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Posts posted by Jennizor

  1. 17 hours ago, Megabear2 said:

    We had the premiere of The Greatest Showman on Queen Mary 2 in New York. Quite an experience and certainly a one off.

    My granddaughter was working on the QM2 when it was the premier. She managed to see a lot of the celebrities on board and thought the whole event was fabulous. Quite a memory for her. She didn’t manage to get any photos with them. She got this one from a Miss World  event that she was doing hair and makeup on. She has always been a bit cheeky and persuaded Bruce to let her have this shot.



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  2. I am looking for advice on Aurora. As always I like to book early for our cruises and have this Christmas booked on Azura in the Canaries and the Caribbean on Arvia in March.  I am currently looking at Aurora (first time for us) for Christmas 2024.


    Can anyone advise me on mid ship balcony cabins. What decks are best and which to avoid. 

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.




  3. We went to the Cookery Club on Britannia, pre-COVID. It was hosted by James Martin, it was brilliant. He cooked two courses which we had to then replicate with his and his team’s help. He was really amusing and we loved it. After we had cooked we sat round a big table and James came to comment on our efforts. It was a great morning. 

  4. 12 hours ago, sandancer said:

    We’ve decided to go for it. However, it’s not Eavesway, it’s Intercruises. 
    Anyone travelled with them?  It’s all new to us. 

    We have used Intercruises many times from the North West, last time in July. They have always been very good and the drivers have always been excellent. We would not hesitate to use them again but not for a while as for our next two cruises we are flying to meet the ships.

  5. 2 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

    How many are watching Northern Soul at the Proms ?

    We are reminiscing again, tonight it is about the soul nights at The Kings Hall in Stoke and Wigan Casino.  We wouldn't be able to dance for hours now.

    Were any of the northerners on here soul fans ?

    Josy, as a teenager, I went to Wigan Casino several times with school friends. We weren’t particularly soul fans, we just loved the atmosphere. As ‘O’ levels loomed, we stopped going and for some reason we didn’t go again. Lovely memories though.

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  6. 21 minutes ago, Peanut006 said:

    It’s a lovely morning here today, some sitting outside on the patio might be in order.


    I am feeling a bit cross today though. We have sold our house and we’re supposed to have a packing service coming today before moving into a rental bungalow for six months while our new house was been extended and renovated. We were supposed to exchange last Friday  - it didn’t happen, then Monday - it didn’t happen then yesterday the bottom of the chain pulled out so everything has collapsed. Now left with a solicitor’s bill, no rental house and possibly no house to buy. It shouldn’t be allowed to happen so late down the proceedings. 


    Michelle, so sorry for this awful thing to happen. 

    My daughter has just moved house and they had a worrying time of it. The house they were buying was owned by a divorced couple. The man was still living in the house and not doing anything about finding somewhere else. It got to the point that the people at the bottom of the chain were going to pull out. Fortunately, his ex wife managed persuaded him to go and they have now moved two weeks after the original date. 

    The house is beautiful but was extremely dirty, you can’t see the gardens as the trees and shrubs have not been cut back for ages. I am back on cleaning duty today. It took two whole days to clean the kitchen and utility room. Today, it’s the downstairs loo, not sure what’s next as the electrician is also in and I don’t want to get in his way.

    Her 3 boys are very happy, they are allowed to play games all day at the moment. That won’t last though.

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  7. On 8/14/2023 at 8:49 AM, purplesea said:

    Yes, if you are happy to share you still need to use the app. Although when we were on Ariva we had a lot of problems with it and often ended up walking to the MDR as walk ups and ended got given a pager.

    On out recent cruise on Iona I couldn’t get the app to work so gave up on it. Apart from the nights we had pre-booked, we just went to the MDR and joined a queue for those who hadn’t pre booked with the app. Sometimes we were taken straight in, other times we had a short wait.

  8. On 8/10/2023 at 6:43 AM, Peanut006 said:

    Morning everyone, hope you are ok today. Looks like it’s going to be a warm sunny day here today. 

    It was nice yesterday too. I was in St Annes and on a Weds they have Sounds in the Square with a different singer each week, people were up dancing, it was lovely.


    I also saw my oncologist again yesterday, after checking my histology results and mammogram again they have decided I don’t need any further treatment except yearly mammogram’s for five years to keep an eye on me. I am very relieved with that.


    Have a good day everyone 



    Sorry Michelle, not been on CC for a couple of days and only just seen your post. It’s great news for you.



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  9. On Iona recently we didn’t book any of the main dining rooms. I had struggled to download the app so just went down when we were ready and there were two queues. One for people who had booked on with the app and the other for those that hadn’t. Our queue was always the shortest. 

    I had booked all the speciality restaurants prior to sailing so everything went really well.

  10. 10 minutes ago, jeanlyon said:

    Are those of you receiving emails the ones who have booked direct?  I booked through a TA and have not had any emails.

    I booked our cruises through our usual TA and haven’t had any emails either.

  11. 2 hours ago, purplesea said:

    For those of who want to lose weight . . .


    My husband thought this was hilarious, as did I. It cheered me up in between bringing my washing in as it starting raining, then the sun came out and I pegged it out again, now just started raining again. I am leaving it out as it’s only the cat blankets and she has plenty. 

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  12. 18 hours ago, purplesea said:

    We have just booked today on Arvia's transatlantic in March. I have sailed transatlantic before, with a different cruise company, and sailed down from the Med and flew home. 

    We are on this cruise too, arriving in Barbados on the 15th of March. We have only done flying both ways previously but wanted to give sailing back a go. There seems to be quite a few CC members on this cruise. 

  13. Hi everyone, back from our Iona Norwegian Fjords cruise. 

    Despite the awful weather, it rained every day, we had a lovely cruise. We didn’t get off Iona at all. We spent a lot of time in the morning watching very brave people, dressed in rain gear, braving the elements. A lot of them said they came back earlier than intended as they were soaked. We had been to most of the ports previously, when the weather was lovely, so we weren’t too disappointed. 


    We spent a lot of time in the Atrium and Brodies (we were rubbish in the quizzes, we did meet loads of lovely cruisers and had lots of laughs). We explored the ship as well.  We read a lot which was great as I never seem to find time at home.


    We ate in the MDR on 4 nights and we were very happy with our meals, and company. We ate at the Chefs Table on Celebration Night, which was lovely. We went to the Limelight club and had a really amazing evening. The meals was excellent but we were unsure what to expect from ‘La Voix’. It was brilliant. He/she was so funny and great singer, people were crying with laughter and there was a unanimous stand up applause at the end.


    On our final night in the MDR we shared our table with two other couples. When the last couple arrived the lady looked at me and asked if I was Jennizor. She had asked a question on the Roll Call about the weather and what to wear. I sent photos of me and Ian in the Fjords in June 2019, me wrapped up as I thought it would be cold and Ian in a short sleeved polo. It was lovely to make the connection.

    Coach journey home was fine, apart from the miserable weather. 

    On countdown now to our Madeira hotel holiday in September.


    Still catching up with you all.

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  14. Not sure this thread is working, very unusual that there is no activity today.


    Anyway, just to say we are off to the Fjords tomorrow. Hopefully the coach journey will be OK and we manage to get to the docks for our boarding time of 12.45. The weather forecast is wonderful - 6 days of rain but lovely on Tuesday. We will still have a great time, been on Iona already and we love her and been to the Fjords on Arcadia in 2019. I don’t think we will be getting a tan though!

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  15. We were on Iona in Feb/March. There were some children board but not a huge amount. We never saw any bad behaviour either. We loved Iona and are going on her again tomorrow. We have also been on most other P&O ships with Britannia being our favourite. We have never had a bad cruise but wasn’t keen on Ventura or Arcadia. Everyone has different favourites and views. I hope you enjoy your fist P&O cruise.

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