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Everything posted by Lilye66

  1. We will take tea bags as 1 teen disappointed with options for tea on carnival (although novelty of edible straw with milkshakes was good) I have taken coffee bags & even a French press on previous trips. I will always try & make a decision on board. Although I won’t bother with one line. I also stick to a when I find a place where it’s good - as seems to vary greatly on same ship with the same supplies. It ends up being is it better then I can make, I am happy to pay.
  2. Thank you everyone for quick responses 🙂 Arxcards - enjoy your few days & appreciate the offer. fixi - looks like I’ll get my caffeine fix & quality time time with teens 😉 I will make platinum during this cruise, so will have to pay ‘full price’ this time.
  3. Now the local season has started, can anyone provide - 1. Prices for espresso, hot chocolate, milkshakes & zero alcohol cocktails 2. Cost of a single wifi package 3. If you can use one wifi package to switch between multiple devices Parent & 2 teens on Christmas Majestic Princess on standard package & hard to justify any of the packages - plus/premium or beverage + adding wifi. I have sailed Princess pre-covid (so mourn the coffee card going) and did Carnival last year (mostly pay as go). Soft drinks not as desirable by teens. thanks in advance.
  4. Themed nights as per Carnival - https://help.carnival.com.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/69/related/1/session/L2F2LzEvdGltZS8xNjcwNzE3MjExL3NpZC9mVUI0cWQ3Qzk5R3FXQk10SVNRZE1SJTdFbTI1cW1hS0VVYWFUSGJFUEFGWnYlN0VoaUhUSkZTcmNhOG1TRWJ0X0dFanJxOVo0UERkdmZ0RVJQVGRudERjNktWQWNEWG9taGp2N1dVU2cwa3NWZzdoVFZzdk9PblVrNVhRJTIxJTIx
  5. Thanks Hunter69! I’m ok to unplug, but teens not so much… good to know it’s improved.
  6. Thanks LuckiePuris for the info. still looking for any feedback on if anyone has any comments on if the service now is better then a few years ago..
  7. Hi, I have in the past cruised RC & Princess in the South Pacific so understand limitations of internet. First time on Carnival. I looking for feedback from anyone who has sailed since resumption on the Splendour on - Has the wifi generally improved from 3 years ago? Can you do just a 1 day package? Has anyone taken a single package & shared it between separate devices? (Ie only using 1 device at a time) - any tips? Thanks in advance
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