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Everything posted by lswankel

  1. All in All, I do think the Rinca sight will be the better choice for Viking. I also remembered the walk in hot sun up the hill of grass to see nothing. The only problem is there doesn’t seem to be any second choice ( like the pink beach excursion) available for those who don’t want to see the dragons. Perhaps there will be more offered in the future, but for the time being its just the dragons. I think many people who had done the Komodo experience appreciated their Rina offering more.. its that gauntlet of sales people in Komodo village that leave such a negative last impression on you!
  2. I have been to both part of the park after this trip to Rinca. I think it is every bit as nice as Komodo island for me. The walkways were well build and you had the chance to look down of the dragons, not walk around them. Yes, it takes some of the “fear factor “ away, however some of the small dragons can and have climbed up the walkway. For anyone with mobility issues Rica was a better experience. They have also built a small but efficient museum and and added to the experience nicely. You can only go in a tour group, no individual exploring but that really did’t seem to be an issue. We ere a late in the day tour and se still saw dragons, enough to get good pictures and some earlier tours also was water buffalo and many monkeys. The experience was only on hour in length but excellent as far as Im concerned, comparing it to the previous Komodo Island trip. This was focused on the island, research being done, and NO gauntlet of sellers to walk through. There is a government Ranger gist shop and cage at the museum and there were a few sellers on a side dock that you could easily avoid. The ranger had cold water for everyone who wanted it and it was an enjoyed tour. Overall I think a better choice than Komodo.
  3. Yes bring your own Vegemite.. at breakfast a couple of days ago a lady asked if they had it and the poor attendant had a questioning look and really seemed confused…..no they didn’t have it and Im not sure he even knew what it was!!!!
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