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Posts posted by moongal

  1. Agree....I carry hers as well when she has no pockets....I want to keep a bit of dignity and that lanyard just screams "Clueless Tourist"....exception is kids, they are allowed to get away with the lanyard look



    Wow, the last cruise I was on then must have been an entire ship filled with "Clueless Tourists"! I don't recall seeing ANYONE that did not have their sign and sail card on a lanyard around their necks, and I was actually looking to assess that phenomenon. I had wondered after reading these cruise critic threads about how many people actually did the lanyard thing versus ones who did not. I did not ever see even one example of someone not wearing a lanyard except tiny children.


    That's not to say there weren't any, because I know I couldn't have seen every person, but if I was a new cruiser, I would have surmised based on what I saw that wearing your sign and sail card on a lanyard was a requirement.


    My personal preference is to wear the lanyard. Keeps my card from getting lost, and it easily accessible. We hang them on the closet door knobs as we come into our room and they never get lost.


    Why would anyone think they make you look old???? I don't see old people walking around places with things on a lanyard!


    Are there people that are that insecure that they think wearing their sign and sail card on a lanyard is going to make them stand out and look old or "clueless"??? Good grief!! No one cares that much!!

  2. Just download the Facebook messenger app and purchase the cheapest social media plan. That is what we did. I had to purchase a social media plan for each teen but it was worth it to me to be able to communicate onboard. Like ask where are you, or meet here at such n such time. We tried Walkie talkies but could not hear them and when we turned the volume up they squawked so loudly and disturbed those around us so we quit using them as they were ineffective anyway since we couldn't hear and no way to know when we were being contacted. These were expensive Walkie talkies. Now, I did look and there is an earpiece available for some Walkie talkies so perhaps if you purchased a set of Walkie talkies with earpieces you would have better luck but I found paying for the social media package and using Facebook messenger to be cheaper and better than buying earpieces for the Walkie talkies. To me being able to keep in touch with my kids was worth the price and I just considered it as part of the price of the cruise. We had 7 of us and it was really nice to be able to meet up and see where everyone was. We just made a group. I am no fan of social media and do not have Facebook or any other social media at home but I found the fb messenger really simple and I just used my cell #. No need to make an acct. just be sure to put your phone in airplane mode

  3. I am sorry also that you are getting such a backlash over your review. You had good things to say in addition to the bad.


    I don't understand how anyone can be so locked into a brand. I have only had 2 sailings, both on Carnival, so I have nothing to compare my experiences, but I can compare my 2 experiences which were very different.


    I've been on the Magic and the Liberty. The crews on the Magic seemed very friendly (this was last year) and most seemed friendly on the Liberty but I did run into a few who were downright rude while on the Liberty. (Wasn't just me either... Several people around me were commenting on the rudeness we encountered)


    I thought the food on Magic was great, food on Liberty was just meh.....


    As for bedbugs.... There were 7 of us traveling on this trip on the Liberty, my sister and my niece had an inside cabin, and had trouble with some kind of itching going on. They mentioned to their steward who changed sheets, and kept offering to change numerous times, and had what looked like bites on their legs. Since it was just a 4 day cruise they tried to make the best of it but when they got home they totally took all the precautions to make sure any bed bugs were not brought into the house. Left their luggage outside, put the clothes into plastic bags to bring into washer, washed on hot hot hot several cycles n hot dryer. Threw away everything else like shoes, hairbrushes, anything that couldn't be washed. Kept luggage in hot car in Texas sun for several days ( heat kills bedbugs supposedly).


    Did they really have bed bugs? Who knows? But it could happen.


    My point in all of this is just because you have a great experience ALL THE TIME, every cruise, doesn't mean that sheet can't happen sometimes.


    With all that, I did have a grand time and will sail carnival again, just don't see why everybody had to be so upset that op had a less than stellar experience.

  4. Going to book a cruise on the Breeze for next June. (Thanks for everyone helping me decide!)


    I am going to book it under the past guest rate. If I decide to cancel, will I get back my entire deposit? After paying the deposit, do I have to pay anything on it, like monthly payments or can I just pay it in full by the date that it says full payment is required? If I do want to make monthly payments to spread it out, do you just send the money and it gets applied?


    I am reserving 2 balcony cabins, and when I did the courtesy hold for them till I could decide, it gave me 2 booking numbers. Is there a way that both rooms can be under the same booking number? I don't know why it keeps giving me separate booking numbers for both rooms. It also let me select anytime dining for one room, but won't let me select it for the other room.


    This is all so confusing. Last time I booked through the carnival rep, they automatically gave me early saver. So I don't really want to go through them if I can do the booking myself online. That way I can be sure it's done correctly.


    Thanks in advance!

  5. I have been on 2 cruises. One 7 day on the Magic and one 4 day on the Liberty. I loved them both, but there were things about each ship and itinerary that I loved and hated. But still ended up being equal in my eyes as we had heavenly time both trips.


    I am trying to plan our next cruise and have managed to talk my husband into coming this next time so I desperately want him to have a good time so he will want to keep cruising!


    Here's where I need some opinions and help from experienced cruisers.


    I am trying to decide between a 7 day on Freedom or 7 day on Breeze or 5 day on Liberty.


    These are the only ships I am considering because we want to go out of Galveston which is under an hour drive from our house.


    I just cannot make up my mind tho!!


    We will be traveling with our 2 kids still at home they will be 18 and 16 when we travel.


    My kids really want to go on the Breeze, and I really had a fantastic time on the Magic, so I think that might be the best choice because I know there will be a ton to do. Only drawback is that my hubby HATES crowds. So not sure if he will enjoy waiting in lines for everything. When we were on the Magic we waited in lines for everything. (We can only go during peak summer because of school)


    I considered the Freedom since it was the same class as Liberty and I really enjoyed the less crowded atmosphere. We could decide to go to any comedy show or the theater productions at the last minute and still get a seat. When we were on the Magic we had to get to the comedy shows etc about an hour before hand to ensure getting a seat.

    The shows were not anywhere near as good though on the Liberty so not sure if the lesser crowds would be worth it since the shows were boring.


    I considered the 5 day on the Liberty thinking maybe a shorter trip might be better....maybe he would feel better about going if he thought it was going to be short. Only problem with that is the itinerary. Not to enthused with going to Progresso. Oldest daughter and other family members say it's not that great of a port to visit


    Does anyone care to share their thoughts or opinions?


    We are non drinkers, we love to play trivia. Any thoughts anyone might have I would love to hear since I am having such a hard time deciding.

  6. Just off a 4 day cruise to Cozumel on the Liberty. This was my second cruise, with my previous cruise being on the Magic. So I will compare the 2 for anyone wondering about the difference between dream class and conquest class.


    I was traveling with my 17 yr old son, my 15 yr old daughter, my 49 yr old sister, 56 yr old sister in law my 73 yr old mom and my 52 yr old self. Only one guy in the bunch, but he didn't seem to mind.....too much anyway.....except when the dinner conversation one night included the topic of using our bosoms as a secret hiding spot to carry things!


    We all live near SW Houston, (Sugar Land, Friendswood) so we just had my dad, who won't cruise unless they would let him go down in the bowels of the ship and tinker with the engines or other tinkery type activity, drop us all off at the port.


    We all had miraculously managed to score FTTF for all 3 cabins, despite booking this cruise pretty much last minute. (About a month before sailing)

    Which made getting thru the check in pretty easy. We got to the port about 1120 and had gone through all the check in and were sent to sit in the priority waiting area to board around noon. We sat there maybe 10 mins when they started boarding and were on the ship in no time. We had carried our luggage on and so went straight to our rooms to unpack.


    After briefly unpacking we went to EAT!! Yay food!! After enjoying some delicious Guys Burgers, we set off to roam about till the Muster Drill FROM HELL!!!! Seriously. I have seldom experienced such a TORTUOUS HELL. They sounded the alarm or signal to head to our muster stations and I was all relaxed and happy because I had been thru muster drill on the Magic, which was an easy peasy short event held in an air conditioned lounge room. If I had known the sheer hell I was fixing to have to endure I think I might have just jumped ship. We were all herded onto some outer deck on deck 4.....I was never able to find this same area ever again during our trip so I can only assume that if the ship were sinking I'd have to sink along with it. Any way we were herded onto some outer deck right in front of a lifeboat. They started packing us in tighter and tighter. Kept saying move back, move back, make more room. I could feel the sweaty bodies of the people behind me getting pressed into me. The sweaty people in front were starting to touch me as we were pressed even tighter into this area. I could feel the panic rising up in me because I am claustrophobic, but tried to keep my calm because I figured it would be short like on the Magic. Keep in mind this is July in Texas. It was outside. There was no air moving as the lifeboats blocked any air coming in. The temperature began to get unbearable. People were beginning to look drenched. The thing hadn't even started yet and we were all starting to wilt. A lady behind me flat out sat down on the floor because she was going to pass out. The young boy behind me did start to pass out and his mother was holding him begging the drill Sargent to please get him some water and all he replied was that there was water on the lifeboat! We were all like omg are we going to have to get in those things???? We all crowded ourselves a bit more together to give the lady with the fainting son a little air and space but then an elderly man began to sway and the people all started getting fed up and started begging to be released from this hell. The drill Sargent said no we could not be released and we had to wait because the captain was in the bathroom. Whatever that had to do with it is beyond me, but I seriously began to fear for myself as well since I am old fat and quite out of shape and the heat was really starting to get to me.


    After what seemed an eternity and with the fear rising in me that the people were all fixing to mutiny they finally started counting us and then after what seemed forever they started the safety lecture. At this point I was all like "I'll take the drowning". It seemed quite a waste of time as I seriously doubt any of us was paying one hoot of attention, I know I wasn't. All I could think of was getting out of there. I will probably NEVER sail the Liberty again unless it is the dead of winter so I won't ever have to experience that again. We all went back to our rooms after that to shower so we could remove all the other strangers sweat from our bodies. Eww!!!!!


    Ok that was the only awful thing that I have to relate. Everything else was pretty much good times.


    Steward was nice the one time I met him. Had him empty the mini bar and we filled it with our own water and oj. We had the twice a day service and everything seemed quite tidy and nice


    Lol since I am getting tired of pecking this out on my phone will just kind of give over view from here out!


    Comparison of Liberty versus Magic


    When we were on the Magic last year we felt it was the most awesome time ever. So I feel like it was kind of unfair to the Liberty since the Magic is a dream class and the Liberty is smaller ship, but I will compare anyway.


    The decor seemed to me to be equal. Both ships seemed quite glitzy and beautiful. I loved both the same. The crowds on Magic were way worse though than on the Liberty. I didn't realize it at the time when we were on Magic because I had nothing to compare it to, but it definitely was way more crowded on the Magic. It was nice on the Liberty to be able to go to a comedy show and just show up pretty much at the last minute and still get a seat. We had to get in line an hour before hand to try to get a seat to the comedy shows and production shows on Magic.


    The shows on Magic were WAY better. The shows on Liberty were BORING!!! and I usually love singing and dancing. I think maybe we were spoiled by the great shows on the Magic. This might explain why there was no problem getting seats on the Liberty.


    The teen club on Magic was a happening place. The teen club on Liberty was a dead dud.




    When we were on the Magic the American Table hadn't been rolled out yet. I will have to say the food on the Magic seemed to be better. There seemed to be many more choices on the menu anyway. The portions were teeny tiny on the Liberty, and there just didn't seem to be as many choices. I never left hungry but it was all just kind of meh. This was in the MDR.


    The chocolate melting cake on the Liberty was to die for and made me understand what everyone was all gaga about! When I tried it on the Magic they might as well of been serving me chocolate soup it was so runny and watery. The one I got on the Liberty was cooked much better and I had it served with ice cream and it was so good ordered it a couple of times. Apparently the key to this dessert it getting it cooked well. One time they brought it and it was all runny like on the Magic, not NEAR as good.


    There seemed to be a lot more selling lectures etc on the Liberty than the Magic. Seemed like just generally overall there was more to do on the Magic. But it was nice not to be so crowded.


    The smoke was TERRIBLE on the Liberty. It seemed to permeate the entire 5 deck. I had to practically hold my breath to be able to traverse deck 5 promenade deck so I don't understand why they can't close in the casino or use some kind of air scrubber. It was awful.


    Lido food seemed equal to Magic


    Alchemy bar was a total dud on the Liberty. I may have just picked the wrong time to go, but the ladies bar tending were super rude and would not make anything we asked for. Only thing they would do is whatever was on the alchemy menu. So I guess I misunderstood what the alchemy bar was supposed to do. Nothing special I guess.


    Over all despite whatever negative thing I might have written about we all had the time of our lives and would definitely do it again!!


    I'm already planning my next cruise.


    Any questions, I'll be happy to answer!

  7. I agree that second hand smoke can be a cause for cancer but I wasn't aware that there was a test to determine the exact cause of a cancer.


    What is that test called?


    I have a friend with throat cancer that has sadly spread to her brain. She has never smoked but surmised 2nd hand smoke was the cause. Her dr told her there was no way to know for sure. I'd love to be able to provide her with the test that could confirm the pathology. Because she is concerned that if not 2nd hand smoke..the cause could be hereditary. She wants her sons to be mindfull.


    Thanks in advance for your reply.



    There may not be a test but anecdotal evidence strongly points to second hand smoke being a causal agent for many people with lung cancer. One case in point (and yes I'm well aware one case does not indicate a trend) is my own dear mother. A few years back she was diagnosed with emphysema and lung cancer. We were all incredulous and could not see how that could be true as my mother never smoked even one cigarette her entire life. When we asked her how in the world she got this she said she remembered growing up as a child, both her parents were HEAVY chain smokers. They had given up the habit by the time we grandkids were born so we never saw the cigarette smoking to make the correlation.


    She said her home growing up was always clouded with smoke and her first jobs, wthe offices were all smoke filled as back then you could smoke in office buildings. I'm guessing this is where the lung damage happened.


    My best friend growing up lived with 2 chain smoking parents. She always stunk and her skin, hair (she was very blond) and nails always seemed yellow to me. Her mother died when she was only 16 of lung cancer and my friend now has emphysema herself despite never having smoked.


    So I do believe that second hand smoke is dangerous.


    And yes your nasty habit does cause anyone around you to partake of your nasty habit. How would you smokers like to partake of my nasty habits? What if every time you came around me you had to eat the same candy bars, cookies or brownies I was eating. Even if you were full to the point of feeling sick, you still had to keep eating as long as I was??? That is how smoking feels to me.


    I don't care if you smoke as long as it's no where I have to walk through or around.

  8. Yay!! Should be fun times!! Lol NOT!! Oh well live and learn!!! Guess I won't make that same mistake next time I book a cruise and hopefully it won't be too terrible. We are somewhat of a night owl type family except for maybe the night before going into port we might go to bed earlier those nights, but hopefully we won't have to endure too many hours of thumping. Will definitely bring fan AND noise machine.

  9. Omg! All I wanted to know was if you could wear jeans on elegant night for a teen boy. I should have just gone and read the rules myself. Didn't know I was going to be getting parenting lessons or "rule breaker" lectures.


    I didn't really specify in my original post, I just said my son has one nice suit, because I didn't really feel it was necessary to give an inventory of his clothes, just that he did own a suit, but as a matter of fact he owns probably 10 or more suits, has his own tux and tails, more dress pants and dress shoes than my husband does.


    I just did not see how any teen age boy would ever be caught dead in a polo shirt or khakis, at least around where we live, if a kid showed up to an awards ceremony or church in that get up they would be a laughingstock amongst their peers. So I just wondered what a typical teen boy might wear on elegant night. I didn't pay any attention at all to what the men were wearing on my last cruise. (Husband didn't go)


    I'll just have him wear his tails. He always enjoys the chances when he gets to wear that and there aren't really that many opportunities to wear it. That way we will be sure not to offend anyone's sensibilities. [emoji4]

  10. I just realized after looking at the deck plans that we are all booked right over a night club. (Deck 6 - Liberty)


    Is this going to be horrible? Do the nightclubs stay open all night or do they close at 2 am like on land? Has anyone ever stayed in a room over a nightclub and NOT had noise issues?


    It's too late to change our rooms and it would involve moving the entire family (3 different cabins and bookings) so we are going to stay put, I just wanted to be prepared as to what to expect. I always have a travel fan, but if it is going to be really bad I will bring a white noise machine as well.



  11. Ok thanks for the info. My son wasn't complaining at all about dressing up, that wasn't the issue. Just really didn't want to have to lug more clothes and dress shoes etc.


    I'll tell him to pack his best black jeans and nice button down shirt and tie and I bet we will be good to go. If not, well the world won't stop spinning I'm sure and we will find something to eat somewhere.

  12. Going on 2nd cruise soon and taking my 17 yo son this time. Are jeans not allowed on the MDR on elegant night? He doesn't own khakis, and wears jeans every where.


    He has the one nice suit for special occasions but I REEEALLY don't want to lug all that along just for 1 meal. (And no, we don't want to eat at Lido)


    Would jeans with nice button down shirt and tie be ok? He also doesn't own any polo or golf type shirts. Those are "old man" shirts according to his group.


    Didn't worry about elegant night with daughter as she was super excited to go all out like she was going to the queens ball, but 17 yo son a different story.


    Any suggestions for teen boys elegant attire? Will he be turned away if in jeans? Btw, he is 6'0" 225 lbs and looks way older than he is, so he will definitely be considered adult looking....I'm guessing younger kids might have a little more leeway with their attire.



  13. I have read somewhere on here that the mini bar in the cabin is a mini fridge, and that I can just ask the room steward to remove the items that are currently residing in the mini bar and I can then place my own items in it. Is this correct? Will I not be charged for the removed items? That is my main concern, that I might get charged for whatever items are removed.


    We have ordered some water and sodas to be delivered to our room and it would be nice to be able to keep them cool without constantly fussing with a leaky collapsible cooler like last time.



  14. When you try to book a room such as this, does it (website) or booking agent tell you up front you are booking a room/balcony with an obstructed view? I would be extremely upset if I booked and got this room with such a horrid view. Just curious so when I go to plan my next cruise, I will know if I need to ask or do they let you know up front.

  15. Thanks for all the responses and info! Hopefully our luggage will fit the measurements. I have to get hubby to drag it down from the attic so I can measure them. We've only done the one cruise, but it took so long for our luggage to arrive, I began to worry that it was lost. So I would really like to be able to carry it on.

  16. I would like to see smoking banned from all indoor areas of the ship and all private balconies. I am not a smoker so I cannot understand the addiction, but have smoking areas where it won't infringe upon anyone else being able to participate in something.


    As it is now, I cannot use the casino. It is just too smoky for me and gives me asthma attack. Why do the smokers get full use of the casino? It also pollutes the air to all the surrounding areas.


    Just have spots outside where people who have to have a smoke can go. That way no one is impacted unless they are perhaps in a cabin directly over it.


    I'm not judging the smokers. Lord knows I have my own vices.....candy bars, cookies, cakes etc!! But me being a porker doesn't really negatively affect anyone else, unless I guess there are those who would claim I was an eyesore and ruining their trip......[emoji4]. But of course they are free to just look away, One can only hold their breath for so long when trying to avoid smoke.

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