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Everything posted by Rubyfisch

  1. I think I got a dud of a cinnamon roll - it was dried out to the point it felt like a cinnamon roll crouton....
  2. Much to my surprise, we had tea time today. It was labeled as Dutch Tea. We got there about ten minutes early. Note - this is a lunch replacement, but very tasty nonetheless.
  3. We walked around for a bit after we got back to Bar Harbor. We collect magnets and Christmas ornaments, so we got one of each. We wanted to get iced coffee, but several of the places were cash only (as was the boat galley). I've never tendered before and was worried about the wait to get back on. It wasn't an issue at all - we walked right onto a tender and were underway within a minute or two. We got iced coffees in the Crow's Nest and worked on one of the communal puzzles, before walking around a good bit.
  4. So, thoughts on the excursion. You really need to be committed to the desire to see lighthouses. It's long. Like really long. Like four hours from meeting in the theater to getting back to land. Don't get me wrong - it was absolutely beautiful and the guides did a great job. And we had no interest in sitting in traffic at Acadia. But there were a lot of swells and it was at catamaran. I saw at least two people being actively seasick. So basically, if you love lighthouses and aren't prone to seasickness, it might be for you.
  5. We saw wildlife as well, including bald eagles, seals, and harbor porpoises. Bald eagles: Seals (we were assured those dark spots were seal heads ....):
  6. We are waiting the theater for our excursion. We're doing a boat tour - Historic Lighthouses & Acadia National Park. When I booked it, I googled around because I was curious about the tour and found the company that ran it. The tickets were about $15 cheaper than on Holland. I submitted the price match form, and within a couple of hours they confirmed we'd get $17.50 each on OBC. It was very seamless.
  7. Breakfast in the lido - bean and egg burritos, hash browns, and fruit with yogurt:
  8. Also - good morning from Bar Harbor! Balcony views: More balcony views: Tender launching: Tender on the move: Close up of a tender:
  9. So - fun fact. At some point between going to sleep and 3:15 am, my phone decided we must have moved over four time zones. So my 7:15 am alarm went off at 3:15 ...
  10. It's been a great first day. Boarding was a breeze, lunch in the lido was tasty (we just had sushi, fruit, and a piece of the peanut butter pie). Sail away from Boston is a lot of fun. The PRIDE meetup was well attended and enjoyable. Dinner was good, and after dinner we spent time in the very empty Crow's Nest.
  11. We have late traditional dining, and have a lovely table. The food was all delicious and we were in and out in about 1:15. Sorry the pictures aren't great ... The lighting wasn't conducive to it. I had the tomato and mozzarella salad: Salmon chowder: Rainbow trout: Brownie cheese cake:
  12. Embarkation was super smooth - we basically walked right in around 12:15.
  13. Currently waiting for the SL2 to take us to the port. We decided to take the T as traffic in Boston is a bit of mess now.
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