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    Upstate SC
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    Road trips
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    Haven’t had a bad one yet.
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  1. And the “older” ships are always getting newer. Vista is how old now? Horizon? Etc. I do love cruises like Elation and Valor, but it’s harder with kids. They need a little more. thankfully there are so many ships. ❤
  2. I’ve come to realize it really am a 5-day cruiser. Any longer and it’s just too much rich food. I like dressing up but I get tired of it. I like leaving the ship, but I get tired of the pack up. I hope you had a wonderful cruise and a safe trip home.
  3. I absolutely get this ♥ I am sorry the hair appliances weren't working. That would break my heart and I would have a hard time thinking about anything else.
  4. Hey y’all. thought I’d share he worked things out and joined us. Three hours to embarkation.
  5. Thank you all. I had been pleasantly surprised on carnival in March that the card had a hole. i have no idea where mine went. But with 6 kids - someone prolly took it out for something. I’ll grab another one. Thank you all. so excited.
  6. Outside Galveston and getting my embarkation bag prepped for the day. I just realized my hole punch is not in my supplies where it’s been for years. do RCCL already have holes in the cards? I have to stop at Walmart and can pick up another one, but I’ll skip it if I don’t need it. Thank you.
  7. oh I’m annoyed by all of this. I will definitely be applying real sunscreen before we leave the ship and try to smuggle more of it with us. but I will also have this for us.
  8. Do you think these, stupidly expensive, sunscreens be allowed do you think?
  9. Thank you all. I need to figure this out ASAP. sounds like I should decide if I’d rather just have him be a no show or work quickly to get another person in that spot. the first is obviously easier. It may be better just to absorb the monies lost Vs putting a friend in there. Thank you. Who doesn’t love a challenge?
  10. My son just shared he may not be able to join us on our VOTS 5/20-5/25 out of Galveston. It is work related, not medical, etc. He is the lead on our second stateroom (the room was to be shared with sisters 18, 17, and 13). DH and I are in connecting room with another child. Are we toast bc he is the lead, or will we be ok as my DD is 18? Is there any way we could invite someone in his spot, or is it just too stinking close. It is what it is... but I want to make sure if there is something we can do to increase the return on our investment I want to do as much as we can. We do have insurance, but it isn't cancel for any reason. It is more medical or emergency based. Thank you for your help!
  11. Thank you for these answers. but now I have another question. there are actually five of us with phones on this trip. (But two don’t care about email, etc.). Will we not all be able to communicate with the RCCL app? I thought as long as we all had the app we could “text” each other. Thank you.
  12. like one user, one device? we can just log in, check email, log out? Thank you.
  13. The cost is significantly different for me to have three users signed up for internet package vs me having one user with three devices. Can someone explain how that works? Is it if I have ONE user with three devices, just one device can be active at a time? My husband, daughter, and I want to be able to check in to our emails daily. In theory, we could just do so with one phone... but I am thinking multiple devices is just easier?
  14. We dress up no matter what’s listed. My DD’s 18 and 17 can’t wait to wear old prom dresses. ❤
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