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Posts posted by mercury7289

  1. 7 minutes ago, Presto2 said:

    Hi, we are in the process of kitting it all out now with trips to Dunelm Mills and Argos ! We have been trying to buy British to stock it but we are amazed at how much stuff is not made in the UK. As a true 'Potter' we are horrified that it has been so difficult to find a dinner set made in Stoke on Trent !!!!


    Where is your caravan by the way? When we retire I can't see us ever wanting to come home !!!

    Near Minsmere bird reserve, overlooking the sea.


    Have had dinner in the Potters Club in Stoke, whispering restaurant,a number of years ago.cannot recall its proper name!

  2. Just now, Presto2 said:


    Not all of it - backwards and forwards as we have loads to sort it all out. Really excited and it is good to have the flexibility to go when we want and at the last minute. 🙂



    The best advise I can give you is to fully kit it out, saves carting things backwards and forwards.

    Means that you can just jump in the car and go.


    It also stops it being a chore!


    Ours is fully kitted out including clothes.


    We spend between 3 and 5 months a year at ours.

    Not this year!

    Have not been!

  3. Just now, Roger88 said:

    I just googled Adnams brewery and now I am looking for a place to purchase and try their beer range in New Jersey. Does anyone know where I can buy it? I am not a big fan of beer but sometimes I like to buy some nice, expensive bottle of beer and just enjoy the game on TV or relax with it in the back yard

    They call it liming! apparently!

  4. Just now, Harry Peterson said:

    Always a Tolly Cobbold man myself.........which gives my age away.  

    Such a shame what’s happened to good local breweries, with a few exceptions such as Adnams.  Microbreweries have at least redressed the balance, but the economic climate isn’t good for them.

    More South towards Ipswich, the brewing family were tied up with the Football Club

  5. Just now, Solent Richard said:


    My pleasure. Glad you had a good time to.





    We did, so we booked an 11 night cruise on her in December 2019. Since then, all three this year cancelled. Next is a 35 night B2B in May/June 2021 on Aurora. Will not be going. Need to wait for vaccine.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Solent Richard said:

    Interesting to note that this thread is now the 'benchmark' for disgruntled UK cruisers on other  UK forums and is being quoted regularly.


    Personally I've still got a degree of sympathy for P&O as it's still only 10 months ago that I had yet another excellent 24 night cruise with them onboard Arcadia...




    While onboard I recall making a complaint regarding an incident on a shore excursion and I received a substantial partial refund onto my onboard account in less than 24 hours.





    Thank you for the blog, we were on the same cruise brought back memories.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Harry Peterson said:

    Lovely place, lovely area. Very smart now - probably a lot more than last time you went, and certainly very considerably more than when we lived not far from there. Benjamin Britten changed that whole coastline.


    Ideal place for a really relaxing holiday.  Best fish and chips at Aldeburgh - the one at the end of the main street, just up from the beach.



    Quite right Harry, they use beef dripping/fat, in there fryers.


    Have played golf with the owner!


  8. Just now, Josy1953 said:

    We are also waiting for schools to go back in September, we are planning to go to Southwold, over 30 years since we have been there (or anywhere else for a UK holiday).  Foreign holidays and cruises hold little appeal for us until there is a vaccine.



    Not a lot has change in Southwold, little ferry still working.


    Pier might be new though.


    Also a few little restaurants in the harbour.

  9. 42 minutes ago, cruisenewbie1976 said:

    Thought you might know given that you knew about them not reporting at weekends, yet that doesn't seem to be common knowledge. No worries. Thanks for your most helpful information. 

    Whilst taking a note from the web site I also came across a story by CNBC Monday 23rd March.

    Which headline said that CDC says Coronavirus RNA, found in Princess Cruise ship cabins up to 17 days after passengers left.


    But I then noted a correction, which said: This story was updated to reflect that SARS-CoV-2 RNA, not the live virus was identified on surfaces in Cruise ship cabins up to 17 days after the cabins were vacated on the Diamond Princess.


    Phew-- that,s all right then!

  10. 12 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

    Lies damned lies and statistics!!!!

    Wrong Answer!


    Go to WORLDOMETER,then/USA,/cases by county, territory or conveyance.

    Also the site is doing a prediction which will be interesting, in time the result may or may not agree with you.

    USA fatalities by 1st November 208.000.is the prediction

    UK fatalities by the 1st November 68,000 predicted.


    I hope they are very wrong!


  11. 2 hours ago, molecrochip said:

    MY understanding is that MODERN cruise ship air con is on par with hotel air con. Most air con systems work by recycling a certain amount of internal air and mixing it with fresh air. That amount of fresh air can usually be boosted right up to 100%. That is not as efficient as you have to cool/heat rather than recycling existing cooled/heated sir.


    Best comparison is on cars, you gave the option to recircle air internally or bring fresh air in. Even if brining in fresh air, it’s not usually 100% fresh.


    Some may say cruise ship air con is better than hotel air con as you’re picking up fresh air from out at sea rather than In the middle of a polluted city.


    What does make a difference is the type of filters in the air con, filtering out bad particles. You’ll note that NCL (or MSC) is upgrading the quality of the filters across the fleet. Probably most cruise lines are doing this.

    What is classed as Modern?

  12. 2 hours ago, molecrochip said:

    The number of people sick with Covid is still not as high as the number who get sick on a ship with norovirus or similar.


    The big difference is that a) Norovirus symptoms show quickly and b) we understand lots about the bug to minimise serious and fatal incidences.


    The scientists can work on point b but point a is due to the nature of the virus having an asymptomatic incubation period and isn’t readily solved.


    I actually think the conversation about health on cruises ships has been long overdue. We’ve probably all observed someone leave the toilet without washing their hands or cough into the air. Now the conversation is being had across industry.


    In the long run we will have healthier cruises thanks to this pause.

    Surely time plays a part in that. Companies eventually paused cruising when covid reared its head





  13. 22 minutes ago, molecrochip said:

    We can’t be sure what caused the specific case for the Abel’s but one thing is for sure, the action taken regarding ‘cruise cough’ could well have increased the risk of catching the virus, over and above the standard risk of the air conditioning system on board the ship.


    If it was the air con system spreading it then you would have expected to see whole chunks of cabins next to each other all infected but from the reports released the cases were all spread across the ship.

    Equally could well have held off, the on set of the virus, by acting as some sort of filter?


    Interested in what, is considered the standard risk of cruise ship air conditioning, and if known by P&O, do they not have a duty of care to inform there guests of the risks?




  14. 1 minute ago, molecrochip said:

    As I said, the risk of Covid being transferred via room service was still higher than the air conditioning. That appears to be true. Look at Grand Princess, the incidence was contained so much better despite being on the same class of ship.

    Overall you may be right, however your report/post appears to put the cause in this instance on a wet towel and the air conditioning.


    • Like 1
  15. On 7/11/2020 at 10:41 AM, molecrochip said:

    Yesterday Carnival confirmed that they incidence of Covid was no worse than the industry (and hotel) average. It was just largely limited to four ships and got really bad press. Work is being done to make sure that air conditioning is pulling in almost 100% fresh air and using improved filters. This is better than an average hotel/restaurant that recycle up to 20% air.


    The situation on Diamond wasn't largely due to person to person infection, it was largely caused by poor quarantine once docked in Japan. They did not isolate infected individuals. They didn't create separate teams serving infected cabins/unaffected cabins. This was all under direction of the Japanese authorities.


    Ironically, if you look at the David Abel videos, he had cruise cough due to the lack of humidity in the cabin. But he didnt have Covid. To cure cruise cough he placed a wet towel in front of the air con. This appears to have taken tiny Covid droplets and attached them to larger water droplets. It then made it easier to catch/inhale. He then got Covid. That said, the risk of Covid being transferred via room service was still higher than the air conditioning.


    Compare to the Grand Princess. 24 people got Covid. They were isolated. It was not spread. Correctly, the cruise was abandoned and every was quarantined as required at that stage of the pandemic.


    A lot has been learnt but the cruise industry remains the media punch bag. 

    Fair enough,although it does seem to confirm that it was transmitted though the air conditioning.

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