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Posts posted by monkeybone

  1. And for the info regarding putting a luggage tag on it and checking it, make sure it is from a port that allows it. Not all NCL ports allow you to check soda/water and make you carry it on.


    The OP is leaving from Miami. Last time I left from Miami it was allowed, did that change?

  2. Oh my gosh, this is what I was looking for, THANKS!!!! Hopefully I will be able to print it off and bring it with me. Trying to decide if it is worth the huge fight ahead to get the "dinner show" free on embarkation day. It would save $300, for the 12 of us. Thanks again I really appreciate it.


    Print it and take it with you for sure! I had such a hard time in June I finally got someone from NCL to help me and she booked it for us. Call and book it!


    You can read about it here:



  3. I wish everyone was as considerate as you. I am a non-smoker and have asthma that is easily triggered by smoke. I am on the Breakaway right now. Unfortunately, our room is above the cigar bar area. Either smoke is drifting up from there or one of our balcony neighbors is breaking ship rules and smoking. Whichever, I am not a happy camper. Too many smokers focus on their right to smoke and don't consider that it is a real health issue for some people to be exposed to second hand smoke. I love NCL cruise lines, but this may be the end of cruising on any ship with cigar bars for me. Way too many smokers on this ship! I have passed smoking areas several times already, nearly causing an asthma attack, and I cannot even enjoy the casino, which I would like to. No fun...no fair :(


    WOW your first post on CC and you managed to bring up a smoking thread from over a year ago?


    I think you can find better things to do on your cruise.


    If this is true why don't you go complain to guest services.

  4. Thanks guys for all the replies. I hope this will help others to answer some questions ....we have made a decision and actually ended up booking RCCL and little shorter trip to be back for Thanksgiving dinner with our family in Florida. Hopefully this one will not be so crowded. But either way I know we will have a blast as always on a cruise. Happy Cruising


    Hope you have a great cruise :)

  5. Interesting....where did you get your legal degree???? So....NCL can charge a huge premium for something then, take it away and not even give them their actual money back-- just OBC which, by the way...by definition, NCL gets back!


    For the past 9 months, I have been following this board and you have gone on and on about how excited you were to be in the Haven. What if NCL said, "sorry gotta close the Haven for that cruise...but, hey we'll give you $100 OBC (only 3 day cruise) and "technically" we don't have to compensate you so...don't expect or ask for a a fair resolution".... hmmm....guess that would be fair by your standards ....you just better enjoy that inside...to expect anything more would be "greedy"....just MY opinion! :rolleyes:



  6. This would be a major letdown to start a cruise especially if I was booked in a spa cabin. However NCL offering $500 is very reasonable because a spa pass costs $200 per person. But don't let it ruin your cruise. The spa on BA/GA is very nice but a big step down from Epic. No outside space, no picture window ocean views from the saunas, and a much smaller overall space.

    I am curious why the entire spa is shut down. If it was for maintenance I could see the pool or sauna being closed. But the entire space? That is just circumstantial evidence of some sort of bacteria, fungus or something that they need to sanitize the entire area.

    Have a great cruise and keep us posted. There are enough things to do to occupy your time.


    I have to agree with you, The spa on the Epic is amazing! and I got a sinus infection twice after going to the BA spa.

  7. as for Quoted above.... Thank you for your smart remarks and since you don't know our family your comment was unnecessary....yes we do spend quality time with our children every single day and we certainly will on the cruise. Kids club is not for us to dump our kids in it's for their entertainment they absolutely love it there. I just don't want to disappoint our kids if they wouldn't be able to join the activities by kids club.


    Thank you everyone else for the helpful info.:)


    Ignore that poster. If you are going on the BA I would be worried also if I had small kids.


    It leaves from NY so it will be too cold for the outdoor pool and activities a few day out of your cruise. They do not have an indoor pool, bumper cars or any indoor activities for kids if they don't make into the kids club.


    They do have an arcade but that gets boring and pricey.

  8. I did ask and they said no way to hold them for us first come first served. Also asked for access to Haven courtyard and was told no not without a Haven room. And unwilling or unable to budge on price of Haven upgrade.


    Sent from my XT1031 using Tapatalk


    That really stinks. I am glad they gave you some money back and OBC.


    They really should have given you a haven pass.


    NCL has no indoor pools for adults its a joke! Ships leaving from NY in the winter should have an indoor pool

    just like hotels and other ships like RCCL and others.


    Customers have been complaining for years that the outdoor pools are too small on the ships. They have not fixed that problem.


    NCL only has this at a very high price of the Haven or spa, and now your week with the spa out of order UGH. Not that you could even swim in the haven pool it's also way too small.


    I hope you have an amazing cruise.

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