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Posts posted by peteukmcr

  1. Good morning from Manchester Airport, met Matthew and Andy last night for a couple of pints then had a good nights sleep in the hotel before heading here at 6:30 am :eek: flight on time and I will be meeting up with Marilyn in Zurich in a couple of hours for our flight to Istanbul.

    Peter I hope you found your mother well.

    Post soon

    Hi George, hope your flight was OK, I know that flight weel. Missed your post earlier. Mum is doing well thanks. Have a great onward journey and cruise.
  2. Thank you Peter & Patrick , we are Debbie & Williejan we are from a small place near Amsterdam the Netherlands and we also have cruised the Liberty before in 2007. It,s such a great ship. I,m glad you are bringing costumes . Last year we were on the Oasis with Halloween and it was one BIG party but as we don,t celebrate Halloween in the Netherlands we didn,t have any costumes while most passengers did. So this time for sure we will have costumes. Have a great day.
    Hi Debbie & Williejan, great to meet you. You will have a similar journey to Barcelona as we will I presume. Flight time for us is just over 2 hours. One of the flight options given to us by RCI was with KLM from Manchester via Amsterdam, but we decided to fly direct although there is only 1 flight a day from here to Barcelona.


    See you onboard.

  3. We happened to be shopping in wally world for some cruise related accessories on Saturday and with all the talk by Mike and Peter of bike riding and our lack of success with the diet, look what we picked up :eek:. Spent the afternoon on Sunday riding to Newport and back. Only about 10 miles but great fun. Now lets see if the weather and body hold up for the next month for anything to happen ;).
    Well done on the bikes guys. I so wish our weather would be like yours. Soon it will be time to lock up the bikes for good here. Maybe OK for a ride today but the weekend forecast is grim.:(
  4. [quote name='ruthss']I just got an email saying my e-doces were ready to print.

    But as Sherry said the only document you need is the [I][U][B]SET SAIL PASS[/B][/U][/I]. That has all the information you need to check in at the port.

    I also have ordered my luggage tags.[/quote]That's true Ruth, Sherry is correct, all you need is your Set Sail Pass. However, if you have transfers booked with RCI from Barcelona airport to the port on the 29th or from the port in Fort Lauderdale to the airport on the 12th Nov, then you need to locate them in the e-docs and print them off. If not, then just check the details to make sure they are correct.

    This year when you select the option to print, they have reduced the number of pages to around 11, so the printed version does not include all the info about available excursions, passports etc that are included in the online version, so it is isn't such a massive doc to print.
  5. [quote name='Kugel']Peter did you book entertainment prior to your Liberty cruise.

    If anything it would only be open for the Saturday night Fever show I would think. Everything else is usually twice a night. Maybe they will do the same thing with this show. There was never a problem on Freedom class for ice skating tickets. They gave them out at a certain time and there were plenty and times to choose from.

    Joyce[/quote]Hi Joyce, yes we could book everything other than the headliner show before we sailed in May.

    Apologies, I thought I'd already posted this, but perhaps on another thread.

    There is a pdf document available that details the showtimes for the 7 night Med sailings up to 22nd Oct.

    Perhaps they are working out how to schedule the shows on this 14 night sailing.

    We could pre-book Saturday Night Fever, In the Air and Encore! The Ice Spectacular before we boarded.

    However, they had 'box offices' open on the first day for you to make or change reservations as they had changed some of the times (but it was early days and I think they changed them to fit in with dining times better).

    I also think that as the theatre on Liberty holds over 1300, that in the 2 weeks there will be plenty of time to see the shows.

    The only area busy was the reserved suite area.

    This is an extract from the current schedule.

  6. [quote name='Kugel']Peter,
    What time was second seating on the Liberty when you were on it?

    Joyce[/quote]Hi Joyce, in May late seating was 9 p.m. in Michelangelo dining room on deck 4 and in Botticelli on deck 5 (this is also the MTD room as this is where we are assigned for this sailing on MTD). In the Rembrandt dining room (deck 3) late seating was at 9:30 p.m.

    However, I suspect this late time was because of the high number of Spanish guests on board and I doubt this will be the times on this sailing.
  7. [quote name='Mazzza']Another cute email - I really like this one.......

    HEMA is a Dutch department store. The first store opened on November
    4, 1926, in Amsterdam . Now there are 150 stores all over the

    Take a look at HEMA's product page - just wait a couple of seconds and
    watch what happens...

    DON'T click on any of the items in the picture or move your mouse, just wait...

    This company has a sense of humor and a great computer programmer, who
    has too much time on his hands...

    [URL]http://producten.hema.nl/[/URL] <http://producten.hema.nl/>

    You need sound to get the full effect.
    And, no, it’s not another scary-monster-jump-out-of-your-screen Halloween prank.
    Be patient and let it load.[/quote]Marilyn, thanks for that, very clever.

    BTW have a great trip and enjoy.
  8. Sherry

    Shameless is a very funny tv show about a fictional Manchester Council Estate http://www.channel4.com/programmes/shameless :D


    We are still in the middle of this storm, high tide was at 1pm but we were lucky that it was a 2.1 metre high tide as against the sometimes 3.8 metre tide which would have caused flooding


    Pics from my window




    Thanks for the pics George, was wondering how it was with you. Just very windy here at the moment.

  9. Very wild and windy here and it's not even 9am the Storm is supposed to peak at around 4pm the police have advised us to move our cars before 1pm high tide, I moved mine last night in preparation.


    All packed and ready to head for Turkey.


    Peter recorded Shameless last week and watched it last night :D now there is a business opening A SHAMELESS TOUR in Manchester :) I would go on it.

    Hi George, hope it doesn't get too bad, winds picking up here even more than before.


    Not sure I'd do a Shameless tour but you never know, depends where it is.


    Let me know your plans for Weds.

  10. Good morning everyone.


    What a miserable morning heavy rain on way to work this morning, winds haven't started yet. First day I've had to start wearing my vest and a jumper - winter's fast approaching.


    Had a busy day yesterday, Booked our extra luggage (now to decide what shoes to take), booked our day room at Miami International Airport and booked myself a bottle of plonk and some fruit for Tam for our stateroom.


    Hope everyone has a good week.



    Stay safe up there in Scotland, just very angry skies down here in Manchester at the moment, but you can hear that the wind is getting stronger.


    Marilyn & George, same to you too, stay safe today.

  11. Hope this Storm is not as bad as predicted for us Marilyn :eek: we are expecting to be put on flood alert on the beach Monday afternoon/evening at high tide, I will move my car to the leisure centre car park which is not so exposed to the elements, the winds are expected to be 70mph :eek:
    I hope it's not as bad as predicted for you both too. There were bright blue skies here when I got up this morning, but clouding over now.
  12. Everybody of my parent's generation used to say they always remembered where they were when Kennedy was shot. For all of us it has to be the memory of where we were 10 years ago today.


    My prayers go out to all the families of those who lost their lives in the tragedy. May God bless you.


    On a lighter note, I am envious of all those getting to meet one another before the big day. I will be in Manchester on 12th October though. We will be staying with family for a few days but John has a business meeting that day and I shall be free to do my own thing.


    Wherever you are and whatever you are doing today, Keep Safe.



    Hi Corinne, whether it's a good thing to admit, but I even remember where I was when I heard about Kennedy.


    Definitely know where I was 10 years ago today, especially trying to contact my friend who still lives in Manhattan and another in Boston who is a flight attendant.


    Now, as I don't have a lot on at the moment, perhaps the 12th Oct could be an opportunity to meet before we sail? Just an idea.

  13. Peter BA charge to allocate your seat up to 24 hours before you flight :eek: £25 and £60 Club, I wait until 24 hours out and do it for free.



    Peter I am meeting up with Matthew and Andy for a beer in Canal Street on Wed tea time ish also with me will another mate from Coventry Brendan, if your free it would be great to see you.

    Thanks for the info George, if possible I will want to allocate the seats more than 24 hours before departure because we'll be sailing towards Fort Lauderdale at that time and don't trust the internet connection on board to do something so important.


    Good chance I could meet up on Weds, let me know.

  14. E-docs arrived today!!!:D:D Luggage tags ordered:)
    Congrats, still waiting here, but I reckon we get them around 6 weeks out in the UK, we also will have to wait while they issue the flight tickets too as we got the air via RCI. Wish they'd hurry up though as the BA reservation says we'll be able to choose seats when the e-tickets are issued.


    Have as good a weekend as you can considering the date tomorrow. All those affected by the terrible events of 10 years ago will be remembered tomorrow and rightly so.

  15. Tremendously. We usually do this at a synagogue and they have high bar tables and we were thinking about 5 instead of our usual 6 pm.


    I knew you would be able to help. AGAIN! I will never forget how wonderful our seats were for Billy Elliot because of your help figuring out which section to get seats in. If ever I can return the favor, just ask.


    This cruise will not be the last time we see each other, I am certain. You cruise enough that sooner or later you will be here, like on the Allure. We will make up to meet you before you cruise. You are the best.



    Glad to help Joyce, you're welcome anytime. I'm sure we'll meet up again as well.
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