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Posts posted by Firstin87

  1. @DebbieCruises Hi, I'm the one whose post you copied referencing the excellent M&G hosted by @Anoynmous Phoenix with the 'get to know each other' game.  While he explained the details of how he put the game together, I'll add some question ideas for you (listed below) as I think that's also what you wanted.  Be aware - I have never hosted an M&G and do not know if any of these would be a problem for NCL ; I trust AP will be able to respond if that is the case.  I don't recall it being a Bingo card layout, but a list that you filled out.  We had an extra bottle of champagne in our room, so gave it to AP to use as a prize.


    Question Ideas:

    Who drives a (insert husband's favorite car maker here)?

    Who has cruised on Oceania or Regent (NCLH's other brands)?

    If you know where people are from, who lives in the city/state that a pro sports team just won the championship (i.e., New York if the Yankees won the World Series)?

    Who has more than 3 grandchildren?

    Who has worked in x industry (healthcare, tech, etc.)?


    Just thoughts to start the brainstorming.  Generally, questions that will get people to find they have something in common and get people chatting not just at the M&G, but later in the cruise.  As I noted in my original post, because AP had attendees roving around, we were able to recognize each other around the ship and led to further conversations.



  2. 17 hours ago, Anoynmous Phoenix said:



    It was one of the many things that I delivered to the cabin door the day before the Meet & Greet.   That along with colour coded and informative Name Tags, that I had made, were my "attempt" to get people to MEET & GREET.

    Another thing was a personal invitation.



    @DorothyB  I don't recall if we got our list the day before (i think it was in 2018), but I do recall there being copies at the M&G so if you didn't have one beforehand, you picked it up there.  Very well organized, good variety of questions that covered quite a few areas of interest so you were bound to find something you had in common with someone.



  3. @DorothyB I've never hosted an M&G, but DH and I have done ~20 NCL cruises and have attended the M&Gs on most of them (missed on some of our early cruises).  Just from the point of view of a frequent attendee, I have found that the shorter cruises have fewer turnout.  I'd guess because there is less opportunity for people to participate in other activities together.


    Something that has not been mentioned here that we have found to make an M&G more enjoyable for us is when the host has 'get acquainted' activities planned for the M&G.  Not just 'sign up for...', but during the M&G something to get people up and moving and talking to each other.  One of the best ones we attended was hosted by @Anoynmous Phoenix when he was known as "caso fil i a" (didn't know until this thread that you'd changed your CC name).  Attendees had a list of 'find someone who...' that we tilled out, so people were up and asking each other questions - 'are you from outside the US', 'do you have more than 4 kids', 'do you drive a Ford', etc. - which led to people recognizing each other around the ship and chatting throughout the cruise.  If an M&G has 50 people, but they all sit at tables and only talk to their tablemates or those they arrived with, people really aren't 'meeting' or 'greeting' each other.


    On the other hand, one of the worst we attended was this past spring when the host was anonymous.  They were not at the table greeting passengers as we entered the venue, not helping with the name tags (all done by NCL staff), never got on the mic and welcomed the attendees.  Left the event with no idea who the host was, although we did learn later from others that they were there.  Once the officers spoke, everyone left.  M&G lasted 20 minutes max.  I don't recommend following that example - lol.


  4. 1 hour ago, cusematt4 said:

    Thanks.  Amex says it must be booked through Amex travel.  That’s not true as hundreds or travel agents apply this if  paid in full with Ames platinum card.  So just hoping to find actually correct info and prior experience.

    That is correct that it does not need to be booked through AmEx Travel, but it does need to be booked through an AmEx travel agent partner.  Unfortunately, we are not allowed to name travel agents on CC, but there are many franchises and national agents who are affiliated with AmEx that will apply the benefits.


    We've used an AmEx partnered TA for several years, about 10 cruises, and have never had a problem with getting AmEx benefits applied or using them.  The OBC will appear on your NCL account at boarding, so don't worry if you don't see it right away.

  5. OP -you mentioned that the 2nd person's airfare being free is a draw for you.  Be aware that the flights NCL will give you are the cheapest ones available.  You do not choose your flights.  I recommend going to Google flights, looking for the round-trip on either the dates you'd fly or similar ones (same X day of the week of similar month you'd fly) and seeing what the cheapest Economy flights are.  If those are one's you'd choose yourself, NCL will probably have the best price and you'd have the benefit of them handling it.  Not sure how it would work if you want to upgrade from Economy, but others will know and tell you about it.

  6. We're on the other end of the spectrum - we were there on our honeymoon in 1987 and haven't been able to get back there since.  An NCL cruise we were on last Feb. was due to dock there, but Mother Nature said 'not today, folks'.  Seeing that the Rhapsody hits St. Croix on most (all?) their itineraries in Aug. and Sept. makes us feel more confidant that we'll make it this time.

  7. We are sailing out of San Juan. Rhapsody does several different 7 day itineraries in August and September (and probably other months, but we didn't check) that hit the hard-to0get-to St. Croix.  With eh humidity that time of year, I plan to bring extra shirts to change during the day, so am hoping to use the 'sale laundry bag' for underwear, socks, and shirts - all items that won't be harmed in the laundry.


    We have sailed out of Tampa before and it is a nice port and lovely sail away.  Nice for your husband to appreciate the bridge from a different perspective than the rest of us, Mum2Mercury.

  8. Thank you all so very much for the great information!


    We've done laundry countless times on NCL (~20 cruises with them) and have never had a problem, and I also don't put anything delicate or important in the bags.  We're on a cruise out of San Juan in August, so I'm thinking underwear, t-shirts, and, if necessary, shorts.  Hopefully, the shorts won't need to go and that will save a lot of space for more tees.


    Good to know about the possibility of the concierge getting us checked in for our flight.  At worse, we buy one day of internet.  Good to know not to worry about that until we're onboard.


    Looking forward to sailing on a new line.  Thanks again!

    • Like 1
  9. Hi All,


    We've cruised quite a bit, but this will be our first time on Royal Caribbean.  I've searched on CC, but can't find the answers to a couple of newbie questions.  We re on the Rhapsody of the Seas, 7 days, in an Owner's Suite.


    Laundry - Being new, we will not get a free laundry perk.  Does RC do a 'sale' on a bag of laundry during a 7 day cruise?  If so, about how big is the bag/how much fits in the bag?


    Internet - We're on a port intensive cruise and will have wifi when docked, so are not buying an internet package.  However, our last day is a sea day, so we won't be able to check in for our flight the next day.  Is there a way to check in for our flight that day (iCafe or Suite Lounge lets you do so for free??


    Thank you for your help!

  10. Very helpful information!  Got all the credit cards in Apple Pay and it sounds like I don't need any GBP.  I'm worried about Chase bank declining my Visa the first time we use it.  Both online and on the automated voice when I call say you don't need to let them know that you're travelling, they'll know and will accept your card.  Not sure how confidant I am about that.  Don't want to have a problem paying for dinner when the first night.

  11. Thank you @Island2Dweller!  All cards we're bringing are 'contactless'.  Got Apple Pay set up to use on the Tube and I guess the buses, as well.  I feel like I should have a few GBP for a small purchase?  tipping the chambermaid?  I also think having a couple of paper bills with QEII's picture will be a good souvenir, as they are transitioning to KCIII over time.

  12. Thank you all for the great advice.  Perhaps the single day HOHO and use my free afternoon the second day (second day a.m. is Tower of London) to return to other sites.   The third day is Westminster Abbey (hoping to get a vespers tour) and a self-guided walking tour of that area.  Excited that the Abbey currently has a Notre Dame exhibition.


    I understand that England is 'very cashless', but I'm wondering how many GBP to have on hand and am nervous that our Visa will actually work.  Heard that it's a common credit card taken, but our bank says we do not need to let them know we are travelling, they'll just know and won't block our card.  I'm not confidant that they'll know I'm in England (from Calif.) and fear having the card declined at first use and calling the bank to straighten it out at .25 cents a minutes for a call will be a headache.  Also have an AmEx and debit cards, so can get GBP at ATMs fairly easily, it sounds like.  I know things will make more sense when we're there, but planning our first trip is somewhat anxiety ridden - lol.


  13. We are visiting London for the first time for four days post-cruise in mid-May.  I've booked us to visit the Tower one morning, Westminster Abbey another morning, and Kensington Palace our final morning.  I'm thinking of buying a 2 day HOHO bus pass for Day 1 overall tour, get the lay of the land, and Day 2 after our Tower visit doing the river cruise that comes with the HOHO bus and possibly using the HOHO that afternoon to return to places we didn't get a chance to see on Day 1.  Both Big Bus Tours and City Sightseeing look good - pick up right outside our hotel, almost the same route; the only difference is that Big Bus gives us a couple of walking tours included, which is nice but not a deal breaker.  Anyone have any experience with either company and can recommend or discourage one over the other?


    Thank you!

  14. On 3/10/2024 at 7:53 AM, Homosassa said:

    On several occasions I couldn't find a bag in the luggage area.


    Each time I found it, but on each occasion, it was a problem with someone misidentifying the color tag with another color tag that might look identical in low light conditions of early morning.


    Examples of mix up in color tags: red/purple, blue/green, red/orange.


    There are also times when the luggage tags have been torn off the bag and the bags are kept separately until someone comes looking.


    On the other hand, I had someone attempt to steal my pocketbook while going through security to board the ship.


    It was skillfully done and if I hadn't been more observant, my pocketbook would have disappeared.


    It was a well orchestrated dance of a family that held up the line at security scanning with problems "understanding" what needed to be placed on the x-ray belt.. The line slowly built up behind them.


    When the family went through the scanner, the last member apparently forgot something was in his pocket which caused those of us behind him to bunch up while our items on the belt passed through the x-ray machine and out the other side. By the time I was through and could take my turn to pick up my belonging, my purse was no where to be seen.


    After a quick question to make sure I my purse wasn't somehow hung up in the X-ray. I started yelling for security that my purse had been stolen and for everyone to stop.


    Meanwhile, the family that has caused the backup and distraction were walking toward the exit into the check in hall. The port person at that exit stopped everyone and turned people back toward the security scanning point.


    My purse was being carried causally by the older teenager of the group.


    I have to say port security's response was immediate. My purse was returned to me and the last I saw of the family, both port security and a NOLA police officer were taking them to an area where they were to be searched to see if anything else might have been  "mistakenly" picked up during their progress through the embarkation line.



    Wow - what an experience!  So glad you were quick to yell out and that security responded so fast.  Just goes to remind everyone that you are on vacation with strangers and perhaps not everyone is an honest person.

  15. Had O do our laundry on a cruise last year.  Sure enough, took 3 days and it came back practically vacuum packed, so very wrinkled.  Was glad the laundry room had an ironing board.


    The reason the laundry room is closed later at night is to be considerate of cabins nearby.  The loud door slamming and possibly sound of the machines would not be welcomed by passengers who are trying to sleep.

    • Like 1
  16. Just happened upon this thread.  thank you markeb for the advice.  We'll be in London for four days post-cruise this May for the first time and I'm planning what to do on our 3 full days there.  Definitely going to Westminster Abbey and seeing the Notre Dame exhibition.  Have been told to plan for 2 hrs. there.  Am working on how to do that on our own (so am not rushed), then seeing the Parliament Building (hopefully doing a tour inside).


    Also want to see the Tower, of course.  Also, on our own so not rushed.  Heard that could take 3 hrs., but I plan on skipping the Crown Jewels, which I know is crowded and time-consuming.


    I assume my best bet is to do ticketed sites in the morning, followed by non-tick2eted sites in the area.  Best not do to the Abbey and Tower the same day, correct?  We're staying at the Clermont Hotel at Victoria Station.  Does my planning approach sound correct to those who have been to London?

  17. On 2/28/2024 at 11:48 AM, vacation44 said:

    As we are up every workday at 4:45 a.m., we tend to get up early on vacation.   However, we are also on the mindset we would rather partake in our vacation then spend extra hours sleeping in. 


    There were also roughly a couple hundred people in the Theater that morning waiting for their excursion so we were by far not the only ones up.    

    Since it was an NCL excursion, they should have made some type of breakfast arrangement for those participants.  Even a continental breakfast in a lounge before the meeting time would have been reasonable.  Sometimes, they don't things through very well.

  18. Sounds like a good plan for your first cruise.  Want to let you know that if there is something you really want to do in a port, book in advance.  Excursions can fill up and you could miss out if you wait.  You might want to look at YouTube videos of the ports you’ll visit.  My favorites are Paradeejay and David and Ben, but there are many who do a good job acquainting you with what is at each port.

    • Like 1
  19. Just off the Jade's Feb. 7-18 sailing.  As mcmommy said, Jade is clean and easy to get around.  Three elevators per deck (except Deck 14).  I recommend reviewing the ship guide and getting a sense of where locations of interest are before you sail.


    You don't mention when you are cruising, but with it being a 10 day through the Canal, there will probably not be a lot kids onboard.  NCL will have a local guide come aboard and talk about the Canal as you go through.  This lecture can be heard on the TV in your room, over the PA system, and in person at the venue (probably Spinnaker lounge, Deck 12, Forward) where the speaker is.  


    Food, which is subjective, is good.  Loved the choices and quality in the buffet.  NCL is not known for their desserts and cookies are no longer available, so if you have a sweet tooth and are used to Princess' desserts, you may be disappointed.  Jade ahs a Brazilian steakhouse restaurant called Moderno that is different.  If you're not familiar with Brazilian steakhouses, a large variety of meats are brought to your table throughout your meal for you to choose from; sides dishes (same for everyone) are at your table;  and grilled pineapple is the dessert.  If you go to Moderno, you prepare as you would for Thanksgiving - lol.


    Personally, we are fans of Cagney's steakhouse and LaCucina (Italian).  LeBistro is OK, but I'm allergix to seafood so my choices there are limited and we tend not to find it worth using a specialty dining there.  LaCucina and LeBistro have an additional charge for some items (fillet's, I think), so if you have Free at Sea specialty dinings, you'd have the upcharge (noted in the menu) still to pay.


    Crew is friendly, helpful.  Venues are not overly crowded.  You only need to get to Bingo pretty early to get a seat, but other activities you can arrive maybe :15 early if you want a particular spot or are meeting friends.


    One 'negative' to be aware of is that the shorex staff coordinating tour departures at the piers is very disorganized.  No signage for each tour and communication between the shorex staff at the pier is minimal to non-existent.  Arrive a few minutes earlier than your tickets states, ask a shorex staffer for directions, then ask fellow passengers already lined up to find your tour group.  We didn't go to the Shorex Desk onboard, so I don't know how helpful they are in that situation.


    You'll have a great time transiting the Canal! 

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