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HAL Sailer

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Everything posted by HAL Sailer

  1. @rafinmd Roy, Thank you for having my DSIL on the Care List. I think you can now take her off (or move her to the Rotation). She is home, resting comfortably, and can not have the additional screenings until the drains from this past week's cancer surgery are removed. She is weighing whether she will go forward with those tests. At age 89, she is weighing the balance of the quality and quantity of life as the life expectancy for what the tests will likely reveal is short even with arduous treatment. So, prayers now are for wisdom and discernment as much as healing. Thanks to all for your prayers, -Melisa
  2. Sorry you fell. Glad you are doctoring. Best wishes for answers & solutions. -Melisa
  3. Just tonight I had to remind my DH that a hug would help more with my current challenge than his attempts at fixing it by saying it would all work out. Sometimes all I want is sympathy until I'm ready to find my solution... So, I send understanding along with a hug and the hope that tomorrow will bring you clarity to help you find your solution. -Melisa
  4. @Seasick Sailor my prayers for you and your friend's family grieving the passing of her brother. May you be a comfort in their difficult loss. @StLouisCruisers my prayers for you and your neighborhood in the death of your neighbor and the very serious injury of his wife. May your neighborly care support her as she adjusts to these sudden changes. -Melisa
  5. Me, too. And, though in a loving, deeply committed marriage, I'm my best self if each week I get some of what I term 'my alone time'. -Melisa
  6. Yes, at age 70, he has recovered more quickly physically and more fully cognitively than doctors expected. He still has significant limits in movement plus lifting restrictions and there are gaps in organizational function but he is able to care for himself and should be able to assist his 89 year old mom now that she is the one needing care. The world works in mysterious ways... -Melisa
  7. A quick update about DH's DS / my DSIL. Due to Covid restrictions, she asked us not to travel the four hours to be with her. So, we waited for word. It finally came late last night when her son ingeniously got it to us via our DSIL's social media after he lost all of our contact information (which also reveals a lot about the ups and downs of his accident recovery). DH's DS surgery was extensive with large swaths of her right arm, underarm, upper chest involved as the melanoma had spread from the mole into lymph nodes. There is concern of breast involvement, too, but a diagnostic mammogram and other tests will be done before any decisions. At this point, she is resting comfortably as we all await further test results, a prognosis, and the best plan… Thanks for your continued prayers, -Melisa
  8. @grapau27 & Pauline, 💒Happy 41st Anniversary!💒 May you be blessed with many more.
  9. Thank you Daily-ites for the prayers and well-wishers for my DH's sister/my DSIL. Her melanoma's significant spread will require her doctors to make tough decisions during Monday's surgery and lead to equally tough choices for her after as the balance between quantity and quality of life for an 89 year old is sought. Your caring messages are deeply appreciated now just as when Ardis' son was severely injured in his June mowing accident. BTW, Curt's physical recovery continues, he has regained most life skills, and he plans to take an active role in his mother's care. Thank you for your encouragement, -Melisa
  10. May I ask for prayers for DH's 89 year old sister? We have just learned that tests done yesterday show that the malignant melanoma found in a mole is evident elsewhere. The upcoming mole removal has changed to a much more invasive surgery and moved up to Monday. What was worrisome is now a very grave concern. (Note: This is DH's sister whose son had the horrid lawn mowing accident.) All prayers are greatly appreciated, -Melisa
  11. Regarding today's quote here's a different perspective, perhaps, from a person who kissed her fair share of frogs before, at age 42, finally finding the prince who could love me as much as I could love him... Her words may not have kept Marilyn from making some sad choices, but I always thought of today's quote as a cautionary reminder that being in an unfulfilling relationship can be worse than not being in a relationship. -Melisa
  12. When @JazzyV in PA said that and I am finding Russet bins empty in MI, it made me wonder why. So, I Googled it and found a Russet potato wholesaler stating: “Early fall we harvest and that crop lasts us the entire year…The storage crop is essentially gone right now, when normally we’d have a couple weeks left of storage potatoes from the 2021 harvest…The new harvest crop is delayed because (of)… unseasonably cold and wet weather during the early part of this growing season.” He said the Russet situation likely won't improve until October. -Melisa
  13. Everyone, all together now on the HAL Board for Liz, Shadow, and @kazu: HAL...HAL... HAL...lelujah!
  14. Just back from my walk to our town's Wednesday (and Saturday) Farmer's Market. The market was overflowing with beautiful local produce and baked goods. I came home with peaches, corn, peppers, tomatoes, and a loaf of fennel & sea salt bread. With only a mid-rise condo balcony for outdoor space, we are blessed to have such a bountiful market just three blocks away. As a side note to today's port of Punta Arenas: Has anyone been watching CNN's Patagonia: Life on the Edge of the World? I missed the first few of the six episodes but have been catching up via our cable system's ON DEMAND. Amazing photography and captivating narration. I haven't had the opportunity to travel to Patagonia but this series is taking me there (till I can go in person). @kazu I add my prayers for you and Shadow to those of other Daily-ites. May Shadow be found soon and safe. And, may you be comforted in the knowledge that your love and care has been a bright spot in Shadow's life. -Melisa
  15. Oh my, how precious! And, with our youngest DGC just turning 'double-digits' (as the now 10yo likes to say) and the oldest DGC turning 20 later this week, we envy the sweet baby times you're about to enjoy. Treasure every minute! Congratulations, -Melisa
  16. On October 15, 1999 we slowly sailed on the Rotterdam into Venice through the main lagoon something no longer allowed for large ships. The pilot boarded just after 7am, we sailed past Piazza San Marco about 7:45am, and docked at the Racino di Maritima Dock about an hour and a half after first entering Laguna Veneta. Silently slipping past San Marco. The Rotterdam at dock. In Venice, we toured… St. Mark's Basilica The Bridge of Sighs The Scala d'Oro (The Golden Stairs) And, of course, enjoyed a gondola ride. -Melisa
  17. @kazu Please remember to treat yourself gently. We're here for you. Lean on the prayer, care, and hugs we all continue to send. -Melisa
  18. +1 @kazu please know the Daily-ites are wrapping their arms around you and Shadow in the hope that our virtual hugs will be a comfort.
  19. My caregiving responsibilities have not reached the level of yours @atexsix , but I understand what you said and can hear the sighs you likely exhale at the end of the day on those days that you do find the time to breathe. I pray you can find moments to care for yourself as you care for your dad. -Melisa
  20. Yesterday got away from me for a variety of mundane reasons, so I will take the privilege of mentioning some of yesterday's posts today. Yesterday @durangoscots said, "And finally, for those who find they are slowing down on their cruising and traveling due to age.... I hear you..." That really hit home. Following DH's stroke we had begun baby steps in resuming traveling when Covid stopped our efforts for the past two years. Where we could have traveled in those two years is unsure. What is certain is that those opportunities were lost. Soon to be 86 and with many medical and memory concerns, DH is no longer able to travel. And, even though significantly younger, I wonder if I will still be able when my time comes to travel again. But, your Daily-ite photos and stories take me places I can not currently travel and add to my ever-changing Bucket List. Thank you, all! @dfish how wonderful that your DS's bag was found and delivered with her prized sweaters intact. Great news! Thinking of sweaters, thanks to @erewhon and @daisyb (⬅️oops, wrong person and I can't figure out how to delete) and to @daisybertie for cooling us off! The thought of needing to bundle up on our 95+ degree day was cooling indeed! And, on International Forgiveness Day, today I want to pay tribute to a more domestic forgiveness. My DH raised his two sons by himself from their toddler years on when his wife/their mother abandoned them. They did everything together. So, they were more 'the three musketeers' than father and sons. DH and I met as his sons were heading off to military service and to college. So many changes happened all at once – 'the three musketeers' were living apart for the first time in their lives, their dad was retiring early during a company merger, and a woman (!!!) was being added to the mix! It was a rocky start for my relationship with his sons and that tension continued for too many years. Only recently have we found forgiveness and peace. His sons have come to understand that their dad giving me a big piece of his heart does not mean he has any less love for them and, more importantly, I have come to understand the trepidation my presence caused them. DH and his sons are still 'the three musketeers' but his two now welcome DH's everlasting 'plus one'. -Melisa
  21. Well said @rafinmd. Thanks for taking the time to respond. You are well-respected on the Crystal board and your post should resonate there. -Melisa
  22. During my 'respite' travels earlier this week I saw a sign board that said: SUMMER SHOULD GET A SPEEDING TICKET. IT'S GOING TOO FAST!!! Oh, so true... -Melisa
  23. @grapau27 Each time you post a picture of fish & chips with a side of mushy peas I want to hop on a flight to England! @Horizon chaser 1957 Great advice! @rafinmd Thanks for the info on John Cruise. I'll put him on ignore! @AncientWanderer Thanks for the Havana cabana pictures. I had been trying to visualize it from descriptions. Not sure it's my cup of tea!
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