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Posts posted by brillohead

  1. This has got to be one of the rudest posts I have ever read. Someone comes here and posts the only thing that they have, trying to provide helpful information to others, and you repeatedly drill them, give them the third degree and then accuse them of not bothering to comment on your demands. Oshawapilot answered your question. Give it a rest.


    No, Oshawapilot DID NOT answer my question, which was why I repeated it AGAIN. And your complaining about it with false statements is rude. :rolleyes:


    I was simply trying to ascertain if the relevant information was on a portion of the flyer that was not visible in the photograph, since the online version includes the information in a separate portion of the handout.


    Oshawapilot never provided anything to show what ELSE might have been included on the flyer, nor did Oshawapilot ever indicate that there was absolutely no printing on the flyer beyond that which is shown in the photograph. If they had done so, I would not have had to repeat the comment.

  2. I am sorry to substitute for oshawapilot, but I believe that that is the entire flyer that they were given. Which is their point. They were told that these were the only plans that they were selling.


    Exactly. That's all they had at the desks that were selling the packages, and subsequently, all that was offered.


    What's online, in emails, or wherever else is irrelevant when the person at the desk says "take this, or leave" more or less.


    My point, which I'm hesitant to even mention AGAIN because you're not bothering to comment on it, is that I'm asking if there is an UNCROPPED photo (meaning showing the edges of the paper, not just zooming in on a certain part) that shows BOTH SIDES of this flyer.


    Since the online version is two-pages, with the soda-only area listed in another area, it stands to reason that the on-board version is also intended to be a two-page document, with the soda-only package listed in another area. Could they have purchased the wine package? The bottled water package? Etc. It may be that only this little bit of printing was offered and the other side is completely blank, but since nobody is willing to answer me, I have no way of knowing for sure.




    Let me tell you a story to illustrate my point: I was a bank teller in a previous life, and I had someone at my window once complaining about bounced checks. I asked when they had last balanced to their statement, and they said that by the time the statement came in the mail, they had always written more checks or made deposits, so the totals were never right. I asked them if they did the worksheet that was printed on the back of their statement to balance their checkbook, and they said that there was never a worksheet on the back of their statement. I then reached forward and picked up their most recent bank statement and turned it over.... showing the worksheet printed on the back of every page. Their response: "Oh."


    THIS is why I'm asking if there's anything on the back of the flyer. We already know that the online version is a 2-pager... but we don't know if the on-board version is a 2-pager. I can't reach through the internet all the way to Oshawa and turn over the flyer, and I'm not going to drive the six hours to Oshawa to turn it over. All I'm asking is if there is anything printed on the other side of the flyer. It's not rocket science.


    And it's entirely possible that it was SUPPOSED to be printed on both side, but that someone in the office forgot to hit the "two-sided duplex" button on the copy machine. But until someone at least turns it over to look, we won't know.




    It also sounds like the friends did not escalate this "up the ladder" to a manager or supervisor, relying instead on just the standard personnel. As we all know, those standard personnel are often inadequately trained. This goes for just about ANY low-level position, sadly, including the phone representatives and the entirety of the IT department!


    While they should not have NEEDED to talk to a manager (or go to multiple different bars) just to get an available package, it sounds like they probably WOULD have been able to get the soda-only package if they had pursued it more strenuously.


    Obviously, RCI needs to be doing a better job of training their personnel on ALL of the packages that are available. Hopefully the RCI folks who keep tabs on this forum will make sure that the word gets out to the people who need to hear this news.

  3. For Chankanaab Park, I understand it is $20 per person to use the beach? The $14 for two people to use the Taxi, is that each way?


    Those were the rough prices last year -- maybe a buck or two in either direction. And yes, the taxi price is each way. No food/drink is included in this cost.

  4. He is showing you the photograph that his friends took of the handout that they received on the Explorer last week. That is the whole point of his starting this thread.


    My point is that I asked for an UNCROPPED, TWO-SIDED version of that sheet.


    Did I not make that clear?


    Because even the online-version of the sheet is TWO PAGES LONG, and the SODA-ONLY package is listed on the OTHER page.

  5. We don't normally buy beforehand because my DH doesn't want to wait to get in the cabin to get his soda card as we normally are on the ship prior to the cabins being ready, I didn't want to take a chance of the soda package being discontinued as the price went for $90 to $240.


    You don't have to wait until your cabin is available to get your CARD -- only to get the special CUP.


    The insignia is printed on your SeaPass card if you pre-purchase, and added as a sticker if you purchase on board. So you can go to any bar and get a soda with a pre-purchased package, even without having gone to the cabin to get the cup, as soon as you are on board.


    The only thing you need to have the cup for is the Freestyle machine. Otherwise, you can just flash your card and get a drink at any bar.

  6. Look at post #3 in this thread - I included a link to a photo of the very sheet they were given on the ship, to which all the staff said more or less "See, no soda only option, Royal Replenish at $20/day or nothing!".


    Edit: Here's the photo again for those who missed it.




    Can you show us the WHOLE handout, front and back, nothing cropped off?


    Because the wine package, the bottled water package, the bottled juice package, and the soda package are not listed on that .... but they are still available.


    Just like the file shown here: http://media.royalcaribbean.com/content/royal/en_US/pdf/beverage_packages.pdf


    Scroll to the second page and you see that there ARE other packages available, they're just not considered to be "all-inclusive" types, so they're not shown alongside the other versions.

  7. In Cozumel, I like to go to Chankanaab Park.




    You can get a taxi there for (I think) $14 for two people, and admission is about $20 per person. You can do as much or as little as you want while you're there (some items are at additional cost, of course). They have a swim-with-dolphins thing, sea lion show, nature trail, tequila tasting, beach massage, and food and drinks available.


    I have my own snorkel gear, so I like to just grab a chair or hammock in the shade on the beach and snorkel (or nap!) as desired. I'm pretty sure they also have snorkel gear to rent, but I've always had my own.


    You can also purchase a cruise-sponsored excursion to Chankanaab, but I prefer to do it on my own. Cruise excursions waste too much of my time in paradise, waiting for everyone to get off the ship and onto the bus, waiting for the guide to give all the instructions, waiting for everyone to get back to the bus at the end of the day, etc.


    By getting off the ship right away and grabbing an affordable taxi, I can be on the beach relaxing before most people are even on the bus. Ditto at the end of the day -- I can stay much later, because I don't have a guide telling me to be at the bus at 2pm so that the bus can leave by 3:30 (because of needing to wait for all the lazy folks to show up). I can grab a cab (always readily available at the park entrance, and can be shared with others to reduce the bill) at 4:00 and be back at the pier in plenty of time to shop for souvenirs and still be at the ship for the 5:00 all-aboard.


    I can't think of the last time I did a cruise-sponsored excursion... maybe in the mid-1980s? The exception to my "do-it-yourself" excursion might be someplace like Belize, however -- I've heard that there is a very long tender ride there, and if you're not on a cruise-sponsored excursion, you don't get onto an early enough tender to get to shore in time to make the necessary connections.

  8. If you're snorkeling in the Caribbean and you're fair skinned, I highly recommend using a swim shirt. Sunscreen will eventually wash off and your back can get fried, since it's exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time.


    And for the love of all that is holy, coat your behind liberally with sunscreen.... your swimsuit WILL ride up and you WON'T realize it and you WILL roast your buns!!!!

  9. In Cozumel, my family likes to go to Chankanaab Park. You can get a taxi from the pier, admission is $20 or less per person, and you can do as much or as little as you want. There are lounge chairs on the beach, and there is a little cove where you can walk into the water (no higher than waist deep in the cove) and it's easy-entry for kids to play. You can also snorkel (I'm sure gear can be rented, although we bring our own), get a massage, swim with dolphins, etc. (extra charge for services).

  10. Does anyone know if they work for altitude sickness, too?

    Yes, they work for any type of motion sickness. It is actually a pressure point that they activate for any nausea:)




    Depends what you mean by "altitude sickness" -- they can work for MOTION sickness, whether you are in a car, boat, train, or plain, but that is NOT THE SAME as altitude sickness.


    Altitude sickness is related to the body's inability to adjust to the reduced oxygen levels found at higher elevation (hence the "altitude" portion of the name, which is a measurement of elevation). If you live at sea level and go up into a mountainous area and try to exert yourself physically, you can develop altitude sickness.


    While some of the symptoms of altitude sickness are similar to those experienced with motion sickness, the two are in NO WAY related to each other, and severe altitude sickness can result in permanent disability up to and including death. You should take REAL precautions (talk to your doctor -- not some strangers on the internet -- about it) to prevent altitude sickness if it is something you have experienced in the past.



    </RN-induced medical rant>

  11. They say express departure starts at 6:30am, but I’d suggest getting in line no later than 6:00am. They have a great system in place; they line your luggage up (to keep you’re place in line) then have you head to the main dinning room for a seat, coffee, and lite breakfast items. Well around 11:18am someone came out and said, “we are a go!” At this point it was grab your bag and head off, I was standing pretty close to my bag and would say I was the 10th person off the ship. I arrived at the airport at 6:30, and sitting at my gate at 6:47am. Now only problem is my flight isn’t until 10:15am.


    Looks like that drink package caught up with you, Michael.... at 11:18 you were a go, and you were at the airport at 6:30? :confused:

  12. When I was on Navigator earlier this year (but not in Belize), only people who purchased an RCI-sponsored excursion (and had the tickets to prove it) were allowed off in the first several tenders. Something to consider, if you're purchasing an independent excursion. But if your excursion is purchased through RCI, you'll be on the first boat, no worries.

  13. My husband and I were on the Oasis in September and we enjoyed those roast beef sandwiches. We met a great couple and we are all cruising on the Indy on the March 29th sailing!


    That's weird, we were on the Oasis in September and met a great couple and we're cruising with them on the Indy on March 29th, small world! ;)



    Add me to the "small world club" -- I met Michael (and his brother Jason and Jason's partner Caleb) on Navigator this spring, and I'm sailing with them on Indy on March 29th as well! :D

  14. I eat most of the time in the main dining room, and have never come across behaviour that disgusting. The majority of people are very welcoming. I think that scenario is a good time to get angry, not upset. Vocalise your anger. Draw on the depths of your vocabulary. Throw in some forgotten 18th century insults. Make it a learning experience for the insolent. It's for their own good ;)


    I think you and I would be very good friends if we met in real life! ;)




    As for the host who wrote the table number in his notepad... hopefully that note was a reminder to him to not seat ANYONE else at that table -- leave that couple sitting alone at a six-top and make them look like the freaks that they are!

  15. in our hospital the microbiology dept has put big posters up near all the taps clearly stating that alcohol based hand sanitizers are not effective against norovirus and c-diff


    according to the American CDC website (http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp/pub/Handwashing/HandwashingTips.htm )


    Noroviruses can be found in your vomit or stool even before you start feeling sick. The virus can stay in your stool for 2 weeks or more after you feel better. So, it is important to continue washing your hands often during this time.


    "Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be used in addition to hand washing. But, they should not be used as a substitute for washing with soap and water."


    also "What about alcohol-based hand sanitizers?

    • CDC recommends that cruise ship passengers use warm water and soap to wash their hands. Washing is always best.
    • If water and soap are NOT available (perhaps on excursions), use an ethanol alcohol-based hand sanitizer, preferably in a gel form. The sanitizer should be at least 62% ethanol"

    certainly use the hand sanitiser it is better then nothing but also frequent use of soap of water :)


    Thanks for repeating exactly what I already said.... :rolleyes:

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