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Posts posted by geeko1

  1. To be correct,


    Irma IS the most powerful Hurricane that originated in the Atlantic Basin since the start of measurements.

    There have been stronger hurricanes, but these originated in the Pacific Basin.

    Also, the Atlantic Ocean has now record temperatures, caused by the Global Warming phenomenon.

    Last years were mild Hurricane seasons due to the El Niño effect., this year will be typical for the future according to many European Meteorologists ( and yes, it is Europe which is leading in Hurricane research and tracking). One of my friends, prof. Doc. Jorge Tamayo Carmona, is a leading World expert in Hurricane research. He is not surprised by Irma, Jose and many that will follow the next decades .


    What you say about Europe used to be true but is no longer the case

  2. o


    Even if it was, it isn't now. But I'm not saying this can't be bad and probably will be. EspecIally for our beloved Keys.


    there is speculation it will make landfall in Florida as a cat 5 and is predicted to enter Alabama as a cat 3. trying to down-play it means people will die. 65 people died during Andrew and IRMA is much larger.

  3. Thanks everyone. I appreciate your recommendations. I was concerned about many individuals looking for different accommodations post Irma there possibly being a supply and demand issue.

    I was going to book a fully cancellable hotel in a secondary location as a back up to the original SB booking, but will definitely take your comments under advisement. I appreciate it. I am just not certain what to expect, but I am sure no one does.

    I hope for the safety of all those in her path.

    Thanks again.


    It is common after disaster of this magnitude for FEMA to book up all of the motels in an area. Locals will also be booked into motels by FEMA as part of their disaster benefits

    Irma is the largest hurricane to ever hit Florida it's going to be a massive disaster so there's no way to tell what motels will be occupy about after the storm

  4. okay people... thoughts...

    Going out of New Orleans next Sunday (Sept 10), on the Carnival Dream but now there is a disturbance forming in the gulf and Hurricane Irma is projected to hit all of the ports we were scheduled to visit ... probably by Friday or Saturday (7th or 8th) ...

    Key West, Nassau, and Freeport.

    Does Carnival cancel or what to expect?


    I think it's pretty obvious that the cruise line isn't going to sale an expensive cruise ship and get it destroyed in hurricane

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