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Spif Barwunkel

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Everything posted by Spif Barwunkel

  1. So, technology in cruising, while not making a new class system, is certainly making every effort to gradually weed out the non-compliant, correct? Whether due to being less tech savvy, indifference, or the desire not to become totally tech dependent, if you can't or won't navigate a tiny keyboard for all your needs, perhaps you should consider other forms of travel, correct? Whether subtly, or not so much, the smarter the phone, less so the user. High tech in cruising is becoming another bias against certain cruisers. Kind of like seniors and those with mobility issues, correct?
  2. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the continued evolvement of high tech carries on the pervasive intrusion into our everyday lives. There is no development of a new “class system”, social, cruising or otherwise. Rather, the widening chasm between the influencers and the influenced will determine when some folks decide to wean themselves from whatever level of dependency they reside. For some, there cannot and will not be a respite. Cruising is just a small subset of high-tech influencers using high tech influences to sway or force cruisers into a more dependent cruising experience. I very much enjoy the paper notices in my cabin and the paper menus at the dining room table. On a recent cruise, it seemed a bother for the wait-staff to provide menus as they fully expected everyone to have the electronic version. Is cruising becoming less personal and more prone to electronic manipulation? High tech is too big to pigeon-hole in to any one social media platform, the crossovers between all platforms, imports and exports influencers from one to another. Thus, life outside cruising does not remove relevance from cruisers inside. This topic is certainly impactful on the cruising community, as are the posts within this thread.
  3. Lest we’ve forgotten, Celebrity’s Edge Class Ships, admittedly, are created by and for the younger generations. While we older travelers have been oohed and aahed over the years by a more subdued ship’s presentation and environment, comparatively Gen X and Gen Y folks have been closer to the modernization and transformation of everyday life. With more innovations in technology come more challenges to those folks further removed, whether by age or other factors. Being one of “we older travelers”, my tendency is to enjoy the product as a whole with the idea that not every venue or area needs an obvious purpose or intent. Just appreciate and enjoy it, or not, for what it is rather than bad-mouth the site and its creator/designer. If something, someone or someplace rankles your mind and body that much, adapt, adjust or flat out avoid as best you can. Easy-peasy. There are too many other ships in the sea
  4. Enjoyable reading, Denny. It seems we have similar likes regarding Edge Class ships. We also are very satisfied with standard balcony cabins and have had no yearning desire to book a suite. One reason is the Butler and our feelings about having someone in our face all the time. Based on your comments, it seems that, indeed. he made your cruise much more pleasant. Thanks to your clear, concise post suite cruising may become part of our travels sooner rather than later.
  5. Not being aware of all extenuating circumstances I cannot comment to the OP's post #1. Regarding embarkation and debarkation, if passengers would arrive at their assigned times and comply with the rules instead of everyone disregarding their assignments and each other, then perhaps that would alleviate some of the problems. We know that won't happen, don't we? Always have a bottle of water handy at embark and debark. might come in handy. We know that won't happen, don't we? Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances, especially when they have happened before. We know that won't happen, don't we? It's kind of like reaping what you sow. We know that will happen, don't we.
  6. Informative, concise thoughts and comments Kp. Not overly done with extraneous words and pictures as many reviews tend to be. We have sailed on Edge, not Apex, and will cruise Beyond in May ‘23 in Europe. We very much enjoy this class of ship and can appreciate what X is intending to do with a totally different presentation. Although we are not Celebrity’s targets for Edge class ships, DW and I can easily assimilate into the more modern, contemporary environment of these new cruise ships and feel very comfortable. Like your pictures of the Oceanview Café and Craft Social Bar. We will certainly spend time in those venues as well as looking forward to the new and improved Sunset Bar. Incorporating Celebrity’s three classes of ships into our future vacation plans will certainly enhance our cruising enjoyment. If you are able, could you get some pictures of the Sunset Bar, both day and night? That area looks amazing. Thank you and continue to appreciate and enjoy your voyage.
  7. A well-positioned fanny pack does the job, in more ways than one. Are we done with unusual/unpopular opinions? I can't imagine we are.
  8. Leave it to Carnival to "know what's happenin'."
  9. Might one be more comfortable if one just stood while on the balcony, working those calf muscles? Sitting can be overrated.
  10. I misinterpret nothing, mom, whether "real life" or a fantasy world.
  11. Just some of what I have gathered from this thread. Lots of pondering and head-scratching. - Never risk losing your independence when cruising, even though your autonomy depends on doing just that. -- Do not dine with or around strange drunkards, except maybe at breakfast, nothing good can come from it and the food quality is severely compromised. - If you don’t want to get sick, don’t go on a long cruise. - Do not book cabins under “public areas”. Technically, all decks are public areas. A lawn chair on the pool deck might work. - Cabins just forward of aft-center, inside-out, on decks 3 thru 6 with a round window and no contents, work best in mild to rough seas when cruising to parts unknown. - Stay clear of “uniformed” folks. Their presence onboard is superfluous and they certainly don’t care about you. - Thank goodness the temperature level on a ship is not below zero. - Sorely needed, a “nude deck” where folks can relax in the cruising altogether while enjoying a cigar and favorite liquor. Strangers welcome but be careful. - Do away with all entertainment. Too many guests are unable to know or appreciate talent when they see it. Fill the auditorium and ad-lib. - No buffets, no dining rooms. Book your cruise, pack your meals. - Do not disregard anyone’s shape or size. - Usually, it is not pleasant when facing someone’s aft. Other times however…… There seems to be lots of “hate” on cruises. And yet, folks keep coming back for more. Strange Bedfellows. And on, and on, and….
  12. Don't think that Capt. K's charisma and popularity has gone unnoticed outside Celebrity circles. Without mentioning names, one Nice Cruise Line has offered X two experienced ship's captains, one hotel director, two-line cooks and $100,000 cash in a trade for Captain Kate. Another Medicore Sailing Company is willing to make a straight swap, Captain Kate for one ship. Yet, a third cruise line has contacted KM directly promising her all the fun she could possibly have, a seven-figure salary, unlimited treats for Bug Naked and free tickets to LIV Golf events. X is currently preparing counter offers.
  13. No doubt this thread promises to increasingly become more riveting. Perhaps a better question would be, when will Captain Kate return to the Equinox? Lots of posters on the edge of their seats. It just doesn't get more exciting.
  14. As much as I can appreciate the OP's detailed listing on how to save drink money without a drink package, the presentation seemed a bit tongue-in-cheek to me. Even if accurate, too much thinking and work to be done, for me, when I get on the ship. There is most always a reasonable price available to upgrade to a premium package, which we will do if not already included in the booking, and not just for alcoholic beverages. It is a convenience, and we never spend all of what we pay. Never try to. Sometimes value is not just what you hold in your hand or put in your mouth. Intangibles work for us as well. Did a spread sheet comparing OP's formula to what the typical drink (package) spending is for us. Too much effort required for a savings of $7.38.
  15. Tipping should not be a stressful part of the cruising experience. If you are concerned about extra-tipping, don't be. Consider your pre-paid tips sufficient and go about your cruising activities free of that bother. Don't worry, you won't have to look for reasons to tip extra, and you should not have to. At cruise's end it will all come together and whatever you decide is correct and what works for you.
  16. This is an extremely interesting thread discussion, with worthwhile posts throughout, offering up valid points and food for thought. While some are gradually weaning themselves off their cruising habit, others remain enthralled with what the ships have to offer, both as a conveyance and as a home away from home. From X cruising veterans who feel their expected standards have been lowered, even in the most basic of services, to new Celebrity cruisers-to-be- with their varying levels of presupposition, the entire industry has come under extreme scrutiny since Covid became a part of everyday life. Indulge my musings, if you will, as I suggest that at whatever stage of cruising withdrawal we might be and whatever disappointments and letdowns we have encountered since the restart, that all was exacerbated by the shutdown and our own personal responses to same. Did we expect too much too soon? Did we fail to give the benefit of the doubt to our favorite ships and their crew’s? Did we immediately expect everything to be same as before, for us, while not realizing the entire big cruising picture and the burdens placed on cruise lines, cruise ships and cruise crews? Not to mention all the necessary support and expense needed to resume operations. I prefer to keep the twinkle in my eye as a reflection of the “cruising sparkle.” My perfect cruises have never been a ten on the scale, and I do not expect them to be. Also, our thresholds differ as to comfort and satisfaction, the higher the threshold, the brighter the sparkle. I say that with no fear of compromising my cruising expectations or dimming the twinkle in my eye.
  17. How right you are. Air travel is just not fun. As much as we look forward to getting on the ship, we dread the long flights to the embarkation point just as much, and the trip home. I'm thinking no more than 4 to 6 long distance flights left for us in order to fulfill bucket-list items. After that, we will dial it way back.
  18. We continue to cruise because the appeal remains as strong as it did when we first started, many years ago. Our priorities and planned experiences continue to be best served on a ship with the varied opportunities presented when sailing the oceans blue. Naturally, as we all become more experienced and cruising becomes our vacation niche, we develop and settle into our comfort zone, a routine that suits us best. As with anything, the more of a cruising veteran we become, the more opportunity to observe and experience the occasional disappointments and unsatisfactory occurrences that are a part of anything related to human nature and interaction. How we react and continue to maintain a positive outlook toward this endeavor will determine how bright the “sparkle” remains. DW and I have cruised three times since December 2021. We have five cruises on the books through October 2023. Although some things have not been perfect, we adjusted and adapted, and we look forward to good times ahead. So, for us, the cruising luster continues to draw us in.
  19. Most sensible post on this thread, and that's not saying much. Agree with post #14, the chairs are quite comfortable.
  20. Too big for some, I'm sure, (little words). Seems like some CC posters are critical of those who use synonyms or words with more than one syllable. As to Fiona, looks like Bermuda is going to be alright. Now we can get back to the business at hand, "Bermudas money grab" and X's involvement in same. Wishing the Canadian Maritimes well as Fiona looks to pay them a visit.
  21. Oh, so true. How dare someone repudiate another's comments and opinions while making those of his/her own. The idea that that same someone would not abrogate their own point-of-view is reprehensible.
  22. In order for this idiom to apply, the critic must profess to carrying the same credentials as those censured. The shoe does not fit here, hence I shall not wear it.
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