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Posts posted by TenerifeSharon

  1. Please excuse my error -- the demonstration marches of the mothers and grandmothers of the "disappeared" take place on Thursday, not Tuesday.


    Jack, your pictures got me to do some more research about the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo. A government study found records of 11,000 missing children and grandchildren. These two organizations (the mothers and grandmothers have separated due to several reasons) estimate the numbers at the much higher figure of 30,000. The results of the "Dirty War" (1976 to 1983) in terms of families being separated, children being kidnapped and raised by other families, tortures and murders of anyone considered to be "subversive" etc. etc. is really terrible. For anyone wanting to learn more, just google the "madres de la plaza de mayo". So sad...


    BTW -- similarly "legal" kidnappings also took place in the DDR (East Germany) in large numbers during the time when East and West Germany were separated. (Especially when it was determined that the parents were planning to defect to the west.)

  2. Thanks also from me, Jack, for these pictures that don't let us forget a horrible time in Argentina's relatively recent history.


    We didn't know about this Memorial Park when we were in Buenos Aires last year, but did get to one of the Tuesday afternoon demonstrations held in front of the Casa Rosada, and organized by the mothers & grandmothers of the abducted and missing children (Madres de Plaza de Mayo). We were told that these demos have been taking place regularly since 1977. There has been some progress recently, and it is reported that the 108th missing person was found in April. Bravo to those who refuse to give up searching.

  3. Sailor Jack,


    After having read all your fantastic, hysterically funny, previous reviews, I really should know that it is not wise to be drinking ANYTHING (alcoholic or otherwise) while enjoying your prose. BUT I FORGOT!!:eek: Now I have to get all the Coke Zero out of my keyboard - any hints about how to go about it??


    Thanks again for another wonderful read -- you just keep getting better and better! (And, before you ask, NO, the house on Tenerife is still not sold! But I have a feeling that you might be the one to write the phenomenal exposé that will find a buyer for us!):D

  4. Here is a video interview with Egon when he was in the first year of his journey. The title of the video is in German (I think) but the interview is in English.

    Cheers to a most remarkable man. RIP




    Thanks for reposting the link to this wonderful video. BTW, the title and the printed info is, I think, in norwegian (as the author is from Bergen, according to his biography).


    We will all miss Egon!

  5. Heartfelt condolences, Steve.


    We, who only knew Egon for such a short time through his wonderful, incredible journey, can only imagine how you must miss your Dad. Thank you for sharing him with us. He was an inspiration to all of us. We really appreciate your keeping us informed of the last days of our friend, despite all the sadness you have been, and are still, experiencing.


    Also, an enormous THANK YOU to Pat, for starting this wonderful thread... (and so sorry that the last day of your long wished-for and much deserved TA cruise has to end on this very sad note).:(

  6. I talked to Egon's son, Steve, on Facebook wondering where Egon disappeared to for the past few days. This is his reply:


    Hi Pat, it has been a very difficult nine days... Dad became much weaker

    also with pain prior to previous weekend - emerge ... - doctors - nurses - mobility details... presently stable (with various meds) but still weak and primarily bed confined. Fortunately I now have quite a few more

    professionals involved, including ParaMed and HomeCare. Hoping that he will

    be able to get back to the computer this week. Thanks ~ Steve


    I think it's time for a card brigade again, don't you all?


    Hi Pat,

    Thanks for keeping us informed about the news, although it is not what we were hoping to hear. PLEASE post Egon's address once again -- I have mislaid it since sending the birthday card and would like to get another greeting off to him. THANKS!

  7. Thanks for the posts YellowBird23 and PartyofOne. Were any of the rest of you surprised at the spareness of the accomodations he has on the ship? I guess I'm spoiled with the beautiful rooms I've known.


    We sailed with the MSC Melody in 1998 (one cruise on that ship was more than enough for us:rolleyes:) and she was already an OLD ship then, having been built in 1982.

  8. Egon -- it has been wonderful following your adventures of the past year and you are the "epitome of growing old gracefully" to all of us. The trials and tribulations you experienced during your odyssey were mastered by you in a "bewundernswerte" manner. Respect!


    May you enjoy many more years of being young!:)

  9. So sorry that you had to say "farewell" to Budha. But it was an "act of love" to not let him suffer.


    Doug -- what beautiful cats you have (and Pretty Girl/Boy has absolutely incredible eyes! Looks like she/he puts eye-liner on every day:D)

  10. I'm very late to this thread (okay - more than a year late!), so I'm sorry if I'm repeating something somebody else may have already said. I've only read bits and pieces and recall somebody mentioning how Egon would be great in a commercial for the cruiseline. I disagree somewhat - I think this is an awesome commercial for McDonalds. Somebody traveling for a year, searching out McD's in each port to connect with family (of course, they would probably put a slightly different "taste of home" spin on it too). Egon really seems to be a character - somebody who's charismatic and defies people's conceptions of aging and old. I really see a commercial there - maybe a vlog on their website or in the restaurants where they have TV's.


    What a great idea -- although I'm not sure McDonalds would be thrilled to know that he "nurses" a coffee during his hours of time in their restaurants and, from what we've read about his healthy habits (and disdain for overweight people eating too much), cannot picture him eating a Big Mac!:D

  11. What cruise line does the Spirit belong to?


    Does MSC have any kind of rewards program like RC? If so, Egon must be on their upper level.


    Hi Carol,


    According to Karen's signature, it must be the NCL Spirit.

  12. Hi everyone. Ok, what is going on with Egon and Beatrice? I can not remember who she is. Isn't she the friend who is cruising with him as his guest? He sounds excited about it. ;) I can't wait to get the 4-1-1 on this cruise!


    Beatrice looks to be a lovely lady from Switzerland. I think that she is in one of the photos that Joyce posted previously.


    And -- a table for two at a window, WOW! Egon will be smiling from "ear to ear" in the next set of photos, hopefully.:D

  13. I am officially an "old geezer" too on Monday. I turn 65 and will join all the people on Medicare. Hope I don't have to use it!:D


    Okie? So you're a cougar???? lol....lots of encouragement there and thanks! I really don't turn 65 until the 23rd. I think once I said I was going skinny dippin' someone took it for my birthday (or birthday suit) so still very, very young until that day. :D BTW...Bill Clinton turns 65 three days before me!!!


    Sorry Pat, I must be the culprit that wrongly interpreted the day of your birthday! When you wrote about joining Medicare on Monday, I presumed you meant this past Monday -- the 1st of August:o


    Now you can just celebrate it twice:D.

  14. That's why I was afraid they'd turn the light on! I was planning to skinny dip! Ain't dead yet! lol:D:D


    It's Monday so...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAT!! Hope it's a wonderful year for you -- and thanks for this incredible thread on CC. Following Egon's year onboard certainly shows all of us what can be possible in our "chronologically advantaged" years.

  15. How about cabin 1231 on the Silhouette? We have that cabin for next year to the Holy Land.



    Silhouette was only launched a week ago. It will take a while before you see many reports.


    Additionally, please see posting #1354 (2 above) to note that this thread is only for reporting, not for questions. :) And have a look at the spread sheets for cabin 1231 on one of the other Solstice class ships to get an approx. idea of your cabin.

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