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Posts posted by laurieal

  1. Late to the party, but I’ve been really enjoying catching up with your thread. Your pictures are beautiful and I was particularly fond of all the birds posted today. What a dream excursion!

    I had some issues on my last cruise with some pictures appearing as black rectangles on Cruise Critic. The thing that worked for me was changing the options in the upload window to upload size “Large” instead of “Full Size”. 


    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, dpostman said:

    Glad to hear you had an uneventful trip back.  I was mostly offline this weekend and missed the opportunity to wish you a safe flight back.  I'm looking forward to your next Live in October.  By then, it's looking like I might be able to post our own kitty pics.  My daughter has moved back in after being away at university for the past 2 years since her next 2 years have many internships and most of her remaining university classes will be online.  She has somehow been able to successfully negotiate that we let her bring in a cat. She is just waiting for the right one to show up for rescue at the SPCA.  Anyway, we'll see how that pans out.


    Once again, Merci Beaucoup for the great live review.  I've taken several notes for our future cruises.


    d (Dennis) p

    And a pic of our late Dexter



    Kudos to your daughter for rescuing a cat (and to you for welcoming it into your home 😊). I hope the perfect match shows up soon. 

    Pictures of dogs are also enthusiastically accepted. Dexter was beautifully floofy. I’m sorry for your loss 😔 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  3. 8 hours ago, little britain said:

    Thank you again for your comments -


    to those who we will never know who helped, the ladies at the airport to called the police, the Swiss police who restrained the guy until the Spanish police turned up, the lady in the hotel who gave us an upgrade when she heard our story, the waiter in the restaurant who gave us free shots… the kindness of strangers. God bless you. 


    The Consulate have processed our Emergency Travel docs (£100pp if you ever need one!) and we can collect at 11am tomorrow. Booked on the first possible flight after that outta here! 

    This little shindig will cost close to £2000 once we have added up hotel/ flight/ emergency travel docs/ new passports/ new glasses for me/ new sunglasses for DH/ meals/ excess parking fines… 🤞insurance pays up.

    And to the Albanian low life scum thieves. 
    Karma bites back

    Oh no, what a horrible way to end your trip. I’m so sorry you have to go through that. It must be so stressful and disheartening. 

    I’m glad there were nice humans on your path to bring some light to the whole situation with their kindness (and some wrestling). 

    Hoping everything works out as planned tomorrow and that you be home as soon as possible. Keeping my fingers crossed for the insurance. 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  4. I’ve made it to the airport! In the end, it took close to an hour and a half for the accessible taxi to arrive. It’s fine. I was going to be waiting either at the port or at the airport. 

    When he arrived, the driver was very nice and efficient. Here’s my last look at the Oasis…



    For now 👀 


    I have made it past security and I’m in the process of updating my Disney game on my Nintendo Switch so I have something to do during my 8 hours flight. 

    Once that’s done, I’ll go looking for snacks. 

    • Like 10
  5. Earlier during the cruise I had inquired about getting an accessible airport transfer from the port and I had been told it was available. Since my flight is only at 15:00, I got a “late” transfer with a disembarkation time of 8:30 and luggage tag 51. 

    I skipped breakfast again, because I plan to eat 7 bocadillos at the airport. Around 8:00, I went to the Royal Theatre on deck 5, which was my assigned departure lounge. It was my first time seeing the upper level of the theatre. 



    They had a table set up with water, juice, coffee and some pastries. 



    Around 8:30, I got a notification from the app saying that I could get off. I had one last look at the Promenade. 





    The gangway was backed up. 





    After waiting for about 30 minutes, the wheelchair assistance train went by and told me I could join them. I didn’t need to be asked twice. 

    On the way I caught a glimpse of the Scarlet Lady. 




    It was the immigration of non-Europeans that was backed up. Once they reached the terminal Europeans could get through pretty quickly. The wheelchair assistance train got to skip that huge immigration line. 

    I picked up my luggage and went to the bus transfer area. 



    The chaos level seemed minimal with port employees directing people to the correct buses based on terminal number. 

    I spoke to the guy supervising the transfer operations and he said that he didn’t have any buses with wheelchair lifts, but that he would call me an accessible taxi. 

    The taxi is currently picking someone up from the airport, but it should be here in around 30-40 minutes. 

    Since I have a 15:00 flight, this is completely fine. I will get a private taxi ride for the price of a bus transfer. However, if your flight is earlier in the day I would personally skip the RCI transfer and arrange for a taxi. 



    • Like 8
  6. 9 hours ago, Ginlyn said:

    Fellow Canadian here.  I don’t post hardly at all but wanted to say how much I always enjoy your “lives”.  When are you cruising again?  DH and I just did the Panama Canal cruise on Radiance about two weeks ago and already I am missing cruising.  Safe travels tomorrow and I look forward to following you again in the future.  Ginny from the land/island of Anne of Green Gables 😜

    Thank you! The Panama Canal is definitely on my bucket list, but my next cruise will be the westbound transatlantic on Oasis in Octobre. 

    Love the Anne of Green Gables books so much! ❤️ 

    • Like 1
  7. I had dinner at the Windjammer. I got there around 19:00 and it was busier than last time I was there. I found a table in the back, but it was a bit too far from the food. When I went to get food and spotted a closer table, I decided to move my stuff. 

    There was some wait at the more in demand stations. The ribs were particularly popular and had 5-6 people waiting in line for them. 

    I started with my usual cheese and cheesy bread. The second cheesy bread was accidental; it was stuck to the first one. Also, bonus shrimp cocktail. 



    For my main, I had the salmon en croute with the mashed potatoes and more cheese that I hadn’t seen on my first cheese run. 



    The salmon was overcooked, but it’s buffet salmon and I expected that. It’s why I got the mashed potatoes. 

    For dessert, I had the baklava and a couple of cookies. 



    After dinner, I went to the headliner show FourEver in the theatre. I wasn’t planning on going after missing last night’s shows, but @little britain sold the show so well I had to check it out. 



    It was a fantastic show. The singers were talented and the one doing most of the talking was very charismatic.




    It took a couple of songs for me to get super into it, but as soon as they started Bohemian Rhapsody I was hooked. 




    Perhaps one day I won’t cry during Bring Him Home, but today was not that day. And my final mention goes to Nessun Dorma, which was absolutely beautiful. 


    After the show, I returned to my stateroom to finish packing. My suitcase is now outside, all the electronics that need to be charged are charging, and I am ready to go. 

    • Like 10
  8. Back on the ship, I went straight to deck 15. Yes, that’s not a typo. I went to 15. 





    It was such a hot day and I needed some soft serve. 



    I saw some seats I had not noticed before. One thing I loved about the Wonder was that they had all sorts of seating options, some of which I could transfer onto to get a break from my wheelchair. 



    It’s next to the Lime & Coconut on deck 15. It’s too bad that it’s not in the sun, but I’m glad to know it exists. 

    And then it was time to return to my stateroom for a much needed shower and some just as needed (but not as satisfying) packing. 

    I didn’t quite finish, but I didn’t want to miss sailaway so I went up to 16 and got one last frozen mojito from my favourite bar.




    Ade and Igli were wearing “Best Bartender” medals and I can only agree. Ade is going home tomorrow, but if you’re on Oasis soon Igli makes the better Papa Jac and please don’t tell anyone I said that. 



    • Like 7
  9. The tour ended at the market. 





    It’s a beautiful building, made even more beautiful by the presence of an accessible washroom. It’s in the basement and you need to ask for a key, which I knew how to do thanks to Duolingo. 

    The other non-accessible washrooms require payment by credit card only. 

    Being close to the market, I knew exactly where I wanted to go. 




    I wanted to have the world’s best bocadillo. They can’t lie about that, so it has to be a true, verified fact. 



    It was just as delicious as I remembered. The bread was like a crunchy baguette, and it had just enough meat and cheese inside. It’s the perfect sandwich. 

    I ate my sandwich in the Plaça de la Reina, watching all the strange things that were happening around. 



    That Pikachu had sound coming out of it. It was terrifying. 

    I had one last look at the cathedral and I started making my way back to the shuttle. 



    I had to wait three buses before the accessible one came, but it wasn’t that long of a wait since buses were coming one right after the other. There was a fair amount of chaos, though, with all three ships in port waiting for their shuttles in the same area. 

    • Like 6
  10. The shuttle dropped us off close to Pont dels Serrans and the Torres dels Serrans. 



    You just need to cross the bridge and go through that door and you’re in the old part of Valencia. 

    My tour met in Plaça de la Virgen, which was an easy walk from the shuttle drop off point. 


    Here are some of my pictures from Valencia. 
















    If was a good tour. I think we saw most, if not all, of the heavy hitters from the old city. Our guide was nice and fun. 

    I will put this tour on the same level as Málaga accessibility-wise. It was an easy one with just a short bit on cobblestone. 


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