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Posts posted by RiotAct

  1. 12 minutes ago, TNcruising02 said:


    As far as the vaccine, I have a relative who is 81 and has all kinds of major high risk health issues.  He recently received his second dose and his only symptom was a sore arm.  He received the moderna vaccine, if that makes any difference.  I figure that if he can get it with all of his health issues and not have any problems, I can get it.  I know a young doctor who received both doses and had no issues either.  I have a feeling that the people who have severe symptoms receive much more attention than the thousands who are just fine.

    of course they do.  Not nearly as much money for the media conglomerates in reporting on the large majority of people who are fine with only minor or no symptoms (same thing with those who come down with COVID itself).

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  2. On 2/5/2021 at 7:10 AM, Minoushka said:

    But Covid is not under control yet ...ifpeople get sick where will they go .Can hospitals take in a great influxof pax who get the disease 

    What about natives and exposure to virus ?they are very vulnerable 

    covid needs to be tamed a lot more before anyone can travel 

    ifyou can get vaccines to Canada quickly ....do so and Alaska .Yukon .

    i too would like borders opened but only if very safe



    spoiler alert: it will never be “very safe”.


     There will always be instances of bad outcomes somewhere in North America (or the world in general) to point to and say “see?  Could happen here unless we keep these restrictions in place ad infinitum”.

  3. On 1/24/2021 at 9:31 AM, cruisingrandy said:

    You don't want to come to the upstate of SC then. Grocery stores and Walmart maybe 60% with masks on. Many people think masks are a joke here.No enforcement at all,  Even store and restauant employees just have masks on down on their neck not covering there mouth or nose, we just go in a store or restauant for to go and get out fast.


    usually when I see these kinda of posts I think “their numbers probably aren’t much worse in reality than NY State” (where I live).  And I’m usually right.


    But I just looked up the SC numbers from tests reported yesterday.  31.8% positivity rate????  Holy.

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/19/2021 at 3:58 PM, sid_9169 said:

    Something tells me that if / when cruising does resume, most of these things won't be allowed anyway... One of my old favorites was bringing a bowl from the buffet, and taking it to Blue Iguana for a burrito bowl...

    agreed.  The eateries on board will likely resemble a cross between a surgery prep room, decontamination chamber, and military zone for quite a while (just like land-based restaurants, at least here in wonderful New York State)

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Fouremco said:

    With a population less than half of New York City. Like Covid cases or deaths, the numbers are meaningless for comparison purposes unless you consider the number of vaccinations per "x" many people.

    cmon, useless comparisons are fun!  


    Did you hear that rural Mongolia handled COVID-19 much better than the U.S.?

  6. 7 hours ago, Keys Kathy said:



    So, if we have had our shots, and I mean both, what is the next plan? We will we still need to be tested and wear masks? I have always said I would not cruise with a mask. Does anyone have any info???

    apparently yes, at least for a long time after the vaccines first become available.  “The experts” are saying everyone should still wear masks and social distance even if they’ve successfully received the vaccine.  

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  7. On 11/28/2020 at 6:46 PM, cachouonacruise said:

    To get rid of Covid, one of the best way we have is to ensure that a high percentage of every world population is vaccinated. 


    Therefore, I completely agree that travel should be used as an incentive to increase vaccination levels.


    From my perspective, any government would be hard pressed to make the vaccine mandatory. All kinds of people for all kinds of reasons, would use charters of freedom and rights to object to vaccination.


    However, if the vaccine is required for travel purposes, whether just crossing a land border, taking a flight or a cruise etc. it would become a powerful incentive to increase the vaccination ratio without impact on people’s freedom.


    You don’t want the vaccine? No problem! It is your right! However, that choice may impact your access to new destination.


    It would be only fair, in my opinion, that people willing to expose themselves and others to higher risks, be made accountable, by having access to more limited options. (Exceptions, could be made for people medically certified not being able to receive the vaccine)


    Similarly, I believe that vaccination should be required to gain access to specific types of jobs, for example, in the health care systems or in education etc.


    In 2020, we lost so many people around the planet due to this virus. Business of different sizes and in varied domains have suffered serious consequences. In turn, their employees also were expose to dire consequences.


    We just cannot afford, the risk to live again these consequences, because of some capricous ideologies. 


    Once vaccines are declared safe by health authorities, let’s use that tool to open travel again! The sooner, the better.



    Thank you for stating your opinion in a non-condescending manner, something that many people on a certain side of the vaccination debate have trouble doing.  I agree with you, by the way.

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  8. 4 hours ago, jfunk138 said:

    It seems like the current public health strategy is simply scapegoating.  When you mandate masks and the virus still spreads:  blame the people.  When you shutdown bars and restaurants and the virus still spreads:  blame the people.  People are starting to wake up though.  People who "follow the rules" are still getting Covid.  Even people that have never left their house are getting Covid.  Who is left for public health authorities to blame?  Cruiselines!  They aren't US companies and are staffed by non-US citizens and make such a wonderful scapegoat.


    When will the public health authorities finally admit that they really have no control over this virus?  Those cruiseships with "outbreaks" in March?  The Grand Princess had 103 cases total during and after the sailing and they tested everyone!  My town is racking up that many PER DAY but that's only the people actually getting tested.  

    YES!   Can’t rep you enough for this.

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