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Everything posted by strachan01

  1. I am just off the Symphony and got a clear one rather than colour. Do you have any doubles you'd like to trade with? haha
  2. I'm due my next one on Icon.... Wonder if they will be ready haha
  3. I am thinking exactly the same. Although I assume Allure will be heading over from her TA straight into her long awaited drydock?
  4. We don't have taxes etc to pay on top, that is final price. US price in $ has taxes added on at checkout i believe?
  5. If you go to the website rather than app and select order history, you have the option to cancel there mate.
  6. Id jump on it for £58! Can always cancel and order again if it goes lower.
  7. Bit of a strange questions this but.... I am looking at 2 cruises in Oct / Nov this year, I plan on cruising alone and was just going to book it on a solo rate. Due to the changing nature of my work i am not sure if I will be at home for both cruises until normally the week of the sailings. I know i would be too late too cancel and receive any refunds by that point, however would C&A points still be issued as the cruise would have been paid in full? I guess it woulf be a no show for a solo cabin.... Fingers crossed it does not come to this, and that i can enjoy my cruises, however i wondered if i would lose everything or if double crown and anchor points for the solo cabin rate would still be added? Thanks so much Regards
  8. Hi all, After we finish out Oasis cruise in November we have an evening flight back to UK. We used to use a company called my jet service which would collect our bags from the port, store them, then deliver them to us at the airport. It looks like the company doesn't exist anymore though! I am travelling with my wife and baby so ideally don't want to be dragging around luggage all day. Just wondered if anyone had any other options for a similar service? We would probably just be going to a mall until our flight! Thanks Fraser
  9. Thanks so much - Really appreciate it. We will do that as well - sounds a good plan! Looking forward to Iona Been too long since we were on Aurora now!
  10. Brilliant - thanks so much! Have heard mixed reviews about the 'app' but will see what happens when we got onbaord! Thanks again Fraser
  11. Good Evening! We are boarding Iona next week and wondered what the current procedure is with regards to booking speciality restaurants? Do we have to go to each restaurant to book a slot or is there a way to book all qt the same time? We have quite a but of OBC to use and don't want to miss out before the restaurants fill up. Cheers Fraser
  12. Thank you. Like I said 1st time back with P&O in a while!
  13. Ah thank you so much for that 🙂 really appreciate it 🙂
  14. Does anyone know if the given check in time is a hard rule? We have been given 1600 for our upcoming Iona cruise. I haven't cruised on P&O in a long time but thought that was excessively late to get on the ship on the 1st day! We have our 8 month old baby with us so didn't want be waiting around too long after we check out our hotel. Cheers all!
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