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Sweet Dutch Girl

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Posts posted by Sweet Dutch Girl

  1. As with many ports the drive up-drop off line can be extremely congested with embarks and debarks going on at the same time. Since the parking is close I'd park, run your errands, return to the car, and walk over your luggage....better yet I wouldn't head to the terminal 'till after one, after all the debarking passengers have left. I feel that opens up everything so that the congestion is pretty well DONE.

  2. Changes...as inevitable as taxes and the Trump making a fool of himself.


    People tend to choose what they liked or disliked about offerings on a cruise. When the things they like disappear it's a cut back, when things they don't like change it is smart management.


    I will say they I can't even begin to imagine taking a cruise every year on the same line just because I want everything to be the same as it was 20 years ago...that would be like wearing the same 60s hairdo for the rest of one's life. Oh, yea, there are people that do that.

  3. Anything that fits through the scanner can be carried on. Just remember you have to lug it through the entire check-in process, lug it up the ramp (and many of them are quite steep), lug it while on the ship and keep it with you until rooms become available after 1:30. You can't drop it off (unless you have FTTF) and can't leave it unattended.


    One of my pet peeves are all the people who load up the chairs and booths on the Lido deck with their stuff and then sit with it for several hours as they wait for their rooms to open up. Means the rest of us have no where to sit and enjoy lunch.

  4. Thank you. Yes, he will be 6 months on our cruise. I'm a pretty modest person, though having a baby and nursing has changed that a lot. I don't want to have to run to my cabin every time he's hungry, for your reasons posted, and because I want to be able to enjoy myself.


    My LO also HATES covers. He will never eat as much when he has a cover over him. Who can blame him?! I wouldn't want to eat with a blanket or cover over my head and face. He's also like an oven, so he gets hot very quickly too.


    If you feel comfortable sitting at the dinner table, exposing your breast, and having your uncovered infant eat...that is your right. But you shouldn't get uptight if your dinner companions give you the evil eye...they might not be as body comfortable as you are.


    Just because we have the "right" to do something doesn't mean we shouldn't be considerate of those around us. If your infant doesn't like to be covered you might want to rethink the particular circumstances where you choose to feed it...don't you think.

  5. So, let's see.... people complain when they don't get notification and people complain when they do.


    Of course, we have someone to blame regardless and a forum to express the displeasure.


    Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'm surprised they make any effort at all.


    This, of course, will be fodder for the vultures to pick apart. Have at it!


    Nope, won't pick your post apart...the OPs, now that's another story. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that peeps are upset because Carnival sends out a mass email to remind those who may not be as computer literate as the 5 or 10 peeps who post on CC. Do folks feel they are so important that a cruiseline needs to treat them with kid gloves and not upset their personal apple cart before a cruise by sending them a mass email.


    So, I hope that clears some things up for you. One more thing, before you go judging people, maybe you should try walking in their shoes for just one day. I can happily say I'm so glad that folks like you are in the minority. Have a great day!!!


    Don't assume that because I have "issues" with scooters in the close confines and narrow passages of a cruise ship trying to be all things to all people that I don't relate, personally, to the daily obstacles placed in front of those with diseases and disabilities. And I am not slamming anyone for their personal choices....scooter away when it is safe to do so. Just like those people who don't use a scooter those that do are representative of a wide swath of individuals...many who don't "need" assistance but choose to use it.


    I also have issues with "healthy" people who clog up elevators to go down a single deck, people who book un-needed handicap rooms because they like the extra space, families who travel with someone with a disability and therefore think they are entitled to all the perks.


    The original OP wanted to know about renting a scooter...I gave my opinion that I feel they are not the greatest thing since sliced bread and have more issues associated with them than the issue they may resolve for a single passenger.

  7. I am thoroughly in the "Scooters" don't belong on cruise ships corner, and no I am not anti-person with a disability.


    Scooters are a marketing ploy, designed for outside use and designed for people with a good deal of upper body strength, good coordination, and "on the ball" mental smarts. If someone is unable to still drive a car they shouldn't be using a mobility scooter.


    Scooters offer no support, don't come with a seat belt, easily tip over, need a very wide turning radius, don't maneuver when someone pushes them, don't allow for hands free operation, don't stop on a dime, don't have rear view mirrors, aren't useful as a "chair" at a table, take lots of room to store, don't go into cabs and buses, are pretty useless on soft sand at the beach, are too heavy to carry up stairs, and can prove to be difficult in confined spaces like elevators, or door vestibules. They aren't a "pass" to get someone to the front of a line, don't prove that the rider is in anyway "handicapped" or in need of special assistance. And, unless the rider is adept and coordinated that don't give them "true" independence. How do you carry your food and drink at the Lido and steer and operate a scooter?


    Worse cruises I have been on are ones where half the passengers "think" they need a scooter. Won't catch me cruising to Hawaii, again, any time soon.


    If someone needs mobility assistance a small lightweight foldable wheel chair fits the bill nicely.

  8. silverware right on table ?:eek::eek::eek: they wipe it with soap and dirty cloth then put my forks?


    I always find this argument "for" tablecloths the most absurd. We (the collective we) eat most of our meals on the Lido deck where we sit at tables without cloths and put our utensils on the table wiped, I'm sure by the same method used in the dining room. Besides, even freshly laundered table cloths are exposed to air borne particulates the minute they are laid on the table.

    Besides, the utensils on Lido are stacked in silverware holders where everyone grabs what they need, aren't they. Talk about germs.

  9. First off, I don't know how they do things down under. In the US, it is a customary practice and it goes a bit deeper than an "absurd tradition", it goes directly to paying for a persons paycheck (Waiters/Waitresses)....Tipping percentages are listed on receipts as a convenience for those who may be "math challenged". I am guessing you never worked in the service industry here in the US. The stories of waiters/waitresses working in a high end restaurant where a party will drop $250 on a nice meal and leave a $5 tip. Is it the majority of time, no, but it happens more than you would think. I know people who get paid around $3 an hr as a salary. You want to live on that? Valet? you have an issue tipping a college kid $1 or $2 to go get your car? If you really don't want to tip them, park the car yourself


    Again, an assumption is made that when you don't "embrace the tradition of tipping" that you don't do it. Why should I be considered the "enemy" when others don't "tip". I have worked on and off in the "service" industry (I was young once) and totally understand the issue. But sales clerks don't get tipped, nor do bus drivers, I don't think those that clean a hotel room get tipped, we don't tip those who provide services online we don't tip our mailman.


    If industries that historically rely on tips continue to pay their help based on potential tipping that is "tradition" not necessity...they are the ones who need to change their mind set, not me. I am not going to be held captive...I tip because I "want" to not because I "have" to.

  10. Absurd? Most waitresses/bartenders/waiters in the US depend on tips as a major part of their salary. I am sure they don't think of receiving a TIP as absurd. They depend on them to pay their bills


    When "tipping" percentages are listed on my receipt, when wait-staff never re-fills my coffee, when a barista puts a cup next to the register (how is preparing the drink you ordered an extra service (heck they charge for every extra)), when a host or hostess has his/her hand out to sit you at a "nice" table then tipping is absurd. Why does a cab-driver deserve a tip if no luggage or packages are involved? A hair-dresser, a nail technician, the guy that opens a door for you, a valet? The "tradition" is absurd. Australia doesn't tip and their society continues along nicely.


    Because I don't believe in tipping doesn't mean I don't do it...one doesn't exclude the other.

  11. Yes, I'm on sort of a crusade to correct this stuff, as they are a person's title.

    I cringe every time I read cabin "stewart", or "mustard drill" too.

    Well at least I have yet to read "Kaptan"! :D


    Ahh...our own Don Quixote (did I spell that right?) tilting at windmills!


    Personally, when someone corrects my grammar (is that a final a or an e?) or my spellings I immediately think "less" of said person and my initial reaction is to ignore their musings because I feel it is rude and uncalled for no matter their intent. My Mom (like others on this board) came to English as a second language...I still miss her Whe and all her other phonetic spelling.


    Tips....An absurd "tradition" but one I don't have the energy to fight. In my mind I equate tipping on a ship as a required fee and I just pay it with that mindset. The debate is useless chatter for me since, rarely, is the exceptional employee rewarded.

  12. As we (and the "we" is a personal pronoun not the all encompassing WE) continue to cruise, all lines, we notice, just like in our daily lives, that nothing stays the same and that changes are as likely as not. Our lives, for the most part, have become more casual and our surroundings often reflect that.


    Cruising on a "cost conscious" line like Carnival ISN"T the same experience as it once was (for me I like the fact that it is more geared to families and our informal life styles). We would be perfectly happy if elegant night as it once was is even eliminated. We are happy not to pack "dressy" clothes, love going to dinner in our limited selection of casual clothes that fit into our carry-on luggage saving us luggage fees that translate into more money to spend "doing things" with the kids traveling with us.


    Just like "at home" we don't choose restaurants based on their formal ambiance but rather the fact that they serve good food that we enjoy.


    If Carnival's lack of ambiance "bothered" us we would make other choices, not come up with a gazillion reasons for being bothered. It's our "dollar" and we spend it on the product that best meets our needs. There are lots of choices out there...I'd rather focus my energy on what is offered rather than on what is not.

  13. Not sure if it's been reported here but daily mail has a report that states she was sitting on the railing and fell backwards. Horribly sad, she leaves four kids and a husband. As a parent I understand the need to get away and let loose but this is prime example why people should stick together. I would've hoped someone was sober enough to tell her that was a bad idea.


    If they didn't know she even went overboard until hours later how in the world would anyone know if she was sitting on the railing, drunk, and fell backwards? Besides the Daily Mail is the trashiest gossip rag on the internet.

  14. The moralistic unsubstantiated judgments that abound on these boards continue to amaze me...and the consistent rehashing of gossipy tidbits are astounding. Anyone of us may be touched by a tragedy such as this...and, yes, suicide is a tragedy (just ask Shakespeare). We should all remember that "except for the grace of god (or the universe) there go I" and that incidents like what happened on the Liberty are not fodder for our trashy minds...but real life altering situations for those involved. Where lies the milk of human kindness. Obviously not on these boards.

  15. Wow, there are some uptight people on this board!! I'm always amazed how quickly a simple thread can turn!


    I was inquiring in jest! Everyone had fun discussing afterwards.


    I wasn't asking for an apology or an explanation....simply asking if anyone knew what happened.


    Happy cruising!!


    We are on the Vista in 3 weeks and are hoping that doesn't happen again!


    Curiosity is Ok but as soon as the OP disparaged the incident in their final sentence everything took a wrong turn. If someone doesn't want the rath of CCers to fall on their heads they really need to be more cautious of how their post sounds.

  16. Something I've noticed is that some passengers just seem to leave their "tolerance" at home when they board a ship. Sure it would be nice if our vacations ran smoothly from beginning to end, but when you choose to travel with a few thousand other people in a fairly confined space it would seem to be wise to understand that not everything will run smoothly and there may be interruptions that occur and passengers don't need to be advised of the outcome of these interruptions.


    I just don't understand why some people tend to get upset about such little things.

  17. I discovered, long ago, that one of the hardest things in life is "waiting". Doesn't matter if its a grocery check-out line, morning rush hour, embarking or debarking a cruise, the long line at airport security. It seems that we are programmed by nature to "get a move on" and when this process is interrupted our coping devices want to take a hike.


    I've learned, often the hard way, that everything rolls down hill if I allow the stress of "waiting" to cloud my enjoyment level. Through experience I've learned that we really don't have much control outside of our own reactions. Trying to find and place blame if things go haywire accomplishes what exactly? Moaning and complaining and getting mad and upset only drives our own sanity level to the breaking point.


    Sh*t happens and being aware of that fact may make things easier. On a cruise vacation board later, book later flights, schedule a day off from work after the vacation in case things don't go as planned. If traveling with small children or adults needing assistance wait to get to the terminal don't think arriving early will make things easier...a "free" lunch isn't worth the hassle.

  18. I cruise TO RELAX and that means I don't get "involved" in worrying about anything. Book with a TA who has been doing our bookings for eons and eons. The only "stressful" thing is the initial decision...which week, which port, which ship. After that I just wait for my TA to book flights, rooms, the cruise, etc. Always fly in the day before, if not two....


    Sure doing it this way I spend a few more bucks but its vacation time. My TA knows our preferences...she has been doing this for 25 years.


    The other thing that makes cruising stressless is that we don't board a ship with a chip on our shoulder. We don't require or need our latest experience to be a carbon copy of an earlier cruise...in fact we have cruised enough lines that it is hard to remember which cruise line offers what so when we board we just go with the flow of what is offered.

  19. Just to clarify on whats in the container. My significant and I are coffee snobs and we can attest that last cruise did not have real half and half. It was some kind of soy nondairy liquid crap. It's a bit of a prep but we always now bring our own small containers of real dairy half/Half and even go so far as to teabag our favorite coffee. It beats the coffee bar prices and we do not have to make an extra trip to wait in line in the mornings.


    It's half and half if its labeled half and half. Conspiracy theorists reign supreme on CC.

  20. I find myself totally surprised that the "many" who think eating without tablecloths is unsanitary and unhealthy and that the washing of uncovered tables is akin to sloshing bacteria around ever, ever, ever eat in all the other food venues on Carnival. Tablecloths on the lido deck, never seen them; tablecloths at the out door venues, ain't happenin'; tablecloths at the bars, can't remember them.


    If someone is going to present an argument they need to think it out more thoroughly. If you only eat in the MDR with tablecloths you have a point, if you sit at a table with food (including your private patio) you have invalidated your own point. Better think of a better argument.


    Also, if plates aren't endlessly falling off the lido deck tables why are they suddenly swimming around the table in the MDR? It's more stable at the bottom of a ship then it is 8 decks up.

    • Thanks 1
  21. You only got one fork before too. I'm willing to bet that a good chunk of the guests (the ones that don't know how to dress decently for dinner as per my previous post) wouldn't even know which one to use first and probably would think they made a mistake setting the table.


    You do realize your post is condescending, judgmental, irritating (to me, at least) fairly hoity toity, class-ist, and I could go on and on. I don't think people are as "dumb" or ignorant as you seem to think and just because you may have fallen into the trap of assuming that Emily Post was the savior of etiquette, thousands of people are raised very well without ever having to act like puppets of a system that has been archaic for years and years.


    If someone wants to be surrounded by a butter knife, salad fork, appetizer fork, fish fork, teaspoon, soup spoon, ice tea spoon, dessert spoon and fork, straight blade steak knife, serrated steak knife, grape fruit spoon all they need to do is ask. Why should the rest of us need to be surrounded with superfluous utensils we have no need for...and that's a choice not a lack of class.

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