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Andi Land

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Posts posted by Andi Land

  1. 1 hour ago, kazu said:






    Thanks everyone for your kind words and thoughts ❤️


    I am very grateful that I have such a great Family Physician that fit me in that day (in fact, my appointment was after she was normally closed) as shingles is time sensitive.


    The anti virals are starting to help.  It’s still painful but nothing compared to before, thankfully.  Cold compresses, special calamine lotion and wearing DH’s shirts (so the shirt doesn’t touch my back as easily) is helping too 😉 

    My daughter was one of the “lucky” ones to get the chicken pox vaccine as a baby, chicken pox at age 3, first case of shingles at age 9, second case of shingles at age 11. She was actually put in a case study for childhood shingles because they were hopeful that the chicken pox vaccine would have saved her from both the pox and the shingles. 

    Take care and get some rest. If it goes like my daughters did you should feel better fairly soon. 

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  2. It’s been a busy week here for me and I haven’t had much free time. There was a call out for volunteers at the local fairgrounds to help with people and animal evacuees. So, I volunteered to help. 

    All in all it’s been a very positive experience. We’ve seen some baby lambs and piglets born. And best of all we’ve been able to send people home with care packages of clothes, food, toiletries, and gift cards because our awesome community stepped up to help. I’m most proud of the donation turnout since our county wasn’t directly impacted by the wildfires but wanted so much to help those who were. 

    We were able to house 36 people at the fairgrounds and hundreds of animals. It’s been an exhausting week but also extremely touching. I’m including a picture of some of the donations we received. 

    Stay safe everyone.  Can’t wait for some sense of normalcy to return. 


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  3. Thank you Rich and Roy for The Daily and the Care & Celebration List. 

    Just checking in to say that the fires seem to be getting slightly better and the evacuations are slowing down.  

    The air quality is off the charts awful. Everyone is recommended to stay inside. Many businesses have closed to protect employees from exposure. Still waiting to hear from my employer. 

    Have a great day all! 



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  4. Rich and Roy, thank you for the Daily. 

    9/11 is such a somber day and I don’t think anyone will forget where they were when it happened. I’ll say extra prayers for all of our first responders today. They are always called to duty in the worst of circumstances. It takes remarkable people to put their lives on the line like that. 

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  5. Thank you Rich and Roy!


    The smoke is heavy in the air this morning. I pray that these fires get under control soon before there is any more loss of life. Our County Fairgrounds have opened up for people and animals to retreat to for safety. 

    I’m including a picture from the Oregon Coast by Lincoln City that a local meteorologist took last night. It’s very eerie. 




    • Like 13
  6. 31 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

    Thank you for checking in, Linda. Safe travels.


    Now if @Andi Land checks in, that would be great. 

    Thank you for looking out for us! We are safe. We had been camping for a week and the smoke rolled in and we got home this weekend. My mother in law had a transformer by her house explode and catch her yard on fire. She was out of town at a funeral. Good thing her neighbors were alert and managed to put the fire out. We don’t have any evacuation orders in my county right now. Air quality is in the moderate category. 

    The picture is the view from my work window. Where you can normally see the beautiful Columbia River is now covered in smoky haze. 


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  7. 8 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

    I'm trying to book a cabin on the Volendam for a January, 2022 cruise.  When I get to the # of people in the cabin & click continue, the page just reloads.... any ideas how to get past this page?

    I’ve reported this problem for a few cruises I was looking at. I ended up having to call to make the reservation. 

  8. Thanks Rich, Roy, and everyone for sharing photos and a picnic. 

    In honor of motorist day I’ll share a story my dad told me when he was teaching me to drive. He said that driving was the biggest team sport we’d all ever be part of. We had a rule book and knew the laws and you could tell a lot about people based on how they drove and treated the rest of the people on the team. I’ll always remember that story and have shared it with many others. 

    Hope everyone has a great night!

    • Like 4
  9. Thank you Rich for The Daily and Roy for the Care and Celebrations list! 

    I am not much of a beach goer when it comes to warm weather and sitting out and getting sun. I love to explore the tide pools in Oregon. Here are a few pictures from Ecola State Park on the Oregon Coast. 

    Hope everyone has a great day. I’ll toast to Veendam and Maasdam tonight to say goodbye. We never sailed the Maasdam but we loved the Veendam. 

    Good night all! 





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  10. Rich, thank you for The Daily and thanks to Roy for the care and celebration lists! 

    For National Park day I’ll share a few pictures from our trip to Mt Rainier National Park. It’s only a few hours from us so we’ve been lucky enough to to visit there and Mt St Helens on a few occasions. Can’t wait to go back. 

    Dinner tonight is chicken strips. Super easy after a long day at work.  

    Hope everyone has a great evening!




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  11. Good evening all! Welcome to all the newcomers and a great big thank you to Rich for The Daily. 

    Today we celebrate my sons 21st birthday 🎁 He is our baby so now both kids are all grown. So exciting and a little sad all at the same time. 

    Here’s a picture of my son and husband taken for his birthday. My husband has created a family tradition of crafting everyone their very own puke bucket for their 21st. So far he’s made  6 and has about 5 more to go before this group of kids is all grown up. The first 5 recipients put their buckets to good use. My son will use his as decoration. He has no interest in having a drink. 

    Hope everyone has a great night! Dinner for us will be leftovers. 


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  12. Good morning all! Thanks Rich for the Daily.  

    We are prepping for our sons birthday this weekend. He will be 21 and spending it at home. No going out for the traditional 21st birthday drink in the time of COVID. He doesn’t mind though because his personality doesn’t lend to partying anyway. 

    Dinner tonight will be something quick and easy. I haven’t quite decided yet. I’ve never had spumoni but I love ice cream so it’s worth a try. 

    Hope everyone has a great day! I’m off to work now. 

    • Like 6
  13. Good afternoon all!


    Thank you for the Daily Rich.  😊


    I’m not sure how many of you have seen the Disney movie Halloweentown but I live in the City where it was filmed. We have a yearly celebration that brings in people from all over. The City, in their lack of wisdom, is still planning to celebrate this year. So many people are upset by this and hope they change their minds. Anyway, that’s the long way Of sharing my picture for today. It’s town square and the Courthouse all decorated for Halloweentown. 


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  14. Good morning all!


    Thank you Rich for the Daily update 😊


    I started to check in yesterday and then my daughter dropped by. She and her significant other are house hunting and she wanted to show me some of the prospects. House here are so expensive that I’m not sure how our young people can afford to buy anything. It’s a blessing right now that the rates are so low. They are both almost 24 with good and stable jobs but the houses at the entry level end start at $325,000. With low rates that would put their payments at what they pay for rent so it will balance out. And thankfully they don’t have student loan debt. That’s been paid. But wow! Such incredibly expensive housing. 

    We are grateful that it is cooling down a bit today. 

    Hope everyone has a great day. 

    • Like 7
  15. 13 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

    Good morning!  Happy Belated Birthday to @richwmn!


    We went to Butchart's yesterday - it is pretty well all annuals now, which are not my favourite, but plenty of colour.  The huge beds of dahlias are amazing, from dinner plates to tiny pompoms.  The bees are sooo happy!













    My favorite place to visit in Victoria. We are so sad that we didn’t getting our yearly visit this year. Fingers crossed for next year. 

    • Like 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, kazu said:


    Although I don’t have AC, it sounds like you and I have the same objective today.  Emptying all my bottom cupboards and drawers (new counter going in on Monday) so might as well clean and be Holly Homemaker.

    Waiting for some shelving to dry that I washed to put more stuff outside.

    Our AC is just a small portable one that vents thru the window. It is definitely worth the few hundred dollars it cost on the days it gets in the 90’s and above. 

    We just got new counters too! We had our whole kitchen redone from March to June and it’s now all done. The new countertops are my favorite thing about the new kitchen. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I’ve enjoyed mine. 

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  17. Sending a big happy birthday to Rich!


    Love today’s quote.  It’s so true🤣


    My husband is packing up for a week long fishing and camping trip with his cousin. So, it gives me a week of alone time which is wonderful. It’s nice to be able to recharge and do nothing for a few days. And, it means I don’t need to worry about cooking. I can just snack on whatever I want. 

    It’s going to hot here outside of Portland today. We are supposed to hit 100 degrees. That doesn’t happen often in our area. The dogs and I will be taking it easy inside with the AC on and doing some deep cleaning chores that always get put on hold. 

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. 


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  18. 7 hours ago, richwmn said:

    As of today Cruise Mappers transferred Amsterdam and Rotterdam to Fred Olsen Lines, so they will no longer appear on the maps

    Farewell! Amsterdam was my favorite. I could never pinpoint why exactly. It was just a feeling that I immediately felt like I was home. I was looking forward to going in Rotterdam in 2021. I am really disappointed that will never happen. 

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