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Posts posted by mercury7289

  1. Just come back, We arranged private 2 day tour,which included a guide,driver and wheel chair pusher.

    Only real problem encountered was steps down to the river cruise, we could not go.

    Also transport was a problem, a mini bus, whilst being comfortable,the steps into and out off, meant that I had to manhandle my partner both in and out.

    However the tour was excellent,we arranged our own itinerary with the tour company before we left home.

    We used TJ Travel, the guide, driver and student looked after us in every way,even allowing us to walk around the city instead of going on the river cruise,which was brilliant.


    Very grateful to the TJ staff.



    The tour was excellent,

  2. I disembarked on Monday and they are replacing Twinings with PG Tips. There were still Twinings teabags in the cabin but all the teabags in the Horizon were PG. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I'm not a big tea fan so made no difference to me..



    Sent from my iPad using Forums



    Are they the same size?



  3. I agree, no it's not. It is very rare to see a service charge in this neck of the woods.I hope we don't go the way of the US where there are tips for everything.


    As for P&O if the money is required to pay staff a decent wage then add it to the price so that everyone pays it. Doing that means the staff have no anxiety about the questionnaires which can then be used for the proper purpose of finding out how people have actually enjoyed the cruise, the really good bits and to highlight any areas for improvement. At the moment the false and constant "excellent" which some passengers appear to feel pressurised to give does not always reflect how things really are.


    Pax can then go back to rewarding genuinely excellent service with an additional tip.


    I agree, recently I had an issue with the questionnaire that I was given, the area that concerned me warranted a good at most, but I was feeling pressurised to mark excellent. I overcame the problem in my mind, by not putting it in.

  4. We did Venice on our own in April, we just walked out of the port and followed the foot path along side of the road, it's about a 5-10 minute walk to the Plaza Roma Vaporeto stop, we bought a day pass for 20 Euro's and then came and went as we pleased, it's really easy just do a walk through using google map


    I pushed my wife in her wheelchair, and took the same route to Plaza Roma, got on Vaporeto no 1 which goes through the Canal We were in St Marks square at 8.15 am. Very easy:halo:

  5. Selbourne like yourselves we witnessed many abuses.On embarkation the passenger in front of us appeared to be totally helpless,he was almost unable to move. The assistant had to fill in his medical form for him and access his documents,only able to mumble.It went though my mind that this might be his final cruise and I felt sympathy for him. At breakfast [all cruise], in the Medina restaurant, he had no problem whatsoever in moving around and ordering and eating his breakfast and holding a conversation. No wheelchair needed. Also whilst queuing for the wheelchair minibus at Copenhagen we were told that there would be a delay, but that we could use the normal coach.

    Most of the queue disappeared onto the coach, leaving just 6 of us behind.

    We also disembarked ourselves, I was able to push the wheelchair and get a porter,also less hand luggage on the return. agree with you, Great Cruise

  6. Being a full time carer and not by choice, I bring a wheelchair for my wife,we organise wheelchair assistance for my benefit.as it is very difficult to push the wheel chair whilst carrying suit and dress cases.


    We would not wish to push in front of anyone,we arrive nearly on time and wait our turn to board.


    We fully appreciate and support the given benefits of the loyalty scheme and the rights of those who have obtained them.


    You pay your dues.



    My honest suggestion is bring your own wheel chair and change your taxi company

  7. BMT


    I have been following this thread, and have taken on board your comments ME ME ME.


    Look at yourself, you booked, and were given a boarding time but because ME ME ME you tried to gain some perceived advantage and have blamed P&O for not allowing you to do so.


    You caused your own situation, just a point how do you managed muster!!

  8. pepsi10, ktuzseeka and lindyloo22


    Thank you for your time, and the kindness freely given, to us, in our predicament.


    I have contacted P&O to see what they suggest.


    As for possible tours,will need to wait until they are released.


    But groups do not work for us.


    We would be happy to find a Taverna,overlooking the water, and have a very long lunch.


    Thank you

  9. Baza


    Just been reading, that the cruise excursions, tender from the ship to Athinios Port, which looks ideal for us.


    Even if we have to purchase an excursion, but remain in Athinios and rejoin, on the return to the ship.


    However I do not believe that P&O, have not already made this possible,for people in our situation.


    So all is not lost!

  10. Baza


    Fully understand, however not totally, ready to give in.



    I read there is a ferry,interested to where it goes, and how long it takes, and how frequent it sails,might be an opportunity to land somewhere reasonably flat?

  11. Great,that works for you and your happy.


    As a carer my choices are somewhat different, ease, is foremost.


    Arrive at about my allotted time in Southampton,straight on board.


    Flying less luggage allowance


    Arrival time at airport used to be 2 hours before take off,when we were able. I have a wheelchair and carry bags to contend with, no fun for two hours. Also I park at the ship,luggage is taken,help to embark. As I said ease for us.

  12. Thank you, would not dream of using the donkeys.


    Can managed the tender,however I think we have decided to stay on board, steps both ends, possible long queues, for the lift and then the tenders, not ideal when facilities are needed more often then most.



    Not concerned about narrow streets and cobbles,more about what we can achieve without impinging on our fellow travellers.



    But this is still a long way away, things could change

  13. Like everything in life, you either value the product and buy, or you value it and don't buy.


    Either way, your choice, and why having made your personal choice, either way, moan!! or in fact allow anyone else, to moan on your behalf or in fact, tell you that you are wrong


    This site is full of I have booked it, but not sure. to late!!


    What a waste of time.

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