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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. Restrooms, showers and lockers. Zip line over top.
  2. Coco Loco from Carleton wow he says he’s making up for time missed. Mr. Megan went down the blue drop slide.
  3. We will hear when we return onboard. Secret; I may not go back. Forward my mail.
  4. Rode Daredevil and WOW that’s something. Then spotted a friend of the iguana variety.
  5. Heading out with the kids. I’ll check back in. Home base.
  6. No offense to anyone but if they come on one more time and say a “few minutes” I may go Karen. A few minutes constitutes less than an hour and a half.
  7. Paperwork. Like they don’t come here twice a week.
  8. Ran to get line beverages. I’m really tempted to cancel thrill waterpark.
  9. Still waiting. I’m thirsty. The kids are hungry.
  10. Now I play the game of how much time is worth what I paid for Thrill Waterpark.
  11. Listening to people as I continue to sit in the stairwell at the same spot with the line not moving… if this was my first cruise.., I don’t think I would cruise again.
  12. Correction captain did say it is not noro. 🙄
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