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Posts posted by sprinkles

  1. 38 minutes ago, markwfpb said:

    The number of times you're having to reframe your scenario/question along with the number of responses you're kinda rejecting make this sound like it just isn't a sound idea. My two cents. 

    Have you ever been on Holland America?  If not, you may understand better why this was originally posted on that forum.  

  2. 9 hours ago, chengkp75 said:

    Okay, let's take your young person with no known medical condition that is medically disembarked in a foreign country, who has an extreme fear of flying.


    You would have two choices:

    1.  The person continues to receive medical care in the foreign country until they could book another cruise to return to the US

    2.  A medical charter flight, with doctor and nurses, might accept a patient who needs to be unconscious to fly, but again, depending on the length of the flight, this may not be feasible.

    Thank you, Happy Sailing

  3. 14 minutes ago, lizinvan said:

    Hope you get some answers!  We have never been but heading there end of Nov for first visit so not much help!  Living vacariously through all of you who have gone ahead.  Hoping to read of others so we can follow some footprints:) I will keep checking for others' experiences.  Happy to share ours later!

    Please do, I will also if we attempt it when we go,

  4. Okay, since there seems to be interest in this, I’ll expound.


    I really do not want to get too specific for privacy issues.  So maybe keep this as a hypothetical question (as this thread is no longer on a specific lines forum) Yes, I am specifically talking about round trip from US.  A cruise that leaves the west coast, heads to Hawaii then continues to multiple ports and returns to the US.  Not as long as the 51 day, Tales of the South Pacific that I am leaving on in two weeks.  I have every intention of asking this question and having this discussion with staff on board.  But yes, a ship that gets as far as Tahiti (do I really need to list the exact ship and every port to discuss this)?  

    Also, like I talked about above.  Take the dementia out of it, I was also asking about people with severe fears of flying.  But for my family, no one is talking about trying to make her go on a plane.  Their last cruise was 9 years ago, a round trip Hawaii (I had these concerns 9 years ago).  She made it without incident.  They have literally been no where, not left their city in 9 years. 


    What type of “medical emergency” specifically for her?  
    Heart Attack.  By the way, as of late last night, my Dad may have found someone to stay with her and is talking about hopefully going without her (the obvious best solution, however she goes back and forth about wanting to go).  

    Also, like I stated above, I have had more and more personal experiences meeting cruisemates with obvious dementia (I personally have a friend who travels with their spouse with dementia) and believe I will be seeing more and more as the OG cruisers from the 70’s continue to age.


    Okay, now that this is in this section (still looking for first hand knowledge) let’s switch the scenario.  Let’s just talk about extreme fear of flying.  Let’s take the air lift out of the scenario.  The patient has been stabilized in the ships infirmary and is forcibly disembarked at the next port of call…….okay lol, this could go on forever,,,,,I definitely will have some fun discussing this stuff with crew (might cost me a couple of bottles of wine 🤣).


    Doesn’t anyone see where I’m going with this?  Think mental health, what if the patient is a 25 year old with no known medical issues?  My point is, this is not about “they shouldn’t get on a ship”.  The bottom line is “they” do.  

    Happy Sailing Everyone








  5. 5 hours ago, chengkp75 said:

    I'll just chime in on the air evacuation from the ship.  The decision to do one is not made by the ship's doctor alone.  The ship's Captain, the helicopter flight crew, and the government agency's flight surgeon will all have a say in whether or not an air evacuation is warranted, and whether it happens.  If the flight surgeon or flight crew know that the patient could become violent during either the basket lift, or the flight in a crowded helicopter, my suspicion is that an air evacuation would be ruled out.  The first thing the government agency looks at is a risk/reward calculation as to whether the patient is better off for an extended period in the well stocked medical center onboard, or whether the risk of an airlift and flight in a helicopter with limited resources to the patient is outweighed by the shorter time to get the patient to the hospital.  Part of that calculation is risk to the flight crew, and a potentially violent patient just ups that risk.  I doubt that either the ship's doctor, nor the flight surgeon would recommend tranquilizing a patient to unconsciousness for an airlift, as just so much could go wrong in that scenario.

    Thank You for the best response to my original post yet.  

  6. Well okay, let’s see if I get any answers to my original question here.  By the way, I myself have been traveling with MS for years.  Please I am not looking for advice re dementia.  Although very kind, I really am well versed on the subject.  My fathers choices are very limited, they have been married for 46 years.  I really am looking for answers to my original question.  

    Although this may be a place where this starts a better conversation.  As I really have been seeing more and more people on the ships with this “issue”.


    Happy Sailing Everyone.

  7. 1 hour ago, PROCRUISE said:

    As a retired ER nurse, this is probably the best advice I've read here. I am assuming that her private care physician knows the patients history and circumstances and would be in the best position to advise and possibly write a Rx for medications that might help. I think it would ease your mind also to have the physician lay out a plan of action if a problem arose during the cruise. Wishing you the best.

    Thank you for your kind response.

  8. 1 hour ago, cbr663 said:

    I have never verified this information with an airline and I suggest that you reach out to an airline for confirmation.  As someone who suffers from motion sickness and needs to take drugs to fly and also sail on ships, it has always been my understanding that you are never to take anything when flying that will knock you out entirely.  In the case of an emergency the flight crew have to have the ability to awaken you.



    Thank you for your kind response.

  9. 2 hours ago, BermudaBound2014 said:



    First, my sympathies for what you are going thru. This is a difficult road. I have also dealt with dementia and wish this on no one. 


    My arm chair addition is that I believe that @DE Solohas provided the best course of action. Being a caregiver (your dad) is never easy and giving him a break is probably a wonderful idea.


    I hired caregivers for my mom. The trick was to have her become familiar with the caregiver before leaving her alone with the caregiver. It's also key to screen the caregiver and make sure you have a back up person also. There are companies that will help (albeit costly), but they have back up people and more resources.  Knowing how my mother was, I feel like a cruise would have been way too much stimulation (she was fine with flying) and being out of her element caused lots of anxiety the deeper into the disease she got. 


    Of course, as @Mary229 stated, none of us can give advice other than your personal Dr. 


    I applaud you for wanting to make your fathers dream vacation a reality. 


    Best to you and your family,

    Thank you for your kind response.  I wonder if you would have seen my post where it has now been moved to?

  10. FopMan- Thank You


    DeSolo, not a stupid question (this will also address Mary’s statement).


    Unfortunately, I have had too much experience with dementia in my life.  This is all about my Step-Mother, who lost her Mother to dementia.  So my Step-Mom will only talk about her physical ailments.  My Father went to their doctor and referenced his suspicions.  The doctor ordered a brain MRI, but step-mom refused, saying I’m not crazy (she has feared this diagnosis her adult life).  You cannot make anybody do anything.  So no, no official diagnosis and from my experience (my former profession and personal associations) you cannot make anyone do anything unless they are a danger to themself or others.


    So, I am talking about someone who would be clean, well dressed and well behaved in public (other than repeating herself or possibly getting lost on the ship if left alone).  Much like many of the cruisers I referenced in an earlier post.  Someone that you would have to spend substantial time with before “figuring it out”.


    DeSolo, believe me, we are looking into it (short answer).  It may be the only chance my Dad has to take his dream trip.  

    okay, now back to my initial question.



  11. Okay, I was hoping that my time on this board would offer me some grace for being bold enough to ask what I KNOW for fact, others have had to ask themselves.  I know this for fact, because hubby and I spend a substantial amount of time hanging out in the (gasp, lol) smoking section.  So we tend to get to know others in that section very well.  So I have been seeing more and more passengers in (that condition).  Sometimes family members will let us know, sometimes we just figure it out).


    That being said, it only makes sense that we will see more and more of this (like my own two sets of parents, who began cruising in the 70’s.  I started cruising in the 90’s.


    So trying to keep this honest and sincere.  I had a second scenario.  Take out the dementia.  Let’s just say EXTREME fear of flying (yes total knockout, Valium didn’t work 30 years ago for her).  I have cruised Hawaii many times and have talked with MANY cruisers who do that cruise because they would not fly.  I do know there was a ship that disembarked all its passengers in Hawaii after coming in with mechanical trouble.  

    So back to my parents, it has been 9 years since my Dad has been anywhere.  My fathers dream has been to go to Tahiti.  I’m leaving in two weeks, then going again in February.   My Dad knows this may be his only chance to go, with my husband and I.  Where we could help watch out for her.  My Dad could go off ship with my husband and I can stay on the ship with her.  Also I did not say she acts insane!  The irrational insanity would be if someone tried to put her in a basket to be airlifted.


    I have so much more to say as I expected that I would have to explain more and more.  I guess I’ll see where the questions keep going.  Probably a few more have popped up while I typed this.

  12. Okay bear with me, lol.  I had to pick a tag that would get views.  Hoping this doesn’t get moved to the medical section.  Here we go, has anyone ever personally seen OR have actual knowledge of the following scenario (just picture the scene).    This is actually a serious question for me, as I’m sure others have had to face (traveling with family), ok I’ll even settle for rumors.

    Elderly patient (undiagnosed dementia coupled with fear of flying - like has refused to step on a plane for over 30 years) goes on a cruise round trip US.  Has a medical emergency and is air evacuated.  Now imagine an absolutely insane person loosing their mind.  Will/can the ships doctor tranquilize (which is exactly what it would take) the patient?  Then on the other end, hopefully that person can get tranquilized again to board a plane to get home from Hawaii.  See where I’m going with this?   

    Thank you



  13. 17 minutes ago, 3rdGenCunarder said:


    I wasn't doubting you. I just think it's ridiculous that the HAL staff in town weren't more visible.  I did the "barnacles" tour back in 2017, and we were picked up at the port (just one ship as this was before the enlargement) and dropped in town. There was a shuttle, but we took a taxi back to the ship.  

    I didn’t think you were.  Personally, I think you are pointing out what I was thinking.  That the port wants cruisers to spend money either before or after our tours in the town.  

  14. 51 minutes ago, 3rdGenCunarder said:


    That's inexcusable. All those orange umbrellas in the suites and there aren't a few extras on board so shorex people can have them, both for their comfort and for visibility? If excursions leave from the end of a shuttle ride, then they should treat it like a tender port. You get off the tender, there are staff. You get off the bus, there should be staff. 


    Part of the problem is the shared shuttles. If buses were assigned by ship, then HAL could put someone on the bus to answer questions and give directions. The person wouldn't have to stay on the bus, Just get on right before it leaves, tell people where the tour locations are, and then send the bus on its way. Do they staff the shuttle queue at all? A person just walking along the line asking if anyone needs help would be good.

    Ok, to back it up.  If I recall correctly, the shore ex person was easy enough to find when we exited the ship.  Directions were, take the shuttle to the visitors center and there will be people there.  I can honestly say that everyone seemed really annoyed with the process.  

    • Thanks 1
  15. I had this same experience this past May on the Westerdam with the bears/barnacles tour.  I booked the ships tour to make my life easier traveling with my Granddaughter.  Only to be dumped at the visitors center in the rain and told “there will be a Holland America Rep somewhere”.  We’ll there was not, for 30 minutes or more.


    It was honestly a frustrating mess.  I found myself wandering in circles with another passenger on the same tour looking for a Holland America Rep.  When we finally found 1 person with a clipboard in the mass of people, we were told to wait in front of the tourist office for the bus.  Then the bus arrived on the other side of the building, argghhh it really was pretty ugly.


    We had a great time on the tour, but agree the bus pick up should be at the ship (we were returned to the ship).  

    • Thanks 1
  16. Does anyone have good directions?  I did it multiple times 20 years ago.  I remember going to the bus terminal and it being about a 30 minute (confusing) bus ride.  Out to where there was a small snack shop, gorgeous views of Moorea and fun surf to swim in.  Leaving in 3 weeks.  Big kahuna you out there?  Thanks

  17. 13 hours ago, Tahitianbigkahuna said:

    1.3 miles from the PG tender location to Coco Beach transfer. as you get close you will see the sign. Might want to check for current info  .... what is on the sign is likely correct but I'm giving a disclaimer 😉


    Good snorkeling as you work your way to the reef 


    Screenshot 2024-06-11 172048.jpg

    Thank you BigKahuna,

    can you please help me figure out the reservation form?  I tried many many times, but can’t read French, lol.  I am trying to make a reservation for 10 am for 2 people.  Thank you for all your time on this board.

  18. Hello, hoping BigKahuna will answer, or anyone with info.  I have done the snorkel /lunch thing so many times and already have others booked on this trip.  I just want a boat transfer over to the motu and hang out there all day, can I get that by the tender area?  I would be in on the bbq lunch.  I really want to go farther down the beach, not at the point where we were last year.  Is that only available for locals, as some of the tour companies say in their websit?  If I have to book the snorkel tour to get there, what company brings you farther down on the beach.  Also considering coco beach, can anyone provide really good directions/pictures of where you catch their shuttle.  I understand it is about a mile walk.  Thank you.

    Happy Sailing Everyone

  19. 5 hours ago, BermudaBound2014 said:

    I did! you pick up a ticket in the office right outside the gangway. $25 round trip. Water taxi Comes often. It’s primitive, showers didn’t work and you bring your own toilet paper. Beach was great. Snorkeling from beach was decent at the far end. Lots of locals. I will likely do this again next year. I’d be more than happy to show you where to get the tickets but it’s super easy. You can see the motu from the ship.






    Hi, I was just talking about this place we went to last year (going again in September ).  Please remind me what island this was.  Thank You

  20. On 2/4/2024 at 7:56 AM, 1498sg said:

    Snooker lounge on grand do they still allow smoking? Does anybody know where outside smoking is on the ground?

    One deck above the aft lido pool, one of my favorite Princess smoking areas, nice couches. Last time I was on her it was starboard. Time before was port side.

  21. 13 minutes ago, doghog said:



    Smokers such as yourself using the casino as a smoking lounge is nothing new. Princess has always allowed it.  Even when the casino is closed to gambling. The smokers are not a fault here. It is an authorized smoking area. 


    Glad Princess is removing Churchills. But turning them into arcades!! 👎



    You posted while I was talking, so the Grand is or has removed it?

  22. 4 hours ago, justafem said:

    What I'm seeing is Princess is converting the dedicated enclosed smoking lounges into arcades.  So if smokers want to smoke inside going forward, we'll be in the casino, probably not gambling or playing so slow as to be not gambling.  It'll become our smoking lounge.  


    A step backwards if you ask me. 

    Yup.  I don’t remember the ship (seems like it was the Emerald). Used to have tables by the bar where you could smoke cigarettes (before they instituted smoking only while gambling) and cigars were only allowed in Churchills  (until the post Covid re-start).  Non smokers don’t realize that we had our own battle between cigar and cigarette smokers, when it came to Churchills.  Personally I couldn’t stand cigars, but if I chose to go to Churchills in inclement weather, I was in their turf.  I was so shocked when I met my husband at the aft smoking area (he was smoking a cigar) and found out that they were now allowed at the aft.  He was shocked when I told him they were never allowed there (he’s a newer cruiser).  After they re-opened Churchills it became one of his favorite places, guess I’ll have to take him on the Grand one last time.  Hopefully someone can confirm that it is still open “for now”.


    Oh well for every action…..

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