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Posts posted by Jennizor

  1. 1 hour ago, Peanut006 said:

    Good afternoon everyone, hope everyone is ok today. It’s started raining about an hour ago here, luckily had the dogs out for a long walk this morning.


    I have just dropped my hubby at the hospital, he is having a hernia repair done this afternoon, 2nd time doing it. He has been sent to Spire from NHS to get it done, they must be outsourcing their work. Hubby says they have told him he will be out tonight but he is still waiting to go to theatre.


    Hi Michelle, I hope Richard’s op goes Ok and he recovers quickly. He has got lots of jobs do on the house hasn’t he?

    Today I have been to my annual meet up of class of 61, Rivington & Blackrod Grammar School. There used to be about 40 of us but there was only 16 this time, sign of the times.

    We still had a good time reminiscing and the time just flew by. There are a number of us who went to infant, junior and grammar school together so we have lots of history. 

    • Like 13
  2. What a beautiful cat Megabear.


    Here is my little ray of sunshine. She is a rescue cat as all my cats have been. I lost my previous cat two years ago. My daughter is a vet nurse and I told her I was too upset to take another one. About a week later she told me about this one that had been hit by a motorcycle and the owners wanting her to be put down. I took one look at her and was hooked. She is called Evie and is fully recovered and so affectionate, I am always covered in cat hairs.


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  3. We came back last weekend from our Caribbean cruise on Arvia. We saw La Voix in the Limelight Club for the second time, last time on Iona. Both times the show was excellent but the recent one was brilliant. We laughed so much and thought the singing was better even than the first time. We would definitely go to see him again if he was on our next cruise.

  4. 2 hours ago, Peanut006 said:

    Good evening everyone, hope you have all had a nice Easter.


    We are back from out TA on Arvia, we had a lovely time and we liked the ship.



    The food was lovely, we ate in MDR, Epicurean, Green & Co(exceptional), Sindhu, Limelight Club x2, The Beach House. 

    Our cabin was good one we got a new mattress put on the bed as it had practically collapsed at one side and I was getting awful backache.


    Lift etiquette wasn’t too bad from a disabled point of view with most people giving me time to get in the lifts, but I have to say they are the smallest lifts I have seen on a cruise ship,


    The weather from Tenerife wasn’t good with 7 metre swells, thankfully we were both ok.


    We met up three times with one of our CC Members, Jennizor and her husband, lovely to put a face to a name.


    Take care everyone 



    It was lovely to meet up with Michelle and Richard. It was amazing to find two people so easily amongst the throngs.


    We also had a lovely cruise but found the sea days became a bit wearing towards the end. The ship was lovely as were the staff. We enjoyed some of the evenings in the atrium on the 6th floor, the artists were very good. We also went to the Limelight Club and had a great evening. Our balcony cabin was on deck 12 although smaller than we expected but as we didn’t spend a lot of time there, it didn’t really matter.


    We had a dreadful return home however. We had no electric as there had been a power failure, early in the first week we were away. The under counter fridge and freezer in the kitchen and the larger ones in the garage were all completely defrosted. Ian managed to get the power back but we spent hours yesterday and today trying sort the issue. We left all the food in the large freezer in the garage, now all frozen again but totally unusable but we will get rid of it all over the next couple of days. Will speak to Saga tomorrow about claiming for all the ruined food. We will also get an electrician in to get his view on why this happened and get him to do whatever is needed to ensure it doesn’t happen again.He lives just a few houses away from us and is very highly regarded.


    I feel like I need another holiday after coming back to this.

    • Like 10
  5. We are flying out to the Caribbean in two weeks. After a week there we are doing the transatlantic to Southampton. From there we are on an Intercruises coach to Manchester airport. We make our own way home from there, that’s not a problem as it is only about 30 mins by taxi to Bolton. We have travelled several times with Intercruises and never had a problem. Fingers crossed we won’t have any this time.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Peanut006 said:

    Good evening everyone, hope you have all had a nice day.


    I have been out shopping today to Boundry Mills in Colne. I could have spent a fortune but I managed to restrain myself. There in now a large Radley department with huge reductions, some bags were reduced from £219 to £65, I might have to go again. There was a large cookware department, bedding etc, massive range of ladies clothes including a Roman department which I like.


    We have just had a builder round to price some more work in the house, there is more work needed than we anticipated.


    Have a nice evening everyone 



    Hi Michelle, we love Boundary Mill. We used to take Ian’s mum there when she wanted a new outfit. We haven’t been for a while, last time we bought a beautiful painting that we have above our bed. We must try go again soon, although I will avoid the Radley department, it’s too tempting. 


    Today we have been to the opticians in Bolton as Ian is having a problem with floaters in his eyes. He has been referred to the hospital but we won’t be going before we go on our Caribbean cruise so we are still hoping to meet up with you.



    • Like 4
  7. 53 minutes ago, defbref said:

    Travelled from Carlisle last year with intercruises, left at 5am arrived about 1230, there was 3 stops on the way of about 30 minutes each. Best bit was upon arrival was ushered straight to check in, did not have to queue outside, was on the Ship about 20 minutes after arrival.


    Coach was comfortable.


    Doing it again at the end of this month.

    I can fully support the above response. We have travelled several times with Intercruises from Bolton to Southampton. Only one stop but that’s fine for us. We were slightly held up last time due to a road traffic accident but were in Southampton in good time and very quickly on the ship.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Peanut006 said:

    Kind of you to think about my mum Graham. You won’t believe it but when I visited last night she was like a different person. She walked around the ward with my hubby using her Walker. Her mind and speech was a sharp as it’s ever been. She walked around during the day too with the physio and occ health lady. They say she can come home as soon as care is in place at home. Unbelievable, but I am very happy



    Great news Michelle. I hope her care for home is sorted soon.




    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Peanut006 said:

    Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all having a nice day.


    It’s a lovely sunny day here. My daughter and son-in-law have come over with the three boys. Boys have gone out on a bike ride into St Annes and my daughter has gone to visit her Grandma in hospital.



    Glad to hear from you Michelle. I was concerned your mum was having problems. 

    Keep us posted on her recovery. 


    • Like 4
  10. 9 minutes ago, Peanut006 said:

    Good morning everyone, hope you are all well today.


    I had a stressful day yesterday. My mum was admitted to Hosp yesterday with a heart rate jumping between 25 - 170  within a few seconds. She is on Cardiology ward waiting to see consultant this morning so we should know more when we visit this afternoon.

    Have a nice day everyone whatever you are doing 



    Hi Michelle, sorry to hear about your mum. I hope you get good news when you visit later. 


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  11. 13 hours ago, Clodia said:

    I did it the other way round and the overnight flight home was a nightmare. At least flying out gets it over with and then you can relax into the cruise. 

    I hate flying so much that if I sail transatlantic again I'll do the 35 days both ways. My best friend and I have always wanted to cruise to Australia and New Zealand but couldn't face the flights. So we've booked the full World cruise for 2026.

    Wow, that sounds amazing.

  12. 2 hours ago, john watson said:


    Yes the end of season sailing home offers a bonus day in the Caribbean.  You would be shocked that some people focus too much on price alone and end up with a day shorter cruise. The day lost is in the Caribbean but they check different travel agents and compare the tiny details different airports but overlook the fewer nights because they don't realise this is an issue.


    Regards John

    I do agree with your comments John. When I saw this cruise and the sailing back, I booked for 16 nights as previously we have flown both ways and done just the 14 nights.  I love sea days but not done transatlantic. I feel we have got the best of both worlds with 5 days in the Caribbean, 6 days at sea, a day in Tenerife, 2 days at sea, a day in La Coruna, another day at sea and then back in Southampton. I don’t think we will have time to get bored. 

    • Like 1
  13. 21 hours ago, john watson said:

    Watch out for the difference in number of nights you are booking. Typically there is a fourteen night and a fifteen night option because flights go out on Friday and Saturday.


    Regards John

    We are doing 16 nights, flying out early Friday the 15th, returning to Southampton on the 31st. Looking forward to this as we have flown both ways in the past and I hate Barbados airport.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Peanut006 said:

    Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all having a good day.


    We are over in Yorkshire for the weekend, it is my youngest granddaughters 1st birthday party tomorrow along with a naming ceremony for her(with a celebrant). I have booked a lovely cottage for us with views over Shibden Park in Halifax. The photos do not do it justice, it is really nice.


    Taking the grandchildren out tonight to a Turkish/Greek restaurant that they love so fingers crossed for a nice meal tonight.


    Take care everyone.



    Have a lovely weekend with your family Michelle, it sounds like wil.



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  15. 35 minutes ago, Peanut006 said:

    We are leaving our car at T2 Meet & Greet at Manchester Airport as we will have cases, mobility scooter and a small wheelchair. It’s getting closer now after seeming ages away for a long time.


    Will definitely meet up with you on board 



    Let’s arrange something for the first sea day which is Wednesday the 20th. Not having been on Arvia before, I don’t know the layout, do you? I presume it will be similar to Iona where there is a coffee bar on the bottom two levels of the Atrium. Plenty of time to think about it. 

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