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Posts posted by 4yanx

  1. Good luck. Just remember if you eat and drink too much (and you will) you won't be able to carry your bride anywhere!


    I'm unclear whether you have insurance but if not I strongly advise you try to get some if you are travelling with more potential mobility/health issues. Of course, it's now a "pre-existing" condition so getting cover might be a problem anyway.


    We have insurance. If we decide to exercise that option, we will. Thanks, you can have "I told you so" rights if it proves less than a great time. Don't hold your breath. ;)

  2. Appreciate your well wishes but the trip won't be cancelled for a variety of reasons, one of not being insurance, as it is not the only portion of a longer stay with family and friends in Europe, So thanks anyway, we'll make do and have a great time as we always do, even if I carry her on and off, cart her to the spa, and we sit and have food and drink brought to us elsewhere. LOL


    I have spoken to Seabourn and our hotel folks since posting this, all of whom have had excellent suggestions and even an offer of scooter tours in Prague and a hotel staff driven car in Istanbul. We'll be fine. Happy traveling, all!

  3. Honestly? I might think about postponing the honeymoon until her knee is healed and she is more mobile again. Getting around the ship is easy enough but getting on/off can be tricky either via gangway or tender. If she's still in pain and generally feeling under the weather your honeymoon might turn out to be memorable for all the wrong reasons. Your insurance (you do have some, right?) should cover any cancellation costs in these circumstances and I'm sure Seabourn will be happy to help with planning a future cruise which you can both fully enjoy.


    Honestly, thanks for your advice.

  4. We will be on Odyssey for a cruise beginning May 2 as part of our honeymoon in Europe following our marriage. Unfortunately, my fiancee very badly injured her knee last week which now requires surgery and a lengthy rehab. For now, she is in a heavy brace and can "walk" only with crutches.


    She is a trouper and while she insists on making the trip, I'm hoping to make things as comfortable as possible for her, knowing that she will feel clumsy and be in some pain, depending on the situation. She'll need at least a wheel chair or a four wheel scooter/cart part of the time and between sites, especially.


    We are very active walkers but have already scaled back our shore plans in favor of more time on the ship. Given that, can you experienced cruisers who've also had the misfortune of being rather immobile while aboard give advise about how best to get around, especially getting on and off the ship, and share your favorite "staying behind on the ship" activities?

  5. The two of us will be spending a day here as a port on our cruise. We would like to rent a Quad for the day and would appreciate if anyone can share specific experience, good or bad, with any of the rental agencies near the port. I find an older post relating to this but wonder if things have changed. We are renting a car in Santorini but it appears that a Quad is a good choice on Mykonos. Anyone agree or disagree with this supposition? Thanks in advance

  6. An interesting post.


    .... the rarified atmosphere of a Seabourn cruise where inclusion and manners are utmost in everyone's mind.


    Henry :)




    I gotta mostly go with Pop-I on this one. I don't condone or tolerate "isms" of any kind, but an old folk or two being selfish or bitter enough to make such a silly crack is hardy agism and, I'm doubting it was the sentiment of more than a few (assuming she is an otherwise well-behaved child). Hopefully the "slight" taken will toughen her hide a little. Maybe the possible reasons for the overblown sense of entitlement the old bag displayed could be considered, such that your daughter's lesson learned can have further application than, "some people are mean".

  7. I'm not certain, but I plan to visit a Verizon rep later tomorrow. On their site, they list continuous plans for a monthly fee and "pay as you go" for both land side and cruise ship rates. For cruise ships the rate is $2.49 per voice minute, 50 cents to send and 5 cents to receive texts messages, and $20.48 Mb wireless data rate. The voice cost is brutal, but the data rate doesn't look too bad if you're just checking email and posting a picture to FB a time or four.


    I'd appreciate hearing how it works!

  8. I have seen a number of threads regarding the lack or expense of wi-fi service aboard most any cruise ship.


    What I have not seen is much discussion about using a global data package, as offered by one's mobile data carrier. Verizon, for instance, offers a specific "cruise ship" plan and rate. Has anyone used such a service about which they'd be willing to share their experience?

  9. Suit or Tux? Why does anyone care? Take and wear what you are comfortable in. You are, after all, on vacation.


    I have to disagree to a certain extent, though I understand and appreciate your point. "Personal Comfort" is why you can't go to a Broadway play without seeing a woman in short shorts and "I love NY" glitter T-Shirt and her escort sports tattered jeans and a wife beater shirt. It sometimes is more about joining in and not doing just what one wants.


    OTOH, I suppose that the majority of paying customers will always rule and that both styles and trends change over time. I tend to equate a luxury with the wearing of better than casual clothes. If I felt such that I'd REFUSE to wear a jacket or tie, I'd probably prefer another cruise line! LOL!!

  10. More space, but a higher deck suite can bring more movement.

    I do not like the penthouse suites as they have dark wood and the bed is encased in a glass shell.


    The best PH suite is 635 on deck six which is designated a disabled suite,lots of space,no glass shell surrounding the bed and on the best deck imo



    Sent from my iPad using Forums


    We asked about this suite as only it and the suite we booked were available. I expressed concern that I wouldn't want to book the suite and trump a disabled person out of an accommodation. I was told that if such proved the case we would be moved so, even if the chances were small, we passed.

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