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Sweet Dutch Girl

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Posts posted by Sweet Dutch Girl

  1. I love it when people buy FTTF. It is a cost without any physical product so it helps Carnival's bottom line and anything that can swell the coffers means that the cost of my cruise doesn't have to bear a price hike, for the most part. I applaud people who make my cruise affordable...good on them.

  2. If you think about it the reason that balcony cabins are not HDCP accessible is two fold. One, there is a lip at the door to keep the water from the balcony out and it isn't and really can't be made to confirm to accessible requirements, and second the door has an automatic closer and is not controlled electronically. Also, with most balconies once you place furniture on the balcony there is no ability to turn a wheelchair so it just doen't make sense to to make the interiors of these cabins accessible on a grand scale when the balcony isn't accessible.

  3. If he was going to college on a sports scholarship then yes I could see changing family plans for this practice but he has no plans on pursuing ball after high school from the sounds of it. I would pull parental rank especially since you suspect this has more to do with the GF than ball and make him go on the cruise. It won't kill him to do one last family cruise and like someone else mentioned maybe throw in the behind the scenes as a bonus so he can see how things are run. If he honestly wants to get into management that should be of a real interest to him. If it's not then the GF is definitely what's on his mind and he's probably hoping you will leave him home for some quality time with her LOL


    Wow, some folks sure think the worse of kids, today. This, and the previous post, are some of the things I truly feel are the crux of many of the problems in today's society.


    If, as a parent, you have raised your kid well these issues should not even be a consideration. Kids are as responsible as their parent's allow them to be. Take away their input and their focus and you have just created a monster, IMHO.


    When children reach an age where they have a "life" outside of the confines of their home and family unit they should have a say in what the family unit does. The fact that they are under the age of 18 shouldn't even be a consideration if the child hasn't done anything catastrophic to undermine his parent's trust.

  4. Ah...my favorite place on the dream class ships.


    Hot coffee, danish, rolls, bagels at 7 am. Great when the rest of the clan doesn't get up until 9 or 10 for breakfast together.


    Super soups and salads at lunch and I just take them out to the promenade deck where we gather for some fun board games as the others are lapping up the sun in their deck chairs away from the hul-la-boo on the lido deck.


    Excellent place for dinner appetizers when we are ready to dine at 7 and we have late seating in the MDR.

  5. I saw this in my brother's family. They couldn't do anything because these tin-god coaches would always take holiday family times (like Thanksgiving) to have the kids practice or play their sports. The threat was the child would be cut from the team if they didn't go along. The heck with them. Take the cruise or do whatever you want. I'm amazed your son's sports stuff is taking over Christmas vacation! Wow.


    This year my neice and nephew in law are spending Thanksgiving away from home and family because their kids have the opportunity to play in a football tournament thousands of miles from home. The kids are uber-excited and their parents fully understand how much it means to them. Sure the rest of the family will miss them but we understand that some things are just more important than a holiday which occurs every year.


    As far as practices during school recess...many parents applaud this because it keeps their children "off the streets" and committed...a great lesson for future reference in their lives.


    Life is a series of choices, of compromise, of commitments. Sometimes we, as parents, just need to understand that not all timing is good timing and that the family unit is not sacrosanct when it comes to all of the other life choices available to ALL family members.

  6. my mom always told me 'rich people don't stay rich by acting like rich people'. :)


    as you clearly stated, both the subway or limo will get you from point a to point b but the limo will clearly cost you a lot more. so if you want to burn through what money you have by acting like a rich person, go ahead, but don't be surprised if you wake up one morning poor. i will happily take the subway to point b and stay rich. :)


    I'm glad life offers us a chance to experience many different offerings...some are costly, some aren't. If something costs more but you get a "an experience" that means something to you the cost can be a bit irrelevant.


    I'm one who chooses to spend my hard earned dollars on things that I'll cherish, both for the experience and the memories...and that is more important to me than being "rich" only in a monetary sense. Besides, I can't take it with me so I'd rather spend it while I can.

  7. Families are wonderful and family time is great...that being said I also feel that as parents we try and raise our children to be independent and to make decisions on their own after we have given them the tools to understand that all actions have consequences.


    I also feel that young adults should have a voice in family decisions and at some point shouldn't have to always fall in line when the "I'm the parent, I know best" sentiment plays into a decision.


    As others have said, if you are adamant about choosing to go on vacation when your son's plans and desires don't meld well, just leave him at home with responsible adult supervision. One missed vacation won't interrupt the family dynamics if the foundation is strong. In fact it may be used as a good learning tool for future reference.


    High school, especially Senior year, can be all encompassing for some. Don't rain on his parade because you may think differently. Don't "test" your authority and make this issue about "you".

  8. Since we check in at 1pm we do not wait in line for check in.


    Since we check in at 1pm we can go immediately to our cabins.


    Since we check in at 1pm lunch is still being served and we aren't encumbered with our carry-on.


    Since we check in at 1pm it is easier to handle more carry-on since we can go to our cabin immediately and that means we have our swim wear, a change of clothes for dinner, and our absolutely necessities with us. If we are the last to get our luggage, who cares.


    Since we check in at 1pm the crowds have disappeared from the buffet since they and their carry-on are now heading to their cabins.


    We have never had to wait in line at guest services...timing is everything.


    We have never been late for a shore excursion in upteen cruises and have time for a leisurely breakfast before heading to the tenders where we have encountered no lines.


    We don't choose a cruise that ports at a private island so no worries about getting on board early to get a prime cabana. We'd rather port at a real town on a real island and see how people "live".


    We always book early enough to get our dining preference...no need to worry about changing things once on board.


    We could care less about loyalty perks...to many cruise lines to limit ourselves to just one.


    We always book late afternoon air transport home so we are always among the last to disembark the ship.


    Guess FTTF has no value for us...no matter the cost.

  9. I have often cruised with the teenagers in my extended family and we have always booked late dining. The kids seem to like it since they always show up and enjoy the time with their cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, etc. since the rest of the day is theirs to schedule as they want. Besides, they don't like to be the "first" to the clubs, they would rather wait until more people are there and the party has started.


    If the OP is concerned about their teenager they just need to decide as a family what are the best options for them. As the elder stateswoman in our group the adults decide what dining time is the best option for them...the kids, well they come along for the "free" vacation. Don't want to eat dinner with the "folks"...lots of other options for them to grab food elsewhere. Luckily our kids understand that in some decisions their vote, though taken into consideration, doesn't carry the same weight as others.

  10. So why are you going on cruise vacations if you don't like the way they're run or what they cost?


    This is a vacation we're talking about.......if it's not what you want, vacation elsewhere. If it's where you want to be, stop sweating the small stuff and accept it's a part of what you've chosen.


    Obviously you have completely misinterpreted my post. I cruise because, in today's world and for today's dollar it offers me what I want and can afford. I never said that what other's refer to as cutbacks affects me negatively....quite the opposite. I am happy that my dollar doesn't pay for the little niceties that were once part of cruising at an exorbitant price and that I reaped no benefit from...if I want those little extras I am more than willing to pay for them.


    What has happened, it seems to me, is that people want exactly what they got a decade ago for the same price, regardless of inflation, they paid for back then. And that, economically, just can't happen. So people call them cutbacks when in true fact they are measures taken to ensure that people can still afford to cruise. What a $1000 bought in 2006 would cost $1215 today, a $1000 in 1996 would cost almost $1600, and a $1000 in 1986 would cost $2200 today. So I booked a cruise in 1986, spent $1000 and got lots of little extras. Now I book a cabin for a $1000...why would I expect to get the same extras even though they are costing the cruise line twice as much to provide.


    Why are such simple economics so hard for people to perceive? Of course the cruise line has had to cut corners...to keep the price at $1000. Would I want to spend $2200 to experience what I had 30 years ago...no I wouldn't.

  11. I booed the conquest in December because it had fush and chips. Logged in thus morning and saw two threads about how it was being replaced with a new seafood shack. I can still get fish and chips for $6.


    I totally disagree with Jamman, price have gone up 35% in the past two years on my family's biennial Xmas cruise. We were also on a newer ship then. Despite increased costs, there will be significant reduction in overall offerings. I didn't like the chocolate but appreciate that they were offered. I don't think the MDR will have the same luxury feel either w/o the table clothes. If I wanted Applebee's I could get that in Columbus.


    I think what people often tend to forget is that cruising is a choice, not a necessity and that pricing is relative to those that choose it as a vacation. There are so many cruise lines and each offers an experience and a price point for each individual to choose from.


    If, say Carnival, is no longer offering all the little extras then, isn't it, time to move on and find a cruise line that does. I didn't stop buying gas at my neighborhood station when they stopped window washing and oil checking (boy am I dating myself) but continued to buy my gas there because the price was right and the location convenient. Same with my neighborhood bar. Even as prices for my drinks went up I stayed loyal because it offers me a great place to unwind and visit with friends.


    As much as some hate the idea of a business having economic stability as their prices also increase and they have to allocate their expenditures accordingly it is how economics work. Why do some believe that it is their god given right to not live within the economic framework of modern times that is just not the reality. Sure I want "everything" for every dollar I spend but I have to "know" that as wages increase, the cost of staples goes up and economics force prices to move upwards.


    It is beyond my comprehension that some actually believe that a business is only there to "serve" them and has no "right" to be a "for profit" institution.

  12. Guess I'm the odd man out but I hate the word "cutbacks" and the implication that a cruise line is scamming us when they make changes in their offerings.


    Yes, over the decades, cruising has changed and things that were offered for "free" or covered in your fare became "extras" and were charged for but many of them helped stabilize the cost of a cruise and were more fair to many.


    Examples...If someone doesn't consume alcohol why should their fare cover the cost of those that do, if fru-fru drinks and soda are not something I favor why should my fare include them, if I don't especially go ga-ga over chocolates on my pillow why should I be paying for them.


    Tap water works well for me, don't necessarily use the robes so someone has to pay for them to get washed even though they are never worn. I am fine with the "free" meals served on the ship...can't even imagine indulging in lobster and steak everynight (my weight would take a real hit).


    There are so many things on a cruise that just don't mean squat to me and have no impact on my enjoyment of the vacation. I don't need fresh linens everyday, or fresh towels twice a day. I don't lug on soda so don't need ice in my room. I can move freely about the ship and don't spend my vacation huddled in my room so the limited free "room service" options are fine with me. If I vacation with the "kiddos" I vacation with them and don't feel the need to hand them off to someone to "babysit". I don't feel a meal on my vacation needs to include a silver mine full of flatware, or a table be set with a cloth or wine glasses I'll never use.


    Towel animals are cute but once "oohed" over they just turn into extra towels.


    Obviously I am a "go with the flow" kind of person.


    How about you?

  13. It can be very bad. Drunk college kids tend to stay up late. They don't care that people are sleeping at 2am as they walk the ship visiting other drunk kids. I tried it once to avoid the hurricane season. A little wind and waves is better. Never again!


    Since you haven't cruised a "spring break" cruise for eons I am not sure you are the best resource. Ten years ago cruising was a whole different animal...now, especially on Carnival, cruises when "school's out" are not geared to College age kids but to families.


    Besides, since you have to be 21 to drink (and it costs lots and lots of money on a cruise) I can't think of many College seniors that can afford it. Besides, how many college kids want to vacation with a chaperone over the age of 25. Your experience may differ.

  14. I can only imagine what some "spring breakers" do that results in all the negative associated with college breaks...but cruises are a whole different animal. Many of the age old tales of spring break cruises dates back more than a decade or two when 18 year olds could drink on a cruise and unsupervised 18 year olds could purchase tickets on their own. But, alas, memories are long, stories are re-told, and vintage videos on you-tube still exist.


    A spring break cruise is, in this day and age, more about "families" and lots of school age kids. Sometimes more than a 1/3 of the paxs are under the age of 18. And, I love it. Bars are less crowded, the casino has plenty of room, less smokers (if you care about that). The late dining room seating is mostly adults with a few older teenagers (families seem to like early dining).


    Areas that cater to adults (the spa, the gym, the bars, the adult pools, and even serenity are less crowded as families tend to do things together since the "kids" are part of the vacation not an afterthought dragged along.


    The buffet may be crowded...but it opens up the dining room for breakfast or brunch when it is served. Also, if you decide to forego one port, I guarantee you will have the ship to yourself.


    I'd much rather sail with young people than old foggies like me...no scooters, walkers, wheelchairs that crowd the hallways (no offence meant to anyone) so to get from point A to point B is a snap.

  15. We are total "buffet" table hogs. We often travel with a large family group and "everyone" tends to have different "schedules", so invariably the first few at the buffet find a table and we are joined on and off by others during breakfast and lunch. We are grazers...small plates, and we sit and enjoy our leisure meals, part of our vacation experience and our chance to visit over a cup of coffee with family members from different parts of the country who we don't see often. Sometimes that does mean one person sits at the table reading for a bit while waiting for others to join them.


    If that titles us entitled, so be it.

  16. Correct me if I am wrong but eating at a table with tablecloth silverwear goes onto table cloth between bites. I do expect restaurant to put out new clean tablecloth for next diner.


    Glad you are not eating at my house. Nothing grosses me out more than food placed on a table or tablecloth, dirty flatware on a tablecloth or a bare table.


    In my experience, butter knives and rolls go on a plate, used flatware is placed on or in the bowl or plate that was used. The MDR staff always takes my flatware when they clean my eating area and bring me new clean flatware with the next course. If you can't balance your utensils on a plate during bites just ask for an additional napkin. I'm sure the staff will comply with your request.

  17. As a first time cruiser, and reading all kinds of reviews for this topic, I think we want to be one of those whom take their time leaving. We are staying overnight at port so no big hurry to get to motel. What is better, sending bags out or taking yourself if waiting till later to leave? Do you have to be out of your room by a certain time? Thanks in advance for any info


    Don't do self-assist. If you are leaving "later" your luggage will be waiting in isolated splendor prior to customs. We always pack-up everything and carry only a back-pack or shoulder bag with our essentials from the night before.


    One of the reasons we book mid-decks is so that we can use the stairs the first and last day and avoid the elevators and crowds. The last morning we leave the room at last call and head to the lido deck and find a nice out of the way place to meet up as a family. There "are" food items available and drinks so the waiting is comfortable.

  18. As long as people are people and the "ME FIRST" attitude exists, debarkation will always be a mess. A little tag on someone's luggage doesn't stop the cattle drive herd from pushing their way to the front...and self-assist has just exacerbated the issue as people are pushing and pulling all their paraphernalia, ignoring Carnival personnel, and blocking exiting for everyone behind them.


    I guess Carnival could lock the doors to everyone's cabin and just let them out when their exiting time is available, but somehow that doesn't seem to realistic.


    It's going to take 3 or 4 hours to clear a ship...a half dozen custom's agents just can't service the crowd of 3 to 4 thousand any faster, so not everyone can be off the ship in the first hour, no matter what system is set up. But, don't let passengers know that...it's the END of their vacation and they just want off so they can wait for customs, form lines in the parking lot, wait at the curb for transport and luggage loading.


    I'm glad we are members of the "wait until the last possible moment" to exit the ship. I'd rather spend my time visiting with family members sitting in a nice comfy chair than standing for hours in non-moving lines getting my shins scarred and suffering assorted bumps and bruises.

  19. When the ships were built "cabins" were pre-manufactured and dropped onto each deck as they were completed. With very few exceptions the rooms of similar types are always the 'same'. Hallways may be widened but the rooms do not differ. In areas where the balcony rooms protrude out it is the balcony that gets larger, not the room. Exceptions to this are sometimes odd shaped aft cabins and corner cabins.


    In the example the OP gave the two cabins are two 'different' cabin configurations and their square footage would probably differ because one is an interior and one is a 'french door' cabin. The room marked as an interior would match the square footage of the standard interior cabin.

  20. I blame Carnival for being unorganized. I give kudos to the Captain for getting us there but zero to those staff in charge of debarkation. Worthless people IMHO. So much so, that I won't be booking another Carnival cruise for some time. I'm tired of their dirty dealings and lying. I'm not just off the tuna boat.:rolleyes:


    It's attitudes like this that make others see "loyalty" customers as entitled and insufferable.


    A cruiseline has the "right" to prioritize their priority customers. If they feel that paying for a ship sponsored excursion is more "important" than a loyalty customer that is their call. Priority doesn't always mean that someone is "top dog" in all situations...weddings always embark before priority guests no matter if the wedding party is a first time or long time customer, same with excursions and tendering. If Carnival decides that their priority rank is FTTF (which also states "priority") ranks ahead of loyalty customers that is their choice. Live with it or move on.

  21. It would seem, to me, that if you are paying Carnival for a port excursion you should be first in line. That would seem to be one of the perks of booking with them. Then the priority passengers, whether through a loyalty perk or for paying for FTTF should be next.


    Passengers who book private excursions can't expect to get any kind of priority preference...since Carnival hasn't received any form of renumeration from them. The monies are all going to the private enterprises.


    Besides, it has been my vast experience that private excursions will wait for those who have pre-paid as it is in their best interest to do so. Book an excursion and they high tail it out-of-there at a tender port and word of mouth will eventually catch up to them. Unless they have satisfied customers they will eventually loose business. Once a tender comes ashore, not fully loaded, then they should be starting the excursion, not before, since everyone has had a chance to get off the ship.


    Why blame Carnival for a private companies inability to schedule a tour within a reasonable time frame. That's a little absurd.

  22. I sailed a cruise out of Tampa, one year, with my in-laws who were retired air force. My in-laws were avid cruisers as were their friends, other retired military, the entire population of a dozen "seniors only" communities. These folks cruised once a month because they could buy last minute deals for insides at remarkably low prices...basically the same cost as a weekend spent eating out and some good entertainment. Once on board I was shocked when the announcement was made that over 500 platinums and diamonds were onboard.


    Many sailings from retirement cities that have military bases close by and are offered during non-peak seasons are full of these "economy minded individuals" who don't have to pay air-fare or lodging and can book at the last minute and who get thrown into the "anytime" dining pool. That's a lot of people to accommodate with "head of the line" seating.


    What may work during times when the ship isn't full of platinums may prove to be an issue when it is....just sayin'.

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