", a unit of men in this case, dressed up as Prussian soldiers. In the video they do not use the "three times thundering..." but he says translated "three times from the heart...". I like that version: https://www.dw.com/en/an-australian-visits-colognes-carnival/video-64742923 notamermaid
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