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Posts posted by TrixieBel

  1. On 2/18/2023 at 10:01 AM, arxcards said:

    Thanks for the good news.

    That good news may have been a little too early. We are on board now and have noticed and uptick in number of people coughing and blowing noses. And pretty much everyone we’ve been speaking to has mentioned increasing numbers of COVID cases on board. 

    And all while the level of good mask wearing on board has been noticeably going down… 😐

  2. Relaxation is the plan for our last days on board. 

    Time beside and in the pool, massages, The Enclave, good food and a couple of good drinks. 

    We’ve been enjoying the Hollywood Pool area which allows us to enjoy the pool without the harsh sun. And the cabanas in the area are great - if you are up early enough to snag one. We are early risers so just head up to the pool area with our first coffee. I think I had my first swim before 8.00am this morning! 



    Hubby then stayed and hung out reading while I headed down to the spa for a massage.

    About halfway through the massage I suddenly realised I’d left my phone in the toilet cubicle up near the pool on level 17 🤯 The spa team were wonderful and phoned security to tell them exactly where my phone had been left (level 17, first toilet cubicle) and by the time my massage was done I was able to pop along to Guest Services and reclaim my phone 😍


    The rest of the day involved more swimming, a visit to the MDR to have a “pub lunch” of fish and chips and a sherry trifle, a game of backgammon, more swimming… And there was an Ultimate Mai Tai involved sometime this afternoon too. 




    Dinner was in the MDR - and was extra special. At the Wine Appreciation dinner the other night ToH had commented to the director of Food Services that with a good number of the onboard chefs being from India the food in the staff mess / cafeteria must have some great Indian options.

    Well. We left that dinner with a promise to organise some good Indian food for us. And tonight Douw and his team came through! Our mystery dinner was delivered to our table and it was amazing. Butter chicken with just the right amount of spice. Biryani rice. Poppadum. Flat bread. If love could be a meal - this would be it… 




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  3. 2 hours ago, cr8tiv1 said:

    Oh...to have youth and energy on your side

    I’m very aware of taking the opportunities now while I can. I’m a 10yr breast cancer survivor. My body is not perfect but I’m out here in my bikini (because I find full suits hot and restrictive) and I keep up my activity and am trying to delay frailty by doing daily walks, squats, and weight exercises. 

    I used to work for a geriatrician who tells everyone that if you are only going to do one exercise as you age, make it squats daily. Squats help you maintain the ability to stand from sitting. And when you can’t do that you are on a trajectory for frailty. 

    Do those squats (sit to stand) everyone!! 

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  4. 2 hours ago, cr8tiv1 said:

    You had mentioned that one family departed on a previous post and now a medical evac that required a return (to the same port?).

    Yes same port - Suva. On the day that we were officially docked in Suva we saw an ambulance arrive at the ship at least 3 times! There may have been more visits but we were off all morning on an excursion. So with the person we returned to Suva to evacuate yesterday there may have been up to 4 people disembarked for medical reasons. 🤕

    • Thanks 1
  5. Yesterday was a sea day, and the ship was supposed to be heading for Mystery Island, Vanuatu for today. Unfortunately, due to someone being so unwell they needed to be evacuated, the ship had to turn and head back for Suva. And so today is now also a sea day as there was then not enough time to turn again and arrive at Mystery Island. 

    Mystery Island will remain… a mystery.

    We met a couple last night who have now been on 5 cruises that have had to miss Mystery Island for various reasons. And I overheard another couple on deck yesterday who were saying it was the 4th time they’ve missed that stop too. Maybe Princess could consider doing a cruise schedule that allows for several chances at getting to Mystery Island… 🏝️


    Yesterday was started with a trip to the gym for me. Followed by a trip to get breakfast. Followed by a trip to the pool for a swim. Followed by a trip to the spa for a massage. Followed by more swimming. More food. A margarita BEFORE lunch (here’s cheers to sea days). More swimming. And…

    You get the idea 😉




    All of the above was, however, preparation for the main plan for the day - the Wine Appreciation Dinner.

    Yep. Another one of these (shhh it’s secret) dinners, that anyone can book into. If you are quick enough on boarding day to dial the Dining Line and ask to be put on the guest list. Cost is $100pp (Australian dollars)

    Holy moly. Again I can’t say enough good things about that experience. Great wine. Great food. Excellent staff once again headed so capably by Douw.

    Good company around the table too 👫. the evening ended with staff and guests all having a sing-along accompanied by one of the staff on guitar! Thanks to Douw the Director of all things food, Samsuri the sommelier, and Uday and Joy who headed the serving team. 














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  6. 11 hours ago, chubbypiggy said:

    We are thinking of trying out the Harmony restaurant.  Do you any pictures of food from your dinner in that restaurant?  The portion is good size or tend to be small?  

    I was hungry and forgot to take some more photos! We had a main course each and rice and noodles dish each. We shared. I think the portions were just right… 

    • Like 2
  7. Sail away from Suva was under overcast skies. And we were a little delayed because the ship had to wait for a family offloading (with luggage) into an ambulance. Good wishes for a good recovery for whoever needed that service 💫

    We had dinner in the specialty restaurant Harmony last night. The atmosphere in there is so calming! The food was delicious, although I think they have toned down the spicy heat 🌶️ in some of the dishes eg. the Kung Pau Chicken was very mild. It was however, all still yummy in my tummy 😁


    Today is a sea day. I have plans for a massage, the gym, and the pool. Hopefully the sun will be out at some point. 


    (boys surfing a break offshore from Suva as we sailed past - having gotten there in their boat)



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  8. Hike here in Suva today to the Colo Park waterfalls. Definitely one for the intrepid and reasonably fit…


    Through almost my entire life I have been the one to take the fall in damp, slippery conditions. Miraculously I did not slip over at ALL in the damp today. 

    We had a great hike DOWN and were grateful for the swim before heading back up a different way that didn’t involve so many stairs. 
















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  9. 22 hours ago, Pushka said:

    At this point I think they are irrelevant. 

    Masks will never be irrelevant. There is ample evidence that good mask wearing is effective in reducing risk of both getting or spreading an airborne virus like COVID. 

    You can choose the level of risk you are willing to live with. And others can choose theirs. But no mistake - without a mask you are accepting a higher level of risk than someone wearing one. 


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  10. Bonus! You get two days at a time…


    Today we are moored off Dravuni Island and access is via the tenders. 

    We headed off early into a still drizzly wet day and we’re rewarded with no line for the tenders, and a quiet Fijian village. 

    Following the Google review instructions we headed right off the dock towards the rocky outcrop down the beach. We tried to get into the water at the first Ricky outcrop but the tide was out and it was too shallow and rocky. So we kept going down the beach - and found the second rocky outcrop. And that is where we went in and found nemo - and all his pals. 








    After a divine swim session with the local seafood we have headed back on board for the afternoon. 


    We have a second dinner booked at Crown Grill tonight - so are resting at the Wake View Bar in anticipation… 



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  11. Yesterday the rain came over Fiji and it was a better day weather wise  back in our home town of Sydney!

    But. Any day in a tropical paradise is a good day if you have the right mindset. So we sailed to Tivua Island on our planned excursion and had a great time. Between the rain and the swimming we were wet all day and we didn’t care. 







    The snorkelling was sadly not great because the current where the good snorkelling area is was pretty strong. We went out with the local guide but he seemed nervous and didn’t let us linger in the area where the good depth and fish were.

    We did learn that the area just by the beach is a black tipped reef shark nursery. It was amazing to be in the water with the babies! And we even saw a baby sting ray. Who was just as startled by me as I was by them. 






    we finished up our day with a cocktail at the Wake View Bar and a late dinner at Bistro Sur La Mer





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  12. Seating around the Majestic pool today is reminiscent of Hunger Games… People with deck chairs are being circled by people acting like rabid vultures 🤣🤣🤣 #yousnoozeyoulose 


    If this ship has one fault, it’s the lack of pools. Why send a Princess ship with only two tiny pools down to sail out of Australia where our culture, and the weather, rotates around getting out by the water? 


    Send this style of ship on routes up to Alaska or similar. Send us a ship with decent pool and deck areas… 🙏🏽


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  13. 16 minutes ago, chubbypiggy said:

    Just want to know, in the bathroom, liquid hand soap or bar soap?  Large bottle or lotion or mini size bottle?  When we were on Discovery in November, we had liquid hand soap and a large bottle of lotion.

    We are in a CC Mini Suite. The shower has two on the wall pump dispensers. One has soap the other has combined shampoo/conditioner. My husband doesn’t like the shampoo at all and has gone and bought some “real” shampoo from the cruise shop on level 5. 

    The basin area has liquid soap and liquid body lotion. I don’t use body lotion so have no idea of the quality. 

    Hope that helps… 

  14. I’m going to start tonight’s post with the end of the day. Because the steak I had in the Crown Grill tonight deserves top billing! 
    But close your eyes and scroll on by if you are vegetarian or unlucky enough to be allergic to red meats. 

    This steak was THE BEST steak I have had in forever. Tender, tasty, and perfectly cooked. 

    I’ve read reviews of the Crown Grill that didn’t give top marks to the steaks. But this steak was amazing 😋



    And of course it’s Valentine’s Day today. So everything on board was pretty and loaded with love and hearts. 


    Pastries in our dining room were even special this morning… 




    It was a day in Noumea and we had no excursion planned as unfortunately our snorkelling excursion was cancelled. ToH went off ship for a wander, and I visited the Enclave and went for a swim in the Hollywood Pool. Then sat in the sun for a while watching the movie on the big screen. 

    Had a great day, and we even managed to make it to the gym before dinner! 

    oh. And Noumea is a working port so no walking straight to anywhere off the ship - they provide free shuttle buses to move everyone to the town area. 







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  15. Another full day of fun today. The weather was amazing, and so was the Cruise Critic Meet & Greet that happened this afternoon.

    We had about 30 or so CC members turn up, and about 9 of the ships Officers. As the organiser I was very appreciative of the ship’s crew being so supportive.  And in turn they noted that they are very appreciative of all the CC members who have continued to support the cruising industry. 


    I apologise I have no photos of the event. I was too busy chatting to everyone to even think about photos. 

    The rest of the day involved (more) good food, some swimming, and it was formal night too. So there was some makeup, bling, photos, and a couple of good shows to attend. 

    Only downer for today is that our snorkelling excursion in Noumea was cancelled. It was the LAST option for snorkelling after two other excursions were cancelled earlier this week. I’m so very sad about it because snorkelling is one of my most favourite things to do - and we even brought our own gear with us so we could snorkel comfortably. But it is what it is - and I will get over myself. The snorkelling excursions were all cancelled due to the recent pass by of the tropical cyclone in the area. 

    Here’s some pics from my day… 


    I know lots don’t like porridge/oats. But I do - especially when it comes with CREAM and cinnamon apples. 


    Managed to grab a cabana in the Hollywood Pool area this morning. Used it. Then moved on and left it for someone else when we were done an hour or so later. 



    Super Bowl was on the big screen this morning. It’s not rugby - and I have no understanding of how American football works. But everyone around the deck seemed engrossed in it. 


    We went to the comedy show this evening. I had some chuckles. Chuckles in the day are good for the soul. It’s a 👍 from me. 


    Yes! We dressed up. I like to see him looking all handsome and I think he likes to see me looking all pretty :classic_love: Which is a pretty good thing after 34yrs of being married… 

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  16. 6 hours ago, mimbecky said:

    Thanks for the thread.  Interested to hear if they have speakers or mahjong or what on board.

    Yes! They’ve had speakers each day. And there are mahjong tables in the Hollywood Pool Lounge right at the front of the ship on level 17. The actual mahjong sets aren’t there - I think you can collect those from the library on level 7 on the first day of your cruise. 

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