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Posts posted by TrixieBel

  1. On 2/11/2024 at 5:37 AM, Lena11033 said:

    Well I’m onboard just taking it easy after lunch with walking around. My emotions are a little all over the place (so if I’m sniffling I’m not sick just trying not to cry) last night when calling my husband Bella had taken a turn for the worse so as I was boarding this morning he was taking her to the vet to put her down. Hard decision but the fact she was bleeding yesterday meant the cancer was bad and couldn’t let her suffer. 



    I’m so sorry to read of your loss. Losing such close members of our family is so hard. We had to make the same decision 4 days ago. Our hearts will always have a gap. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Liao said:

    I cannot tell if this is meant to be funny or not?  If not, are you truly considering cancelling a vacation because there is not a foot stool on the balcony?

    Won’t be cancelling this one. But choosing Celebrity over the other lines we’ve used likely won’t be a thing if they continue to treat customers like we are all dumb. 

    • Haha 1
  3. On 2/10/2024 at 2:51 AM, Lastdance said:

    I just received a call from the office of Laura Hodges this morning at 7:20.  Footstools are being removed for safety issues, along with all loungers, even in the upper suites due to safety.  There have been a preponderance of injuries among all age groups fleet wide, along with everywhere that Celebrity sails.  The removal of these items has nothing to do with cabin/suite class amenities or features.  This is not limited to Celebrity.  


    We talked for about 10 minutes.  I wanted her to know that it looks like Celebrity is cutting back on so many things, so foot stools and loungers just seem to be part of plan.  I also said that it would be nice if Celebrity shared reasons for these items being eliminated, so cruise passengers would know rather than trying to guess the rationale behind removal.

    So now everyone just sits cross legged on the ground on our balconies? What point is paying for an upgraded cabin with a big balcony if there’s no way to actually use and sit on it… We’ve got our first ever Celebrity cruise booked. Now rethinking this choice. I’m not a person who likes to give money to people who treat me like I’m stupid… 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  4. 19 minutes ago, rinshin said:

    Yes, but it is the location Aqua cabins that concern us.  Our current cabin is a perfect location for us.  


    Ahhh. I thought your question was about the food… I’m not sure about the cabin location. However have read somewhere that some of those ones can get noise from the deck above. Might be worth googling the cabin number for reviews? I find “Celebrity Aqua (cabin number) review” gets good results. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, rinshin said:

    Right now we are booked in prime concierge with bump out balcony and our cruise is in May. I like the location of our cabin on deck 10 mid ship between decks with all cabins on Silhouette.  This is before final payment date.  I chose this cruise due to ports and time of this cruise without comparing too many things.  It was a toss up between Scandinavia and Viking river cruise. I should have checked the menus more. 


    But now that I checked food choices on Celebrity, I am not sure we will be satisfied with food choices in MDR.  We tend to eat mostly globally inspired foods esp seafood.  I like to cook a lot and we eat quite well at home.  My husband does like good quality steaks and burgers sometimes though.  For example,  I do not see any calamari, mussels, octopus etc on MDR menu items but do see them on Blue.  Also, we do not like buffets in general and try to avoid them. But, I am not sure about the cabins in Aqua class.  They are mostly in deck 11 under pool deck and concerned with noise level, but Blue menu is more to our taste.  The price difference is negligile at this point.  What is your opinion on this?  I am also going for move up in suite selection if offered  due to Luminae menu selection.  

    i appreciate all thoughts on this. 



    Pick what appeals to you the most. Reads like you already think Blu would be the better option for you. 

    And maybe accept the food choices on your vacation won’t be the same as you have at home… 

  6. 6 hours ago, JF - retired RRT said:

    We just completed a 7-day cruise and were totally not impressed with the new lunch menu.

    We were so not impressed that we're cancelling a 54-day cruise. Can't imaging going on a cruise for 54 days with the same thing for lunch every day.

    There are 2 items that rotate on and off the menu, but the majority is the same every...single...day. Of the always available items, half were things that neither of us would eat. 

    On 2 days we gave up and went to the buffet. That was not much help. On both days, the carving station had baked chicken and pork roast. 

    What has happened to variety? It used to be hard to decide what to eat...not anymore.

    Sadly disappointed in this new menu.

    I work in an office in a city. There’s the same choice of places to get my lunch from every single work day and I tend to get similar things to eat each day. How is that any different? For breakfast at home I have 3 standard breakfasts. I don’t really expect anything more when on a cruise ship. And looking at the lunch menu now shared  on this thread, it looks like it would provide enough choice for me. 

    it’s sad to see someone cancel a whole cruise based on this. But variety (in people) is the spice of our world.

    • Like 12
  7. 7 hours ago, Carol28 said:

    I know there is a big discount on the day after Thanksgiving.  I'm wondering if there is a major discount near another holiday, like Memorial Day or Easter? Right now my cruises to Australia/New Zealand is offering 5%. I'm hoping for a lot more!

    Thanks for the heads up. Went into our future booking and found some discounts. Excursions are just 5% but laundry bag package was 20% off, dining booking for Le Petit Chef was 10% off, and the behind the scenes ship tour was also discounted. Grabbed all of those as I already knew I was going to book them at some point. 

  8. On 1/30/2024 at 11:02 AM, Rick&Jeannie said:

    You need to be looking at the "web version" of the app in the cruise personalizer.  Open cruise personalizer.  On the FIRST tab (not the dining tab) which I believe is the "Summary" tab, scroll down just a short ways until you see:


    web version.jpg

    Thank you!!!!! I’d tried all the advice. THIS is what finally worked. Our two nights of Premier Dining Package are now booked ahead of the cruise, at no charge. 

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, sandancer said:

    When I tried to book via the web it redirected me to the app to make dining reservations. 

    Me too. I’ve tried ALL the ways suggested on here - including deleting my credit card details. Nothing worked to make the booking go through with no charge.

    So it seems the majority of us with two “free” nights dining have to choose to either pay up front and spend time trying to get it “refunded” on board; or take our chances to get a reservation on board at the day/time we want. 

    🤔  thinking of all those funds Princess will hold and earn interest on when so many people choose to pay and then claim refund months later…. 🤣

  10. On 1/14/2024 at 4:24 PM, terrydtx said:

    Here is what we are being told are the only wines available in Edge Retreat Lounge.image.thumb.png.3ede7c0d7e2a42a44658e75eed6b5759.png

    Well at least this has a sparkling Brut. Unlike that Luminae list someone has shared - that shows the only sparkling being a Prosecco - too sweet for me 😜 

  11. 10 hours ago, frogerina said:

    I'm new to Princess.  My TA sent my deposit today and I have a booking #.   She said I should have access to look at my booking details, etc.  Downloaded the new app and also have tried online using Chrome and Safari.  Neither one will let me see my cruise.  When I try to add my booking in the app, I get "booking not found."  If I try on my computer, it will let me log in, but when I try to access booking, it takes me to an "access booking without logging in" page.  So I enter my name, DOB and booking number...and get a "birthdate doesn't match records."  I've checked my account details in the app...birthdate is correct.  UGH.  If I try to change my password (because apparently it would like a special character), I get that the site is having difficulties...try again.  We have a while before our cruise (Enchanted in October 2024), but I'd like to know if these are common issues with their online access, and how people have solved it.  My current plan is to wait a few days and try again, then contact my TA.  Sigh.  I just wanna dream and play....

    EDIT: just went back and tried again and now my booking is there in the app. It’s taken 2 days from when I booked and paid the deposit.

    I’m having the same problem. Booked and paid deposit and get the same messages as you in both the new and old app. We’ve sailed before so the app lets me sign in as me - but I can’t add my booking. 

    if I access the booking by signing into my account online it works and shows my booking that way. 

    Very strange… Will wait another day or so to see if it’s just some synchronisation glitch. 


  12. On 3/1/2023 at 8:39 AM, latebloomer56 said:

    Assume like the Sanctuary you need to book once you board.

    No. You can book Enclave ahead of time on the website under the Spa selections. It’s listed under the “lifestyle” section or something like that…

  13. Ship Majestic Princess


    Class Royal


    Deck 12 Aloha


    Stateroom A421


    Category M1 Club Class / Reserve Collection Mini Suite 


    Port/Starboard/Bow/Stern Midship Starboard


    Connects With Cabin No


    Accessible No


    Quiet Yes


    Balcony Size Average / Small


    View Normal


    Privacy Issues Below the lit up walkway so anyone on that can look down and see you on your balcony


    Wind No


    Soot No


    Problems February 2023

    - sofa bed was quite dipped towards the centre and not hugely comfortable for sitting on

    - when the balconies get wet (rain or similar) the water seems to pool from neighbouring balconies onto this one and sits right by the door until it’s either swept away or evaporates








    • Thanks 1
  14. Last night was the second and final formal night for this cruise. We dressed to the nines and went out and had some fun after a busy day in the gym, a massage for me,  The Enclave, and the Wake View Bar. 

    Yesterday in the gym it was PACKED. We have been in the gym almost everyday in the cruise and there’s never been more than 5-6 people in there at the same time as us. It seems that yesterday everyone on board decided they needed to get fit and buff for formal night 😉😁


    Anyway. It was a lovely relaxing day followed by a delicious dinner in Concerto dining room. Then we popped along to the 9.30pm show which was very colourful.

    Today is likely to be the same sort of relaxing day. We popped along to the gym early before breakfast today. And it was not as busy but still busier than earlier days in the cruise. 

    currently sitting next to the Hollywood Pool which has quite a swell happening… 



    Wake View Bar cocktails



    Sun setting at the Wake View Bar







    We brushed up OK? 





    Beef Wellington (I asked for mine to be medium - probably should have asked for medium rare)



    Choc pistachio dome

    • Like 5
  15. 5 hours ago, CruzeQueen2 said:

    Question @TrixieBel Re Wine Appreciation dinner. To my knowledge, in the past, the special dinners to book were Chef's Table and Winemaker's dinner. Is this a name change with Wine Appreciation? More to the point, was the cost for your dinner $99 or $40 (previous prices)? I am hoping to finally get to one of these dinners this time around. The food you are sharing with us looks wonderful. Thank you! So many food choices, so few days...ENJOY!

    Maybe they have had a name change? It’s our first time attending so I don’t know what has happened previously… This is not the wine events listed for pre booking before boarding. It’s a full dinner that you request an invite to after boarding - like the Chef’s Table. The charge for us was $100pp in Australian dollars. 

    Thanks for reading 🙂

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