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Everything posted by jam19872016

  1. I gave up on the internet and went to bed. I'm laying here almost asleep and the bedside lamp came on. Nobody touched it. We turned it off. Few minutes later it flickered. Then again. We took a look at it to see if we could unscrew the light bulb and it turned itself on when we touched it. We've put a call in and now we play the waiting game for someone to come take a look at it. Meanwhile we still gotta be up early in the morning for turnaround day.
  2. We both enjoyed our meal here today. Sometimes hit or miss but I've always been a fan of the deli menu since they revamped it a couple years ago.
  3. My mom did better than me by about $50. She got 160 and I got 110. We each had around 200 left so not very good but not terrible and it was free money 👍. Off to dinner now.
  4. Tried to prove or disprove that you can no longer use obc to buy gift cards, but they were out. So going to the casino where I will not be doing the casino trick because I am a frequent gambler who enjoys paying no charge to charge the room and don't want to see that stopped to prevent abuse. I will at least play through what I charge and keep my winnings. I've had no problem spending my obc on the other cruises but for only 2 days I've still got a lot left over.
  5. Omg parodeejay in person. Probably the closest to a celebrity I'll ever see.
  6. Sailed away from Nassau about an hour ago and into the storm that has darkened the sky all day. Ran into another diamond who asked if I was going to the diamond party. First I heard about it I guess my invite got lost in the mail 🤣. Off to crash a party in the piano bar now 😁
  7. I just realized parodeejay is on this cruise. They are literally the only YouTubers whose personality doesn't turn me off. They seem genuine and not like they are putting on a show for the camera.
  8. It did look good. I don't care for rye bread but that looked good enough I'm gonna try it and ask for a different bread. They may have a different menu on Mardi Gras not sure. If they do definitely get it my mom doesn't rave about too many of the items on the ship. I'm even gonna try it against my no chicken on a sandwich rule lol.
  9. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world who hasn't sailed Mardi Gras yet. But I will get to play with carnivals next new toy, Celebration, for 15 days in December. Super excited for that!
  10. We are in port today with the Mardi Gras. Here she is leaving. And away she goes.
  11. We just walked around a little today in Nassau. My mom found some souvenirs so she was happy. After my embarrassing defeat at trivia I went to the deli to try a new sandwich. @Jamman54 here's a turkey Swiss cheese sandwich pic for your wife. It was pretty good but I think it was the honey mustard that made it stand out and the menu calls for mayonnaise. Almost a suitable replacement for my turkey and avacado sandwich. My mom got a chicken salad sandwich which she said was very good. Washed it down with a slice of sugar free raspberry champagne cake. Lunch menu.
  12. I've never had great internet on a carnival ship and it's been hit or miss on royal. But this is pure garbage. It's usually usable for anything but streaming. Then I walk down to guest services and I'm doing speed tests the whole way and I'm getting the fastest speeds I've ever encountered on a cruise. That's what it doing, up and down constantly. Maybe I should just sit in the lobby until it goes slow again lol.
  13. Ugh I'm so over these internet speeds. I have never once had internet this unusable before. I do not know how the technology works, but surely this could have been fixed on turnaround day if they were willing to throw enough money at the problem. For what they charge, they should throw some money at the problem. I'm going to guest services again. I don't want my money back, I want a working solution. I want the product I paid for.
  14. I've never tried it. I'm not usually a fan of chicken used in sandwiches or in pastas or really anything where the taste is masked by the sauces.
  15. The trivia was called piece of cake. I joked it was going to be easy questions k kwing it would be about cake. Nope, easy questions. What is 2 + 2? Who was the first president of the United States? I felt pretty dumb though when I scored a 15 and everyone else got 19 or more 😆.
  16. I'm surprised the chips aren't a bigger hit the way everyone asks for chips. The loss of cookies is too bad since I usually to a cookie run late at night for my mom after the buffet is closed. I guess I will have to do the run before it is closes. Sad sad sad to see a few of my favorites gone. It's like everything I ordered here was eliminated. Except the falafel I got that once and it was terrible lol. No loss for me there but I'm sure someone liked it and misses it.
  17. I will get a picture for you. Tablecloths remain an unconfirmed rumor at this point as they were still in use last night. They did start leaving the water on the table like they do on the other ships so I do suspect it is coming. Thanks for following along.
  18. Good morning. Bed was super comfortable I wish I had that one for 16 days. I cannot stress enough, if you don't need internet don't purchase it on the Spirit. You are just throwing money down a dark hole. Sooo slow again this morning. Heading into Nassau shortly.
  19. Off to bed I go. Tomorrow is Nasssu at 8am. Doubt I will rush out of bed that early for it lol.
  20. I have a lot of OBC to use on these two days so I wanted to do steakhouse tonight but when I stepped on the scale this am I threw that plan out the window. Lightish dinner in the dining room. Cured salmon Vegetable lasagna. It's a bit messy because I took a bite before I got a picture and then tried to fix it up lol. Tiramisu.
  21. Dinner tonight was dead. When we showed up at 7 everyone was waiting to show people in like they do when it first opens. One of the hosts was almost in tears when she saw us onboard. She was so used to seeing the same people for so long she was happy to see a familiar face. No menu for mdr because it's the same night one menu I've posted twice before. Lido menu.
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