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Posts posted by pinkrosesdeb

  1. Thanks SNJ, we did receive it as part of the 1 2 3 perks. We cruise RCCL almost exclusively to this point and you do have to both buy the package with them. We have never done it though because dh doesn't drink and theirs does not include coffees etc. I do think we will be ok with the classic because I would rather have a Jack & diet than a glass of wine and dh gets the occassional O'Douls's if available. Thanks again for your input, it is greatly appreciated. Deb

  2. We appreciate everything we get...they don't owe us anything and it is a nice gesture. We might like different things also but I was taught to say thank you whenever I was given something and not complain because someone was kind enough to offer it. Kinda like going to someone's house for dinner and telling them you'd rather have something else?! In my mom's words..."Eat it and Like It or Leave the table!"

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