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Everything posted by rj80

  1. Ditto for us on the June 11 sailing. Totally disorganized and looooong wait, about 2 hours to get on the bus. They yell out the color or number on your ticket to get on the bus. No one could hear or understand him. Why can't they hold up a sign of the color or number of the next ticket and use a magaphone. I asked them, why don't you have a PA system? They said they weren't allowed to have one. Everyone was wandering and looked lost. Just plain stupid! Never again!
  2. Does anyone know which diningroom is doing the embarkation lunch?
  3. We are on the on the June 11th cruise too. We are on the aft and are looking forward to reading, drinking coffee and wine from our balcony watching the scenery. The itirenary is disapointing, but are packing tours into our long day in Skagway. On waiting list for the Mendanhall shuttle in Juneau. We booked with Juneau Tours just incase we don't get off the waiting list. Can cancel 24 hours ahead. Our whale watching tour was canceled due to the time coming into Juneau now. Yes, to good weather, as this will be out saving grace. We will make the best of it enjoying the food, drinks and our suite. (First time in a suite-that's why we didn't want to cancel) Here we go!
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