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Posts posted by jh2360

  1. No offence to others but we booked a cruise to celebrate our anniversary. The cruise will be in June (timing was better for us) and our 30th wedding anniversary will have been that prior February. I didn't check any "special event" box. It just didn't feel right. Just go to certain influential Carnival social media pages, the people who are asking for special perks/favors are unbelievable.


    Good for you? Not sure why it bothers you of people mention it is their "insert special event". Do you run across the restaurant when you are out and blow out the candles as the wait staff is singing to someone?


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  2. Hi, don't worry, we were on the starboard side same location 11/14/15, did not hear a thing. If you are trying to sleep during the one deck party you may hear the music. We love that location. Walk out to the pool, run back to your cabin to use the bathroom, quick and easy to get a bite and bring back to your cabin.

    Don't think they are. This thread is 3 years old.


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  3. ok, so i looked today and realized that carnival has started the stupidest thing ever and I'm pissed over it. this is only my 2nd cruise and my last and first was 4yrs ago. i got to port around 10am and was on board very early. has anyone actually sailed with carnival since this new check in has started? will you be turned away or is it a bunch of crap?

    Considering they started this quite some time ago, and thousands of people sail Carnival every week, I would say people have gone through the new check in.


    And yes, you will be turned away.


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  4. I would take him if I was you, if he gets fussy I am sure you will take him out. Carnival allows kids to eat there, if people disagree then they should be mad at Carnival or cruise a different line. Carnival is a "FAMILY cruise line".


    I have eaten at Davids sitting next to toddlers and never had a problem. I have had many problems with adults. It is usually the wine drinkers who get so loud the whole place can hear their conversation, and then the loud obnoxious cackling laughter that comes from them. I have had to tell many adults to keep it down, they might argue until I stand up and then they usually quiet down. Drunk adults with no volume control is far worse in Davids than toddlers.

    How are you so sure how OP will act? Do you know them?


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  5. Wrong again, my wife and I don't have children. I just believe that parents with toddlers and children can enjoy everything offered from Carnival. The majority of parents would remove their child if they were disruptive.

    Well shoot. You put me in my place. Little did I know a hypothetical could be right or wrong...


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  6. Some advice in case the OP might actually still be reading.


    Book for the earliest meal. Stop by the steak house during the day and talk to the staff (they are there getting things ready) even though it's closed. Let them know your bringing your kiddo and ask what table you've been assigned. Take a look (Is it close to the door in case you need to leave? Is it a bit more in a corner, so your more away from other guests? If your little one decides to sit on the floor next to your table will people be tripping over them?) If your table isn't well situated ask to be moved. I'm sure the staff will work with you.


    Before anyone gets uppity about kids on the floor, my DD will happily sit next to our table and play w her toys. Sit in the chair? No way!, on the floor? No problem. We choose our tables now with a space next to it for WHEN she decides she wants to get out of her chair. Is she loud? Nope, she just needs to move to a new space.


    Other tips...


    -Bring crayons and a book (The MDR has these so grab on the night before or go to the camp and ask them)

    -Bring a few toys. Maybe buy a couple special new toys to break out just for that dinner.

    -While your visiting the steak house to check out the table give the Menu a review. Know what you are going to order so that you can skip the first few minutes of "pointless" waiting and move right to ordering.

    -Also check out the desert menu and order that "to go" at the same time you order dinner. That way if your Little starts getting fussy you are bit more prepped to leave quickly at the end. Besides enjoying desert later on the balcony once the kiddo is asleep can be lovely.

    -We've visited several formal restaurants when our kid was little. We would take turns entertaining her while we waited for food. This even meant sometimes one of us would get up and take her for a 10 minute walk and come back once the next course had arrived. Eat and the next person would take her out. (This is why getting a table close to the door was important for us.) Better to take the kiddo out for a few minutes to play than try to make her sit nicely.

    -Lastly... If you have time practice at home with a table cloth and napkins. That way they will know not to pull the table cloth, and it will be less of a novelty.


    Have a great trip!

    The world needs more parents like you.


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  7. This is where we differ, you believe the steakhouse is an adult venue, I believe its a restaurant option on a cruise for everyone. If Carnival intended it to be a adult venue, they would have rules about it, as they do for the serenity areas on the ship. Their brand ambassador even posted recently, making sure everyone knew there was a child menu in the steakhouse. Not sure why he would do this, if he did not expect parents to take their children their. In fact, by his posting this info, I believe he was encouraging parents to bring there kids.

    I can see you being on of the parents that just sits there, repeatedly telling their child to be quiet. The child never listening, and you looking angrily as the people around you are bothered. "There is a kid's menu! My kid can be here and ruin everyone else's meal!"


    Again, OP asked for an opinion, and has recieved one. Repeatedly. This isn't a matter of the steakhouse allowing kids or not. It is instead a should a parent bring a 18 month old to a meal that takes upwards of two hours. And the responding opinion is, while a lot of parents wouldn't, they don't care if OP does as long as OP doesn't let their kid sit there and be disruptive. Kid becomes disruptive, it is time to go.


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  8. Carnival allows children in the steakhouse, and they even have a kids menu, so you need to contact carnival and complain that they allow children in the steakhouse. Second, the carnival steakhouse is not ruth chris or Flemings, it is how food on cruise ships used to be served in the MDR. No way does the steakhouse on carnival come close to an upscale rest. Third, since carnival allows children in the steakhouse and has a separate menu for them, why would you not expect children to be there?

    Your comparisons are pointless. It is clear you haven't read the responses in this thread and just shot off an uninformed response. Nobody is telling OP no. OP asked for an opinion, and the overwhelming one from parents and non-parents alike is that they wouldn't bring a child under two years old to the steakhouse. Doesn't matter the dining venue or if there is a kid's menu or not. A disruptive child should be removed. Period.


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  9. Regardless of what you are paying the cruise line says it's not an adult only venue so anyone dining there should expect there may be small children. Simple really. And I personally don't know any parent that would allow their child to be disruptive in a restaurant. Most know to remove them right away.


    Funny that people always focus on kids disturbing others but no one mentions sloppy joe drunk man that gets loud and obnoxious so that everyone has to listen to it. I find this more annoying than a child.

    Just because you don't know them doesn't mean they don't exist.


    And OP has a toddler, not a drunk adult. Mentioning the later is irrelevant to OP.


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  10. Hey, were you that guy on the Victory at the table next to us that kept reminding us you don't like kids and we better keep ours quiet (when ours never made a squeak). Like every 5 minutes throughout dinner...and we were at our own table and got there 20 minutes before you. Was that you? Maybe it was.

    I've been on the Valor. Never the Victory. Kids are awesome. Don't know why anyone would feel the need to harass parents of children who aren't bothering anyone.


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  11. This is what matters. The cruise line allows it, it's your decision as to whether to bring him. Only you know if he is capable of sitting and behaving. Some small kids do well and some don't.


    And really if others don't like it that's too bad. Yes you should remove your child if he becomes disruptive but it is also unreasonable for people to say you shouldn't bring a child into a restaurant that allows it. If it was adults only that is one thing but it's not so you do what you feel is best.

    Nobody here has said they don't like kids and OP shouldn't do it The resounding opinion is do it, but don't be a mombie and think your child is a special snowflake and people will be okay if it gets fussy. Take the kid, but be quick to remove it if need be. I'm sure there are plenty of people like me who have no problem mentioning to a parent their kid is being disruptive.


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