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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/15)

  1. If the room is booked for 2 adults and 2 children, would they get 4 passes?
  2. Has anyone used this place? It's still a proctor, but only 14.99 pp and you use the free kits the gov't mailed out. https://onpoint-testing.com/product/certified-teleservice-covid-testing/?gclid=CjwKCAjw2f-VBhAsEiwAO4lNeBoAiQIOw3W1CQFyE7VoG4VAnNVVg09w9sxZJxWuum4p82dGtDsI2BoCzagQAvD_BwE
  3. If we are a couple traveling together does anyone know if you fill out one - or each person has to do it.
  4. Hi, Not sure I understand - if we bring the tests from home - we have to find someone to watch us do them? Or when you say proctoring - have that as a back up in case the tests you bring don't work? I've never done it on my own - just use CVS in the states before trips so far.
  5. We want to hike up and ride down on the tram too - how long did it take you to hike? What did you think? And do they still let you buy something for 10.00 to ride down free?
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