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Spif Barwunkel

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Everything posted by Spif Barwunkel

  1. Noro virus has long been here to worry about. Self-serve buffets or not, it will continue to make itself known on occasion. It will take more than two hands on which to count the number of infectious diseases lying in wait to pounce on any and all immune systems. Covid should add to your awareness of those diseases, not be considered an "instead of."
  2. Indeed, I did have rebound issues. I felt no ill-effects from the Paxlovid 5 - day regimen and I really do not know if it helped keep my covid symptoms fairly mild. The second bout hit me a bit harder. Although not debilitating, I did feel the effects of a harder punch. Should I have another encounter with covid, I will forego another Paxlovid regimen.
  3. DW and I tagged along with our daughter, son-in-law and 2 grand kids on Harmony for a seven-night Caribbean cruise. The passenger count was north of 6000 and even though all must present a negative Covid test taken two days prior to embarkation, you realize that this mischievous viral variant is lurking somewhere just waiting to pounce. Sure enough, three days into the cruise we began hearing, through word of mouth, that some passengers were being quarantined due to the virus. No official announcements were ever made but it seemed that more folks were succumbing each day. On Sunday, debarkation day, mild symptoms presented to me, my daughter and son-in-law. Fortunately, it is only a thirty-minute drive home for all of us and upon arrival we all took a self-test. DW and the grandkids were negative while we three were positive. It seems that daughter and son-in law are having it a bit tougher than me even though they are 33 years younger. Might have something to do with the second booster which I took but they cannot yet get. On Monday morning I contacted the Veterans Administration and requested the anti-viral drug, Paxlovid. They jumped through hoops to get me a prescription ready for pick-up so I could start the treatment that day. To be effective, you must start the regimen within a few days of onset. If you are going to fall victim to Covid, you are very fortunate if you are close to home. In May, my wife and I were cruising in Europe and spent three days post-cruise in Rome. With all the testing we had to do before and after the cruise, how nice it was to have only negative results. Although my symptoms are relatively mild, I do not want to experience them again. Not to say that won't happen, but I sure am glad for the vaccinations, and I will definitely get any and all boosters necessary.
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