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Posts posted by timelordjason

  1. Staying at Hotel Milano. Does the rooftop restaurant also serve American food?

    HAHA not attacking your question at all but just brought back funny memories of being in Costa Rica for a 10 day tour and numerous people halfway through were begging almost crying for McDonald Hannah I couldn't believe it. Why go to a wonderful country and eat the same thing you eat at home? I just never understood this.

    Try the Monfongu, the Chipperones, skirt steak with a local invented pina colada and get the burgers and fries when you get back home. You'll thank me later :)

  2. Yeah still wouldnt be worth it for us I drink water from the restaraunts about 2 fosters a day in port and my wife will have two cocktails on port day.


    On sea day I may drink 5 fosters and still only water and my wife will drink 3 to 4 drinks


    we love coffee but last time we got one and eh not great so I really feel unless it is sea days only we will not do it.


    I can get a six pack of cokes to the room preorder for the entire trip for the two of us and that would be special and plenty .


    Never understood bottled water on teh ships either as the water provided for free on board goes through a massive filteration process so whats the point?

  3. ok so I know cheers is so and so per day and that both people in the cabin have to sign up BUT since it is a certain ammount per day I was wondering can it be split up?

    By this I mean can I purchase cheers only for our sea days and not the port days?


    I feel this would be the only way it would be worth getting for me and my wife.

  4. A few years ago when I visited Puerto Rico (non cruise) I took a horse jungle tour and they stopped at barcardi rum factory for a tour along the way. LET ME TELL YOU this wasnt worth it even as a free addon for oour tour. I would have been so very disapointed if i had paid for it. 80% of the tour isnt really the factory but movies and museum like displays about the factory. You really see VERY LITTLE. The only thing good there are the pizza pockets at the snack bar. I would much rather just explore san juan and taste the rum in teh real bars around there.

  5. OK for where to get it I cannot help you BUT my favourite on a 2 week trip there I loved

    Blood Sausage


    I did NOT have them in old town san juan but in the suberbs so I cant help you finding them.

    P.S. if you ever get to stay the night there catch the bus to pinnones and try the whole rosted pig snouts teh best :)

  6. I have been to San Juan before and I know about La Perla. My wife has never been to san juan so I planned on walking her from the port through that water front park, by the wall through town to Sebastian fort explore there, grab a limber and then a stop at no nos explore some more on the way back to the ship. HOWEVER she has never been out of the country before and I need to make a non scary effect on her this trip.


    With all that in mind she LOVES cemeteries. The one near fort Moro is so gorgeous. Years ago when I was there I avoided the cemetery due to the crime in La Perla. I really want to be able to take her here I am sure she would love it but I need to keep her safe.


    #1 SO has anyone ever SAFELY visited this cemetery?

    #2 can I get here without going through that scary tunnel on foot and without getting near La Perla?

    #3 how can I explain to her that those old buildings of la perla are a no no without scaring her too much? She loves exploring abandoned buildings here in the states and I am worried she will want to go there and I dont want her to but also dont want to freak her out since this is going to be her first real out of country experience. She doesnt have the travel smarts I have developed over the years so I want to let her be able to see the cemetery but safely. I am afraid viewing it from Moro is going to just tempt her lol


    All insight is extremely helpful.

  7. When we did Chefs Table a few years back and the attire was nothing like the photo above. All the men were in suits and the women in more formal attire. I would've been embarrassed in jeans.


    It looked more like this random photo I found on Google:


    The women on that photo aren't wea ring formal attire. That is business casual and very lax at that

  8. I dropped more than $250 last night on sushi with friends and none of us looked nearly that well dressed as in the photo above.


    Guess I'm in trouble come Chefs Table dinner on my cruise.


    Oh well. At least my wife looks super hot in her bedazzled jeans.


    It's a vacation people. We're not dining with the Pope or a President.


    Dress how you feel comfortable and please shower before dinner. That's all.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums

    250 on sushi sheeesh if you lived near me I'd hook ya up to this little place called the rice box. :)

    You must have flown to Japan for dinner beahahhaha:D

  9. I don't think people are talking about that. There are some really nice dressy jeans out there that look nice with a button down and tie. Don't see why that is a big deal honestly. Heck in Bermuda their suits are nice collard shirt tie and Bermuda shorts. Would people be offended with a guy in a kilt? Its dressy in scottland.Cultures are different and a cruise is a melting pot. Nice dressy jeans and a tie? Pretty swanky to me.


    Also is not being frustrated about another person's dress selfish in itself? I mean to a point that you want everyone to look exactly like you? If I was dressed nice and someone sat beside me looking like cap I'd be happy cause I would be much more handsome hahaha just kidding that's selfish too. Just be yourself we aren't robots.

  10. Gosh, stuffy much?

    You apparently like tattoos but some people find them atrocious and tacky. To each his own. Do not judge less thee be jidged. If people wanna wear nice jeans then go ahead. I know I can get a nice pair of slacks for 5 bucks on cleaerence but not jeans. Anyway I was taught to worry about myself not others good lesson to be learned here.

    If I'm going to spend $95/person for a meal, I'm going to dress up. I was reading a recent review where there were photos of the reviewer's Chef's Table dining experience on the Vista posted. Two people in the photos wore sloppy looking jeans and I must say that they definitely looked out of place.


    I don't care if you spend $1,000 on a pair of jeans or bedazzle the heck out of them, they're still ugly jeans and have no place at the Chef's Table or cruise elegant night in the MDR. I can hear all the jean lovers now defending their right to wear jeans to a $95/person dinner because there is no written in stone dress code and, after all, they paid good money for their cruise and they can wear whatever they want. I'm so tired of hearing this excuse, blah, blah, blah.


    My dining experience will not be ruined by what other people wear but does anyone have any common sense out there?

  11. I have cruised carnival in the past been a while. My favourite thong to drink is fosters you get a lot of beer for around 5 bucks.



    Is fosters still on carnival ships and what's the price nowadays? Will be on glory soon is it on the ship please say yes haha

  12. I am thinking of trying to find a good historical tour for St. Thomas by a local (recommendations?)


    I have just seen this Amazing Mountain and nature hike tour on Carnivals list. I am not a big fan of Cruise Ship Tours as I have found the locals do much better HOWEVER this is interesting to me. Has anyone taken this tour? We love botanical gardens. If this tour is not good is there other tours to botanical gardens by any locals?

  13. I always cringe when I see people wanting to go to Margaritaville in Grand Turk. I know, it's just my opinion but... You can go to Margaritaville in basically ANY beach city in the United States and other cities that aren't beach cities for that matter. You're going to a foreign place on vacation, why go to a chain joint that's right next to the ship and not see/do anything? It just seems like a waste of money to cruise if that's what you want to do in ports. (I am not saying YOU, I am just saying in general so please don't take that the wrong way.)


    Rent a golf cart from Karib, Nathan's or Wet Money ($90) and cruise the island. Ride around and see their way of life, the things they do, how they live, their lifestyle, etc. Ride up to the light house, see the salt salinas, check out Her Majesty's Prison, go down and enjoy some time at Governor's Beach, grab a bite to eat at Jack's Shack. It's the best way (again, in MY opinion, not everyones) to spend your day in a foreign place on vacation. Either way, enjoy your time at GT!


    I TOTALLY AGREE. It is the same thing that irks me when i go to other countries not on a cruise and here tourists ask for a McDonald...WHAT? why pay 10 bucks in costa rica for mvdonalds when you can have traditional local food for 5 and immerse yourself into the culture?

  14. I am so curious about this. It looks peaceful and less crowded and love the idea of 6 beers a person. I am curious if anyone has tried this tour. In fact if you tried any of this companies tours let me know how they treated you. I have not seen any reviews of this tour and not many from this company at all. I want to be all aboard for this but with nothing much to research i am not sure what to expect. Any help would be appreciated.

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