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Posts posted by richwmn

  1. After 350 posts, all very interesting, I guess I will add mine. I had 6 years active USN with 9 hrs "sea" time (Panama Canal Transit in 1977 aboard the USS Kinkaid) I had my first cruise on the Zaandam in 2000. As with many, the first was the best. Two of the cruise staff were from SEC schools (FL and KY) so we had a lot to talk and joke about. I had a great time and was more than ready to cruise again. As a side note, the Kinkaid was a new build out of Mississippi when I did the transit and is now a reef somewhere.



  2. You have to have them at a web location, such as webshots or in your space supplied with your web account. Then, look above the typing area and you will see an icon that looks like a post card. Click on that, then enter the location of the image. It will then show up in your post -- like this



  3. One person posted a tease of a post suggesting that that would be the next cruise to be chartered but gave no further information. Rich, if nobody else has come up with any reason to believe it, and the OP on that topic has not returned, perhaps those unverified charters should just be removed from the list?


    Or has someone heard more about those since the topic first came up?


    This was talking about the 2/22 Westerdam. It has now been verified as a full charter


    Hal booking agent says group has reserved all early dining 12/14/08on Veendam. I'm guessing it would not be party group if they eat early. Any idea on who it could be? There is no roll call so far, so maybe it's a big group.

    Thanks for any help.

    I just verified that a large group is on this sailing, numbering around 700, but they were unable to tell me the name of the group.


    The 2/28 Eurodam still has some time to complete a full charter. It remains a posibility.



  4. Your list shows that the 4/5/08 sailing of the Ryndam will have a carplayer poker group on board. I went to their web site and it doesn't show this cruise. Can you verify that the group will be on this cruise?


    The information was correct at the time it was added. There are several reasons you might not have found it. First is that there are several groups offering poker cruises. Second, since the cruise is not far off, they may have sold out and pulled it from their site. I have no way other than web searches to find these groups, so I have no one to call to verify if a group still exists.

    The list exists as a guide only. I hope you enjoy your cruise.



  5. Is there a way to find out about groups on other lines other than HAL?


    we are presently booked for a RCI ship (as noted in my signature)


    any info would be appreciated.


    Since no one has any other answer, I will tell you what I know. My list was generated due to interest on this board. In following threads about groups, I have seen a list for CCL, but no where else (but I might have missed one).


    I do not believe any board other than here and CCL has such a list.



  6. I would like to take a quick opportunity to thank everyone who has sent updates to me for the group list. It is interesting to me to see the wide range of groups that book, some of which we would never know about because they really don't impact our cruise.


    To onthegogirl -- if you go to the HAL website and book a cruise up to the point of selecting a cabin type, at the bottom of the page it shows which dining times are available and which are wait listed.



  7. Have been rather concerned about same topic (groups) on 10/24/07 Volendam 10 nt Canal Round-trip, because when we booked in early Feb, we could only get Balcony Guarantee and now very limited availability of inside & outside cabins, BUT only 4 people have posted on our rollcall thread!! So far I have found only 2 smallish groups: Bible Study and Bridge.

    Where did you find those two groups, I don't have them yet



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