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Posts posted by Millers

  1. No it is not a matter of life or death. It is a matter of people who can pay hundreds or thousands of their hard earned money on a cruise whilst seeking to save what is just pocket money to many (a glass of wine or a g and t) by not showing some financial appreciation to those people who work damned hard to make the cruise experience so good for us. People who live away from their homes and families for months on end to provide financially for them and their future.




    As I have said, I do tip, but on my terms. P and O are their employer, not the passengers. Perhaps the debating should be with Carnival cruises to pay a proper wage. Of course everybody knows how much the staff get paid, and how happy they are with it, don’t we (?)



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  2. We always tip, but on our terms. My objection with p and o is being told I have to tip,and by how much. A tip is option, not compulsory and we, as passengers, should not help p and o pay the staff’s wages. A tip should be awarded for good service, here again that is open to negotiation, no as a right.



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  3. The more people who take auto tips off the better. Include it in the price, then we all know what we are paying. It may mean doing away with obj, but seeing as that has reduced, or disappeared, for most it may not be a bad thing. Or maybe, heaven forbid, P an O pay their overworked, underpaid, put-upon (bless-em) staff an improved wage and not expect passengers to contribute to their wages after already having paid for the cruise.



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  4. I am in Spain, staying here for a month, eating out, drinking at various bars, AND tipping accordingly. The staff work long hours and are never still. But in no way do we need to tip anything like £14 per day



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  5. I have received an email over night informing me that for our cruise in April the gratuities are to rise to £7 pppn. The effective date for the rise is 23rd March.


    Obviously too many people are not paying so the rest of us have pay an additional 16.67%. I would love to receive a rise of 16.67% in my income.


    While this is not a deal breaker I do think that P&O really do need to sort out this gratuity situation so that everyone pays not just those of us with a conscience.:(:(




    Or those that pay the gratuities out of their on board credit



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  6. I also agree. Unfortunately we seem to be in the minority. Most people seem to find some reason to justify the removal of the auto tips. I'm afraid I think there is no justification. I'm totally fed up with the all the arguments about 'where the tips go', 'we are subsidising the wages P&O should be paying' , 'I prefer to tip people by envelope' or 'I like to tip only those who give good service'. The gratuities are part of cruising just leave the auto tips on and stop finding excuses to remove them.:rolleyes:




    In your opinion



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  7. It’s not the tipping that bothers me, we all have a choice to do what we want. I object to being told how much I should tip, especially when a tip is seen as an optional choice. But also the fact that we are constantly told to tip to give the overworked, underpaid staff a wage I am not an employer, I am a customer



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  8. I’m fascinated by all the tipping posts. We have been on quite a number of P&O ships and I always take off the auto tips. I fail to understand the ‘tipping’ culture at all. The crew, cabin stewards, chefs, waiters etc etc should all be paid a fair wage for their work. I don’t receive tips in my profession, and I bet most other people don’t either. I object when visiting the States, because of the expectation that every bar tender, waiter, doorman , driver should receive at least a 10% tip.


    We have been fortunate to be in suites on several cruises, and have had the services of a butler. I have not tipped at any time, despite them providing excellent service on all occasions. If an automatic tip was added to the initial price, then I would probably pay this and still travel, but no way am I tipping in any other way. The crew on the ship are dong their job, should be paid accordingly and it is not my job to ‘make up ‘ their wages !




    Ahhh, you need to be careful talking such common sense,will get you thrown in the brig



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