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Everything posted by Happily@Sea

  1. I hadn't even looked to see the weather conditions - no one was close enough yet. So today is rain - not unusual - last week's sunny weather was unusual.
  2. Eurodam passing Grand Island. Kdam still behind her - as usual.
  3. Eurodam and Kdam still south of Tracy Arm - it will be awhile. But at least the updates are current, not always so - this early in the day.
  4. Usual double sail-in on Monday. This same timeframe, but probably not this early. Thanks, Roy. Also thanks to Leanne for the threads. Have a nice weekend.
  5. I thought we might get a zoom - when the panning stopped. But still better.
  6. That's the quickest I've seen anyone dock - in a long time. I hope no emergency, just early.
  7. Carnival Luminosa in the background - entering - will be at anchor.
  8. She's down north of Tracy Arm. I think it is all - Volendam being early.
  9. Here comes Volendam - into the clear and the basin. She's moving right along.
  10. Showing in the background. Passed tall pole.
  11. As usual it will be a 'race' between Quantum otS and Volendam to get to the camera first. Quantum is ahead - so far. I plan to be here at the usual afternoon sail-in time.
  12. She did park at CT- Snowcloud shows her right behind Eclipse. Thanks all my fellow addicts. And Leanne for the thread. Volendam tomorrow at usual afternoon sail-in timeframe.
  13. We have to wait for her to appear from behind Jewel. Then she will be in the clear .
  14. Eclipse in Gastineau Channel - Noordam right behind her.
  15. Noordam and X Eclipse south of Douglas Island. Noordam is about 4 knots slower than X - will probably pass Noordam before the Channel.
  16. If Noordam is at FKL pier - I wonder if she will still back-in? I see you have no one listed for CT Juneau having trouble keeping up with adjustments?? I do plan to start checking the map in about 3 hours [0900 am EDT] to catch an early arrival.
  17. Looks like she is all tied down. Thanks to my fellow addicts and to Leanne for the thread. Noordam at 8 am AST / Noon EDT - but she is usually about 2 hours early.
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