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Everything posted by daydreamer62

  1. It seems like the website isn't optimal. We booked with the simply more package and were told it would be $US 30 to upgrade to the prestige drinks package. Originally I saw that option to book online but that's now gone and strangely it's offering the package we already have included as an option to purchase and the full prestige package at the full price as if we don't have a package included. Very confusing for a newbie to Oceania. I'm assuming their software developers are well behind their marketing people and haven't implemented the necessary changes for the new systems . I'll just do everything through the Oceania rep .. glad I decided to use her and not book online!!
  2. Well that's frustrating! Do you know if you need to pay immediately on booking if you go over the credit amount
  3. This made me laugh. This is EXACTLY my travel history and after our last independent road trip in France for a month with friends who had already caused me stress on a previous trip, it was NEVER EVER AGAIN!!! .This time we were definitely going to travel in our own and we booked this upcoming cruise.. But another couple from our friend group found out and booked the same cruise because they 'wanted to travel with us.' .. As they have never travelled to Europe nor ever cruised I think there is likely to be a lot of hand holding(already experiencing this..) but I'm trying to encourage them to at least book their own excursions (I'm more an independent explorer) so we can get some space from each other.. fingers crossed!!!
  4. I have another question. It's highly unlikely that we will book the minimum 7 excursions on our cruise to get the SM discounted price, but the friends who are joining us on our cruise are complete newbies to European travel let alone cruising so they may want to do more. In order to get the discounted price so they need to book them all at once?
  5. Believe me many many ports were missed in both countries and the Pacific islands during our summer and so many ships had to try and negotiate hull cleaning demands. It was all over our news at the time. I'm sorry you missed some of your ports, it must be disappointing especially if it's a once in a lifetime trip , and I'm sorry for the thousands of others who had vacation plans disrupted (I feel more sorry for those who suffered a loss their livelihoods when the cruise ships couldn't dock.. especially after the last few years ...and even more sorry for the many many who lost their homes and businesses and their loved ones who were washed away in the floods .
  6. I feel sorry for any cruise passenger who was on a NZ cruise this year. It really was the most appalling summer (and has continued) weather wise. I think it's likely more than 70% of cruises would have been affected and if you'd managed to get to a port in the north island you would have been met with grey (skies) and brown (mud) not to mention at least 2 once in 500 year events in Auckland, Northland and Hawkes Bay that people ( and the land) are still recovering from , and that is without the hull cleaning debacle that affected so many cruises. We topped our average annual rainfall around April so you'd have to think it will be better this year.. But.. when you celebrate 2 fine days in a row it gets a bit old.. I'm celebrating because my favourite winery is reopening next week after being devastated by the floods way back in February.I don't think Oceania (or any of the cruise lines) can take the blame for missed ports in this region at least.
  7. I'm assuming the minimum number for the simply more discount is per person not per cabin. Would I be correct?
  8. The excursion to Alhambra on our cruise next year is already sold out and I have the option of booking the Oceania Granada on your own transfer or an external excursion with Spain Day Tours I'm absolutely fine doing independent travel and probably prefer that so the transfer is a good option but for anyone who has done the transfer, what time did you book your Alhambra tickets for. The visit there is to of my bucket list so I don't want to miss it
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