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HAL Sailer

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Everything posted by HAL Sailer

  1. YES, sorry, Sanibel is absolutely the labeled crescent at the bottom of each picture -- and now a much smaller crescent! I didn't mean to create confusion by my reference to left and right. I did not mean the unlabeled island. I meant that the left picture was before Ian and that the right picture was after Ian. A good reminder for me to be more careful with my descriptions of an area that is familiar to me but less familiar to others. Thanks @jimgev ! -M.
  2. Just received this pic of SW Florida's Sanibel Island's landmass BEFORE (left) and AFTER (right) Hurricane Ian. There are no words. Just tears and prayers for those impacted... -Melisa
  3. @StLouisCruisers - East Coast FL Daily-ites will need to advise you on I-95 routes. I'm just a Midwest gal who travels I-65 north/south avoiding even I-75 until I have no choice but to take it north/south off US-10 in northern FL. I have heard about significant flooding in mid- and central- Florida. That might impact your DGD's choices. Other Daily-ites can give you better East Coast to Tampa advice, I'm sure. -M.
  4. @StLouisCruisers - If your DGD was planning to take I-75 west across Alligator Alley and then northbound continuing on I-75 north to Tampa, she would be well advised to find another route. I-75 is closed indefinitely in both directions between mile marker 179 (Toledo Blade Road near Pt Charlotte) and mile marker 193 (Jacaranda Blvd near Englewood) as the Myakka River has over-topped its I-75 bridge. The river is at 12 feet; the bridge is only 7 feet. Predictions are that it may take a week+ for the river to go down as far as needed to reopen I-75. There are huge traffic delays reported on both northbound and southbound I-75 in that area as drivers don't know the detours and many nearby streets and roads are also flooded. Plus the indefinite closure of the US-41 bridge spans both northbound and southbound across the Peace River at Charlotte Harbor (between Pt Charlotte and Punta Gorda) eliminates the Tamiami Trail (US-41) as an alternate route in that area. I hope your DGD finds an easy route back to Tampa and has safe travels. -Melisa
  5. @MISTER 67 What an experience! Wow! Glad you both are safe and headed off for a week of good meals, hot showers, and power! You (and other Daily-ites) checking-in safely is even better news than learning that my family's place survived Ian. Have a great cruise, -Melisa
  6. It's never a good day when your classic Mercedes ends up in your swimming pool. At a friend's on Ft Myers Beach where their house was destroyed, too. But, all house and car occupants safe. I see that @MISTER 67 hasn't posted since 4pm Wednesday as the worst of the hurricane hit Punta Gorda. Almost all of Charlotte County is still without power, so I pray that is why he hasn't checked in yet. 🙏, -Melisa
  7. ⬆️ Tis very true. He even seemed a bit dazed. Soon after that happened to Cantore, all of The Weather Channel's outdoor reporters donned helmets! (Yes, I was glued to TWC yesterday.) -M.
  8. @rafinmd You can put me on the CELEBRATION list! I just received excellent news. My family's Florida place was spared. With Hurricane Ian going on-shore 18 miles south of us, we ended up on the 'good side' of the hurricane. (Is there such a thing???) My family's place is on a narrow barrier island sandwiched between the Gulf of Mexico and the Intercoastal Waterway. Ian's circulation there resulted in its winds moving from east to west and pushing the Gulf waters offshore. So, that saved our western shoreline. On our eastern side, high seawalls kept the Intercoastal waters from flooding us as Ian's winds pushed those waters at us from the east. We truly had the best possible location and incredible luck. The report is that there was no storm surge in our immediate area. My family's place roof, windows and walls are intact. Lots of palm trees are shredded or down but none into our structure. There is no power, no cellular, no internet. And, the municipality turned off the water and sewer preventatively prior to Ian. It's anybody's guess when services will be restored. As the Governor said this morning, "Charlotte County is off the grid." I pray we will soon hear similar good news from @MISTER 67 but he is in Punta Gorda -- a much harder hit part of Charlotte County -- and is surely off the grid, too. My family and our treasured place are incredibly lucky. I know many, many others aren't as blessed. Thank you, ALL, for your prayer and care, -Melisa
  9. @dfish What a beautiful house you and your sister have purchased! It is stunning and, like so many other Daily-ites have said, I can see why the two of you selected it. From your photos, it is clearly one of those rare houses that send out "I could have a happy home here" vibes the minute you enter. Congratulations, again! And, welcome back to Michigan, -Melisa P.S. What is it they say? "Karma is a _ _ _ _ _." In this case, I think it should be: "Karma was two sisters scorned!"
  10. Thanks Daily-ites for your caring thoughts about my dear friend's neighborhood tragedy near Ft Myers Beach. To be clear, I did not know the deceased nor his wife as I know my friend from our careers together in MI and I have not met many of her FL neighbors. But, as with you, I feel so terrible that such an unforseen and tragic event occurred. -Melisa
  11. Quoting myself but with a VERY SAD UPDATE from my friend about her neighborhood. She isn't there but received this as she did the boat lift picture from her neighbor who is riding it out. "L __ and L __ lost their roof. Mine is still holding. But, the house next to L & L - an older couple in a two story house- they stayed. For some reason the husband opened the garage door . Something about getting cats. The water rushed in. The garage door fell, hit him in the head and he is dead." Sadder than I can imagine, -M.
  12. The Weather Channel just announced Ian's eye has officially come in at Cayo Costa. You can't drive from my family's place (or anywhere) to the island of Cayo Costa but it is ≈18 miles directly south of our place by boat. -M.
  13. This isn't a very clear picture but it is of THE ROOF of a friend's boat well on an inland canal near Ft Myers. It was sent to her by a neighbor who is 'riding it out' in Hurricane Ian. ("Floating" is probably a better term than 'riding it out' based on this picture.) -Melisa
  14. @dfish Please know that, though distracted by Ian, I am celebrating with you. I can't wait till I can take a thorough and thoughtful look at all of your pictures and reports Congratulations! -Melisa
  15. The Weather Channel is showing a Ft Myers Beach webcam that they know to be 6 feet off the ground. The webcam is now showing underwater pictures as if it's in an aquarium. @MISTER 67, thanks for your continued reports. Stay safe, please. -M.
  16. @MISTER 67Thanks! I'm finding your 'in-place' reports very informative. Most webcams are not functioning, so it's hard to get eyes on the area. Please stay safe, -Melisa
  17. @Cruzin Terri, @Seasick Sailor, and all, A few months ago when DH was hospitalized I was rushing to get ready, didn't close the stopper as I usually do, and I dropped a sentimental earring down the sink drain. Later that night, over Zoom, my DB coached me through taking apart the sink pipes and recovering it. Hurrah! A week later, when wearing them again, I realized my right earlobe was naked. Oh, no; Lost again and that time never found. So, the jeweler made a new pair. Not as sentimental but lovely. I still have the original one + the new two. Apologies to our British Daily-ites, but now I have "a pair and a spare". 🤣🤣🤣 I hope @Cruzin Terri finds her earring and @Seasick Sailor recovers hers. So frustrating to lose a special one... (And, why, you wonder did I tell this? Just for the giggle that I need as I wait to see if we lose my family's decades owned special place...)
  18. @MISTER 67 my family's place is very near Englewood Beach but no one is there. This is the 2pm map. We will likely suffer severe property damage. But, I am more concerned for you @MISTER 67and I am offering up my prayers for your safety. I know you've ridden it out before and you know what to do, but the storm surge inundation predicted for most of Punta Gorda is so frightening. ⬇️ I pray you and yours stay safe in P.G. I pray that you can evacuate vertically, if needed. But, I'm praying fervently that you won't need to... Please stay safe, -Melisa
  19. The beach in our neighborhood is too flat to survive much storm surge... Prayers that everyone will evacuate. Beaches can be renewed, buildings can be rebuilt, but lives can be lost... -Melisa
  20. @RedneckBob @MISTER 67 @aliaschief and all Daily-ites: I just got it 'on very good word' that Jim Cantore has just checked into the Punta Gorda Springhill Suites. I agree with @MISTER 67 that the latest updates are predicting landfall in Venice. (My family's place is about halfway between @MISTER 67 and Venice.) So, I can't explain why Cantore picked a Punta Gorda hotel -- especially since it would take at least 45 minutes to drive from P.G. to Venice as one has to drive around Charlotte Harbor. No matter. If Cantore has moved south from Clearwater Beach than Hurricane Ian is likely moving south, too. Charlotte Co Emergency Management just held a very concerned (and also concerning) press conference. Stay safe everyone, -M.
  21. @cat shepard I can't answer your Punta Gorda Daily-ite question, but my family's place is just north of there. (None of my family is currently there.) Punta Gorda is in Charlotte County which has now added Zone B - ORANGE to the already posted Zone A - RED evacuations. And, most of Charlotte County is either RED or ORANGE. Friends of mine have fled to Wisconsin, others are finishing securing their homes before evacuating and, as one said, "All are praying for a miracle." If Ian comes in as now predicted, our neighborhood there will likely suffer significant damage. Punta Gorda Airport (PGD) is moving all planes out by 2pm. Allegiant has cancelled all flights. Sarasota Airport (SRQ) is closing at 8pm tonight. And, Tampa (TPA) continues its 5pm closing. -M.
  22. @Cat in my lap Just in case you haven't heard this, Tampa International Airport (TPA) will close at 5pm today, Tues, Sept 27. According to TPA's website reopening after Ian will be based on: "Damage assessments will begin as soon as it is safe to do so. TPA will closely coordinate the reopening of the airport with its partners based on roadway safety, facility readiness, and staffing." Know you were scheduled into TPA on Thursday. Stay safe whatever alternate plans you make, -M.
  23. My family's place (and neighborhood) has just been placed under mandatory evacuation orders in Charlotte County (south of Sarasota) where the county ordered Zone A - Red to evacuate. None of my family is there now but neighbors are headed to higher ground -- in shelters, in hotels, with friends, etc. -Melisa
  24. When we were on a Kenyan safari, my DH was often greeted by employees with "Jambo, Mr. W___". After a few days, DH told me he wished they'd quit commenting on his girth. What??? Turned out he had not remembered the Swahili words we had practiced prior nor that "Jambo" is a greeting similar to "Hello". The employees were not saying "JUMBO Mr. W___" as he was hearing it!!! 🤣 -Melisa
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