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Host Jazzbeau

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    Cruise Critic Host & 20,000+ Club
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    New York
  • Interests
    Jazz, food, wine
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    the next one
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  1. You have to use paper maps to make it work. But if you use paper maps, you could be cool [like a pirate]:
  2. Agree, although the French make some good cheese too. But nothing to top Stilton. As to the rail sabotage, could it have been Michelle of the Resistance??? [notice that I said that only wahnse]
  3. I can never wrap my head around Egypt: Upper Egypt is in the South, because the Nile flows S to N. We always get better gas mileage driving from NY to Alabama than coming home. I tell DW that's because on the map we're going downhill to Alabama and uphill back to NY!
  4. New article on Cruise Industry News: Victory Cruise Lines to Visit Escanaba in 2025
  5. Unless something goes wrong with the itinerary and they make an announcement at dinner. It will be in French first, and when that ends and they start the English version all the French passenger will begin discussing the news so loudly that the English announcement can't be heard. This happened to us. I will only sail Ponant on their new English-focus itineraries, or with a third-party group like Tauck.
  6. I can't match the culinary expertise on this forum, or even the restaurant nirvana of Black Tartan Kitchen, but I do have a group of friends that meets for lunch every month. And here's a meme about us!
  7. @claudio you can repost the cancellation notice if you remove reference(s) to the travel agency
  8. The best itinerary I have seen for the Moselle is on Tui, but I can't recommend that cruise line (I have never sailed it, there is little info about it, and there was a recent troubling review): https://www.tui.co.uk/river-cruises/packages?from[]=&to[]=L53328%3ACRUISEAREA&when=01-06-2025&flexibility=true&flexibleDays=1&duration=&addAStay=0&until=&choiceSearch=true&noOfAdults=2&noOfChildren=0&childrenAge=&searchRequestType=ins&searchType=search&sp=true&room=
  9. Another delay: Villa Vie All Set For July 30; Updates Itinerary
  10. Thanks for posting this thorough review. Now I understand why you prefer Viking: they provide more of the things you value than Scenic. It also reinforces my belief that Scenic provides more of the things that I value than Viking. Choice is good!
  11. In your case you could see the bundling and could choose to avoid it. But generally when this is stated here it would be better phrased “You are paying for it, whether you use it or not.”
  12. So Silversea understands that the Philippine Call Centre isn’t good enough to handle the really important things (taking bookings = revenue) but once they have your money, poor service is good enough for you.
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