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Posts posted by jgmorgan

  1. On 10/20/2021 at 11:13 AM, Jim_Iain said:

    I've done 2 B2B"s in the past month.

    Hi Jim.  Did you check-in for the second leg as you normally would?  We have B2B cruises (same cabin) in January that were booked online with Celebrity but there has been nothing specific to identify them as B2B.  Do we need to communicate that to Celebrity (in advance or on-board) or do they just recognize that from the bookings?  Thanks for your help.

  2. On our recent Equinox cruise (9/20) they were offering all of our printed pictures for the duration of the cruise for $99 per cabin.  Normally we don't buy photos (unless one is particularly good) but we had some OBC and took the deal and were pleased with the outcome.  The photo guy indicated that they were piloting that idea so I have no idea whether it is available on other cruises.

  3. 10 hours ago, Catlover54 said:

    How long will it take politicians and their appointed health people to recognize this

    Hopefully long enough to have a very high degree of confidence that the next move is the right one. A strong and enforced vaccine mandate would likely hasten the return to more or less "normal".  But some folks believe that the right to put oneself and others in needless danger is fundamental.  So until that issue finds some resolution, we are probably stuck where we are for now.

    • Like 2
  4. 36 minutes ago, Keys Kathy said:

    Well, you have certainly put me in my place! 


    9 minutes ago, LGW59 said:

    And violets are blue…

    Sounds like to me,

    it's the buffet for you.


  5. 12 minutes ago, morpheusofthesea said:

    Am I missing something here ?

    Possibly.  The Executive Order travel ban included exceptions for air and sea crew travelling with certain categories of visas:


    (viii)  any noncitizen traveling as a nonimmigrant pursuant to a C-1, D, or C-1/D nonimmigrant visa as a crewmember or any noncitizen otherwise traveling to the United States as air or sea crew;


    • Thanks 1
  6. In another post several days ago (I can't remember whose or I would give them the credit), it was suggested that you could get a confirmation emailed to you by calling (888)307-8413.  It is an automated system that was very straightforward to use.  When you get the confirmation, it will have the information about what is included for your cruise.  The confirmation isn't easy to read, but if you have the All Included items, you will see them as charges with corresponding credits.  Mine also shows a line named ALWAYS INC NRD, which I think relates to the non refundable deposit when booking All Included fares.


    Hope this helps you as it did me.

  7. 2 hours ago, dkjretired said:

    Evening chic only applies to MDR.

    Interesting.  I noticed that you had made this same point in an earlier thread/post.  Is that information from the website or based on your experience on previous cruises.  Just curious to know.

  8. As others have said, once on a ship of fully vaccinated and tested passengers over 12 years old and 100% of crew, we feel very safe compared to many venues closer to home.  (We live in Tennessee where the "Volunteer" spirit has seriously diminished it seems.  Sacrifice on behalf of others used to be something we were proud of but...I digress.)  The most vulnerable time is getting from home to the port and back again.  We try to practice masking and distancing to the extent possible and feel pretty good about our experiences so far in airports we have been through.  So in our view, our cruise last August and the ones coming up later this month and January can be enjoyed with relative comfort.  Of course anything can happen, but we believe the risk/reward is balanced in our favor.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Fouremco said:

    Nice jeans and a sweater are acceptable when cruising in any region.

    Yep, that is correct. We have not seen a lot jeans in Blu but certainly some and they are clearly within the recommended dress code.

  10. Smart casual is recommended for evening wear in the main dining room and specialty restaurants including Blu.  We generally travel in Aqua Class and in our experience more people than not "spruce up" a bit on evening chic nights.  Rarely has anyone showed up in unacceptable clothing; on a couple of occasions gentlemen wearing shorts have been asked to leave.


    Our most recent Alaska cruise in August (as well as one in 2019) was noticeably more casual than our other cruises.  Nice jeans and a sweater would work just fine, although on evening chic nights you will see a few more sparkles.🙂

  11. 6 hours ago, sanger727 said:

    Minimum incubation period is 2 days. 

    Yes that appears to be true. If the close contact with Covid is a random, previously unknown person, then a test in the two days following would almost certainly be negative.  If the contact is someone in the same traveling party, or someone with whom contact has been recurring, it might be a different outcome.  Celebrity is trying to manage a difficult situation and certainly learning as they go.  I’m glad they are trying.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, sanger727 said:

    Standard quarantine is 7-14 days from exposure where you are quarantined the whole time.

    This may not apply to fully vaccinated persons.  The CDC doesn't recommend quarantine for fully vaccinated persons who encounter a close contact.  However, it appears that Celebrity has chosen to be a bit more conservative by requiring two negative test days.  They also are following the CDC guidelines that mandate masks for close contacts for 14 days after exposure.


  13. 13 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:

    While I'm willing to bet that Celebrity and other lines had some ideas in mind, I'm not surprised that they waited to announce them until they were sure it was necessary.

    And, given the number of cruises that were scheduled for Venice, I suspect the capacity of Trieste and Ravenna to handle multiple ships presents some serious logistical as well as scheduling challenges.

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