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Posts posted by moongal

  1. Another question, if I never get a confirmation, I am just going to assume I don't have a reservation. If for some reason they DO have me down, and I don't show up (because I didn't know!) will I still be charged? I don't want to have to fuss with chasing down some maitre de on embarkation day to check if they have me down or not, but I also don't want to get charged for being a no show.



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  2. I submitted a steakhouse reservation via the website a couple of weeks ago. When I did a little pop up came and said I would be notified when my reservation had been finalized. I have not had any communication at all regarding my reservation.


    I haven't ever done the steakhouse before so not really sure how this works. I called Carnival and the person I talked to on the phone said just resubmit it that there was no way to follow up on it.


    So will I just keep having to re-submit over and over? Do they ever send you a confirmation? Am I trying to reserve too far in advance? We sail in June on the Valor.


    Thank you to all the helpful people who keep answering my myriad questions!



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  3. Wasn't it somewhat recently (in the past year or so) that a child drowned on a Carnival ship? I don't recall seeing this either but I haven't cruised in almost a year. Perhaps they have implemented this to help avoid more drownings.





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  4. I have a question that I have never been able to find the answer to or how this works.


    When I go into the booking online and its time to select the "deals" what does it mean when it lists "2 category upgrade?" I always try to choose past guest offer with 2 category upgrade, and then I go to the part where you select what section and then what deck and then your room. I have always just picked the room I wanted (balcony) but where does this 2 category upgrade come into play?? I've never been switched out of any room that I selected, so I'm assuming it doesn't have to do with the room? Do you get upgraded service?


    I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. I really don't travel much at all.





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  5. Is there such a thing? I see the 1/2 price deposits right now and would like to grab a cruise but it's early saver so if I have to cancel I'll lose it. Is there insurance for this?


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    Where do you find this 1/2 price deposit offer? I'm looking online right now and it is not showing.





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  6. This whole thing is a bit upsetting. I have spent 31 of my 50 something years on this planet taking care of children. My own children and other people's children. I have spent all these years changing diapers, watching Sesame Street, being room mother for school, Girl Scout leader, den mother for cub scouts, costume maker for various school plays, spent many a sleepless night chaperoning loud sleepovers, sitting through endless Chucky Cheese birthday parties, chaperoned teen lock-ins, served on Booster Clubs, dished out endless dinners at youth fundraisers, peddled countless knick knacks and chocolate bars for organizations, took many years of cheap kid centered vacations so that the kids could have fun while still being able to afford their dance lessons, sport camps, team supplies etc. I have FINALLY reached the age where I could go on a trip WITHOUT the kids, and had booked a cruise for just my husband and I and I was so looking forward to being able to have just a tiny bit of peace wo screaming running children. Some of us have earned this. And I would think that many of the parents still in the middle of child rearing would also welcome a little time away and some peace and quiet.


    The kids have plenty of space on the ship and plenty of things catered just for their enjoyment, so why can't the adults have one tiny space on the ship we can call our own? Please????



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  7. Your husband sounds a lot like me. I am not one to try new things, or new places. My first cruise was a present so I had to go. I was such a wreck of nerves about it. To be honest while in line to embark at Galveston I felt like I was going to be sick I was so nervous and apprehensive.


    I actually started to cry as the ship was leaving because I felt trapped on this giant boat, but then something magical happened and I started to enjoy it. Everyone around me was sooo nice! It was like everyone was this big giant family! I still am in amazement at how friendly everyone becomes. I am a classic textbook case of an introvert but I actually had a great time talking to people on the ship.


    It was literally the most fun experience I ever had in my life. We enjoyed everything, the shows, the food, the ship, the ports, everything. After I returned home I actually suffered depression because I wanted to go back so badly!!


    I went on another cruise the next year and am going again this summer. If I could I would just live on the ship!!!


    My husband said we could go anywhere this summer and there was not a single place I could think of that would be as much fun as Carnival cruise! (Maybe other lines are just as fun)


    As for Galveston port I never had any problems. Porters were always just right there, we did self assist last trip and had no problem hauling our stuff either. Granted that was just a quick 4 day so not as much luggage. Even though Galveston is the only port I have experience with, I never had any problems there. Had faster to the fun last trip and just bought it for this trip coming up. If you can get it, I think it is worth it! But if not get a later check in time. Then you can just walk on!


    Enjoy and try not to worry.



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  8. I'm afraid for some reason I won't be able to get a taxi back. I am not well traveled, have only ridden in a cab once in my life, mostly just been a stay at home mom my entire adult life and we did not travel any when the kids were little. They are almost grown now, so are doing more. I was thinking of doing the Americas cup sailing race excursion, but if Nachi Cocum has all that to do (banana boat etc) as someone stated above then I think I will just go there. I'm not into shopping at all so didn't want to spend time doing that. Has anyone ever had trouble getting a taxi back?


    I know there are 3 piers (or docks?) that cruise ships stop at in Cozumel, how do you know which one you are at? On our last cruise when we stopped in Cozumel I didn't see a pier name anywhere. Just went thru some little building (more like a gauntlet!) of stuff to buy and then came out in some kind of little town area with nothing but shops. But I didn't see any pier name. How will I know what pier the taxi should take us back to?




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  9. Has anyone ever booked more than 1 shore excursion for one day in one port?


    I want to book a Carnival excursion that is stating it is 3 hrs long and will start at 9:30 am. We will be in Port (Cozumel) from 9 am till 6 pm. I was wanting to head out to Nachi Cocum beach after the 3 hr excursion with Carnival but just am apprehensive about the time factor. I am terrified of missing the ship as I do not fly, but don't want to head back to the ship after only 3 hrs of fun.


    Does this sound doable? I already reserved my Nachi Cocum spot, but really want to do something a little more than sitting on beach all day.





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  10. 930429f04ea1a09e31e62329c586bad5.jpg


    We also got a lot of kicks out of this pic I took from my balcony while we were docked in Cozumel. We told everyone that 2 people had fallen overboard. But really it was just 2 dock workers taking a nap! We really got my son... We shouted to him omg some people just fell over!! He ran and we were all pretending to be horrified. It was hilarious when they yawned and got up! Idk. Maybe you just had to be there!! [emoji4]



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  11. 2f9fc6f10989f90c97170cfef40910d3.jpg


    This one was hilarious. We told everyone it was when my daughter went overboard and was trying to climb back on!! I'm such a terrible picture taker that I failed entirely to get the rest of her body in the photo. She was actually standing with her arm and elbow kind of hanging off the rail with her fingers back up. Kinda hard to explain but we died laughing when we saw the pic!



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  12. I've never been to a steakhouse either on land or at sea. We hardly ever go out to eat and I am considering reserving a night at the steakhouse on our next cruise. Does the menu change nightly? Or is it the same menu every night?

    What is something good to order? What is a filet mignon? (I know to most of you that will seem a really stupid question!!). I just don't want to order something I won't like at what might be my one shot at eating at a steakhouse.

    I'm not into fancy spices just like regular good old steak cooked on the grill type of steak (which is all I ever eaten except the flatiron steaks In MDR...which I thought were heavenly!!! Lol)


    When you order at the steakhouse is it the same as at the MDR where you can order 2 different appetizers or 2 different entrees? Since I don't ever get to eat out except once in a blue moon that is one thing I love about cruising and eating in the MDR , that I can try stuff whereas if I go to a Land restaurant I usually only order something I have tried before and liked because I don't want to waste a go out to eat treat on something I might hate.


    Thanks in advance!



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  13. If you book a shore excursion through carnival ahead of the time of your cruise online, can you cancel it and get your money back? I am on the fence about 2 different excursions (one with Carnival and the other a private excursion) but the Carnival one has a limited number of spaces so I was thinking I would go ahead and reserve it if I can get a refund if we change our mind to do the other excursion.





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  14. I bought 4 of these full face snorkel masks for our snorkeling cruise last year. To me it was just a wash. It was nice not having the mouthpiece, the breathing tube comes out of the top of the mask and you just breathe normally into the mask so it is good if you want to breathe through mouth or nose but I didn't really like the pressure the mask put on my face. I had to get it really tight so it wouldn't leak. A regular mask always seemed too tight also but I guess the fact that this covers your whole face made it seem worse.


    My kids had no problem with them and since it was their first time snorkeling I feel like it made it easier for them since they could just breathe normally and not through a tube. (They were 17 and 14) I think it would be a good choice for younger children as well.


    My sister in law tried it and she said she thought it gave better visibility.


    But for myself there really wasn't a full pro or con side. If you are thinking about purchasing for an entire family maybe just purchase 1 and test it out in a swimming pool.



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  15. We are scheduled to cruise this upcoming June on the Breeze. I just recently read that the waterworks was having issues....big bucket that splashes water down is broken apparently and other waterworks issues. This is a deal breaker for us as we picked this ship solely for the waterworks since we are bringing our teen kids and grandkids.


    Is this sort of thing something that will get fixed during the scheduled April dry dock? All I have found regarding the dry dock is that several eateries will be added (guys pig and anchor etc) and also hotel maintenance. (New carpets in main areas, cosmetic repairs to main areas )


    Nothing mentioned about fixing broken waterworks components.


    I'm wondering if they will fix it but it just isn't listed.


    I have only paid my deposits which were reduced deposit sale so I can still cancel and not lose a ton of money.


    If anyone has any info on what is normally taken care of during a dry dock I would appreciate it. I would hope that they would fix everything that needs fixing considering how few times these ships go into dry dock.





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  16. Wow I'm glad I read this because after my last cruise on the Liberty I was planning to try to find a way to skip out on the whole muster ordeal.


    The last muster I attended on the Liberty was a tortuous ordeal that almost broke me from going on a cruise ever again. They had us crammed in lines like sardines in sweltering heat of Galveston Texas in the middle of summer. It took forever and there wasn't even one bit of air coming into the semi closed off outdoor area we were being tortured in. 2 people passed out and one woman's son was obviously getting overheated and looked like he was about to keel over. She begged for a glass of water for him but was ignored. The rest of the passengers tried to squeeze even tighter together to give them a little air space but I myself started feeling like I was going to go down as well. I can tell you right now I wasn't paying one hoot of attention to anything they were telling us, had no clue even where this station was as I had been herded towards this area in such a great herd that I had no idea where I was. It seemed like a complete and utter waste of time as in the event of an emergency no matter how much muster training has been given there would be panic and pandemonium since there are just too many people on the ship. Why waste our time???? I've been on 3 cruises and the first 2 the musters were tolerable but the last one on the Liberty was downright inhumane.


    Please just drop the charade that this muster drill prepares everyone for an emergency.



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  17. Personally I feel sorry for her. I am the type of person who has the mindset that if you are not early then you are late. I simply cannot tolerate tardiness. I am never ever ever late, and I normally have zero tolerance for people who are late.


    Something about this made me sad though. She seemed like maybe she was older and in not great shape physically, kind of waddling a bit. But the heckling from the people on the ship is to me uncalled for. Whatever happened to having some empathy for your fellow man? Was it all her own fault? Probably so, but still no need to heckle the poor woman. It looked like maybe she was crying or getting very upset as she was fanning her face (what it looked like to me). What satisfaction did these people derive from heckling her??? It's ok to snicker to yourself inside your own head, or to your mate standing next to you but to holler down to the poor woman??? Completely uncivilized.

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