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Everything posted by la_croisiere_s'amuse

  1. We are up as well, but it sounds like this is a good time to start poking around for a new one to book! 😁
  2. Sounds like quite a silver lining! 🙂 Best wishes for a quick recovery and an enjoyable vacation.
  3. I've enjoyed them all, but I'm going to buck the Oasis-class trend and say Odyssey. 🙂
  4. 😲 😳😧 I had trouble focusing on the rest of your post, 'cause ... WOW. Just not okay 😠 Granted, if I had my way, nobody would wear Speedos in public, even if they look like Chippendale dancers. 😉 But telling people what they can and can't wear because they're too fat/thin/tall/short/hairy/pale whatever ... that needs to stop, period, and when it's coming from someone whose job it is to help you enjoy your cruise ... well, let's just say that I'm glad there's a survey at the end of every cruise. 😑 P.S. Not that my opinion should matter in the slightest, but I think you are rockin' that swimsuit.
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